For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

Does anyone use the General Hydroponics nutrients in their CAP? I am faily new to the Hydro thing as well as the CAP Ebb and Grow but when I add all suggested nutrients using the GH calculator, advanced formula, it makes my water foam up with brown foam and in a day or two it gets really stinky. The last res change I added H2O2 before adding the nutes to the water and this helped delay the stink but it just took an extra couple of days. Does anyone else experience this when they add new GH nutes to a fresh res? Is this normal? My plants and roots are super healthy and look great. Just wnat to make sure they stay that way, any info appreciated! ~BS

How you doing bro, il start off by saying congrats on the egg! First things first stop using the full gh line! There are
Thing that dont mesh well in a ebb and for a ebb&grow beginner you should stay away from organics! And stay
Inorganic! Use gh flora series three part with sups like kool bloom liquid and powder, dimond
For me technoflora nute line is awsome...........the brown foam is bad bactiria exspoding to life in your res and if
Stinks like poop its no good. H202 will help keep things clean not 100%! I would run a tea if your wanting a tea
Resipe let me know!
How you doing bro, il start off by saying congrats on the egg! First things first stop using the full gh line! There are
Thing that dont mesh well in a ebb and for a ebb&grow beginner you should stay away from organics! And stay
Inorganic! Use gh flora series three part with sups like kool bloom liquid and powder, dimond
For me technoflora nute line is awsome...........the brown foam is bad bactiria exspoding to life in your res and if
Stinks like poop its no good. H202 will help keep things clean not 100%! I would run a tea if your wanting a tea
Resipe let me know!

Thanks man, I did find a recipe for a tea but wasnt really sure how to use it? I would be interested in the recipe you are using in the CAP if you sont mind sharing, thanks. Do I just add it to each new res? can I add it to an existing res and quit with the H2O2? Do I need to stop using it during flush? Sorry, just bein a hydro newb!
Heres what I brew up

Items to get
1). Myco madness from humbolt, great white works to
2). (ewc) earth worm castings, ancient forest works great to
3). Molassis
4). A clean sock
5). 5gal bucket
6). Air pump
7). Air stones

How to brew

1) Put 4gals of waterin the bucket, water needs to be close to 66f
2). Put x2 handfulls of ewc in the sock tie a knot throw it in the water
3). Add 1 to 2 tsp of myco or great white in
4). Fire up the air stones
5). Add x2 tsp of mollassis
6). Brew for 48hr

Adding instruction

1). Add 1 gal per 10gals of res to enoculate
2). Every three days after your enoculation time add 1 cup per 10 gals
To maintain a clean res change out every 7 to 10 days.
Also (do not use any bleach or h202 just add your nutes then tea then ph
And enjoy!
Thanks HR, I appreciate it. I am stuck with the GH line for a bit as I bought 1 gallon jugs of everything. But, I will stop using the ones that appear to be organic in makup. A couple were suspect from the beginning as they wre pretty brown and smelly. The res smells more like stong earthy smell, like dirt rather than poop. Thanks for the tips and recipe, i will definately give it try.
Thanks HR, I appreciate it. I am stuck with the GH line for a bit as I bought 1 gallon jugs of everything. But, I will stop using the ones that appear to be organic in makup. A couple were suspect from the beginning as they wre pretty brown and smelly. The res smells more like stong earthy smell, like dirt rather than poop. Thanks for the tips and recipe, i will definately give it try.

Good luck and hit me up if you have anymore issues and to keep me post on yhing to would be cool peace
I am using the full line of GH and I have not been very impressed. My res temps are running high and I won't have a chiller for a week or two.
FloraBlend IS a tea... it is pre-digested, but I think some of the bacteria go dormant and will reactivate. Using Floralicious Plus has innoculated your rez with Bacillus Subtilis... Did you use the subcultures?

what are your rez temps? Shouldn't foam up if the rez is cool..

Chech out this feed chart - it is the good one:

my res is kept at 65F with a chiller. My PH is at 5.8 to 6.0. It does it every time. Not sure why and everything seems healthy and happy. the scehdule you provided (thanks) is pretty much what I am using.
my res is kept at 65F with a chiller. My PH is at 5.8 to 6.0. It does it every time. Not sure why and everything seems healthy and happy. the scehdule you provided (thanks) is pretty much what I am using.

sounds like you are not using florashield... they would recommend it for your foam
can someone who runs an organic nute tea in their rez post:
1. nute tea brewing methods
2. timer schedule
3. ph / ec of nute tea

pics of their healthy root system or big buds always appreciated.

a sterile 3 part such as gh plus a lil extra love like koolboom liquid makes fat nuggets with well water :D

i actually got great results with floranova and pura vida grow as well
can someone who runs an organic nute tea in their rez post:
1. nute tea brewing methods
2. timer schedule
3. ph / ec of nute tea

pics of their healthy root system or big buds always appreciated.

My tds x500 of my tea is +100 over my tap and thats 100 so 200
My tea resipe on 251 or 251 of this thread.
And that got time schedule
I cant help but notice how much more frosty my buds are in Hydro as opposed to soil. I have grown several crops of this strain and NEVER seen results like this in soil. WOW. very nice. I always had great results in soil with NO complaints at all but damn!
Ok I got some advanced type questions for you people. I'm about to go back to using my ebb monster as its made, with dyna gro rokII and flooding every whenever, my question is this.......I just had a bout with fungus gnats in a rdwc type setup of the monster. Now from what I understand gnats aren't attracted unless theres a fungus present. since I've been trying to run a sterile res(totally sterile is impossible I think) and seeing it not work (gnats present so there must be fungi some-fucking-where) I've been leaning towards bennie bacteria and the question...IF fungus being present IS what attracts these asshat gnats is it a good idea to run bennies(bacteria and fungi)? anyone, anyone?
Finaly I've found a thread I can relate to, I also use the ebb n grow buckets but I haven't been able to fine tune it 100%, I drilled some more holes on the inner buckets because the roots were clogging the holes at the bottom so I made holes on the side of the inner buckets, now the roots come out of those hole too but not enough to clog them.
The only problem I have is something call the claw, I've tried diffrent nutes but always end up with the claw don''t know what causes it.
I water my plants 5 times a day, and I change the rez every 18 days and I flush for 1 day in between.

Hey, I get the same thing, using the ebb/grow. Ive been trying to figure it out for a while now. Ive got nothing. If I figure anything out, ill hit you up. Good luck.
Hey, I get the same thing, using the ebb/grow. Ive been trying to figure it out for a while now. Ive got nothing. If I figure anything out, ill hit you up. Good luck.
I put a mesh screen at the bottom of the inner bucket (mainly because my rokII are too small and go thru the holes, wonder if this will keep the roots in.
an easy way to double rez capacity is just get another 55/60gal drum, fill it up, and start a siphon between the two barrels. I used 1" tubing. They will automatically keep the same level between the two barrels. probably gotta run a few cycles before osmosis evens everything out with respect to ppm and ph. I am trying this out now.
howdy fellas,just dropped in to see how ya'll doin' and throw a little diy ditty up,for chillin your res without buyin' a chiller,i cut a 6in hole in the top of my res,put a 8in to 6in vent reducer in the hole,then put a 6in muffin fan in that,plugged her in and dropped my temps almost 10 degrees,i think the whole setup was just under 20 bucks,kind of a swamp cooler gig,also i wrapped the res with some of that mylar bubble wrap insulation works a treat