For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

Hey simpson maybe you can help me out with something else. I was planning on using 9x9x10 inch square pots that are 3 gallons each and my room would be about 24 inches deep and 46 inches wide. That would leave room for 10. What if I did a sog style grow and used like 4 or 5 inch square pots and push the room dimensions to 25 inches deep and 50 inches wide. That would give me room for 72 shorties. What would be a more efficient way of using my room. Sog or normal. What has the potential of giving more. No matter what I do the room will be made of clones so theoretically growth would remain the same. If I do normal I will veg for 2 to 4 weeks, not really sure yet. And I will also take some rectangular pieces of wood and line them with 42 watter cfls and put those on all four sides of the 26 inch long by 13 inch wide super sun 2 air cooled hood.

the larger the plant and the larger the veg time the more the yield and the larger the flowers it will produce... but that also means longer between harvests.. it is possible to get equal yields with a sog style grow.. the main thing is keeping mothers for clones.... basically it comes down to this.. do you want larger flowers/yields less often or smaller flowers and yields more often??

I also meant to say I know that yield depends a lot on environment and strain and other factors but it seems pretty common place for people to get like a half for each one and if you divide 72 by 2 then that gives you 32 wholes. And if you could push it to 1 whole for each one that gives 72 wholes. That's compared to maybe 2 to 3 zips for each of the 10. It seems better to sog but maybe you can elaborate. Also is sog fairly simple.

sog is simple to run.. just as long as you keep mothers and clones coming...
Well I think my girlfriend is actually going to be okay now. After I explained to her some of the benefits of a bigger box she started to get energized about it. I won't go big this grow but on my next one I will build bigger. So if I go bigger box then I can harvest every month or so and I would probably want really huge dank looking nugs so I guess growing them out would be good. I want to work on my cloning this grow anyway so I should probably keep it simple. I was just wondering because I am new to growing and I am trying to find a method that works for me and my swing. I found those 9x9x10 pots that are like 3 gallons on the net but then I found some that are 9.6x9.6x11.5 and those are 4 gallons so I will probably go with the bigger pots so I can grow them tall. I was planing on making the box like 6ft tall or around that. The hood is 8 inches tall. Do you think thats enough height for plants vegged for a month. Do you think I should use the same size pots to veg in for a month that I use for flower. I was thinking of getting smaller pots for veg but now I think I will just use the same size so I don't have to transplant.
Hey simpson, with a good yielding strain do you think I will need side lighting also to get 2 zips or more per plant. Or do you think that the 400 watter with some 42 watt cfls on top around the 400 will be enough. If I try and keep the plants less than 3 and 1/2 to 4 feet tall will that help with light penetration making it an unnecessary purchase.
SimpsonSampson... got another one for you. i asked you recently about 2 Northern Lights plants of mine. both plants were young and growing with twisting leaves... you said it was possibly a different phenotype. well, the grow started on 1/12/10. it's now 2/28/10, and i'm WAY behind schedule. plants have been growing very slowly and continued to have some twisting leaves. i planned on vegging for a month, however, my plants are only 7 inches tall! i did top them about 3 weeks ago, and they've barely recovered from that. they had less than 5 nodes when i topped them. they were probably 6 inches when i topped them. regardless, their growth has been terribly slow. i'm debating now on cutting them and moving on to a different strain. i've got 20,000 lumens worth of light on them, fox farm soil and nutes, everything by the book. i should've had a month in veg, and at the rate they're goin, i dont know if i'll ever even get out of veg! have you ever heard of this behavior before? have any ideas or suggestions as to what i should do? would really appreciate your insight.... thanks.
Well I think my girlfriend is actually going to be okay now. After I explained to her some of the benefits of a bigger box she started to get energized about it. I won't go big this grow but on my next one I will build bigger. So if I go bigger box then I can harvest every month or so and I would probably want really huge dank looking nugs so I guess growing them out would be good. I want to work on my cloning this grow anyway so I should probably keep it simple. I was just wondering because I am new to growing and I am trying to find a method that works for me and my swing. I found those 9x9x10 pots that are like 3 gallons on the net but then I found some that are 9.6x9.6x11.5 and those are 4 gallons so I will probably go with the bigger pots so I can grow them tall. I was planing on making the box like 6ft tall or around that. The hood is 8 inches tall. Do you think thats enough height for plants vegged for a month. Do you think I should use the same size pots to veg in for a month that I use for flower. I was thinking of getting smaller pots for veg but now I think I will just use the same size so I don't have to transplant.

the main thing to remember when growing a smaller plant in a larger pot is to water based on the plants current needs.. by that i mean dont saturate a 4 gallon pot completely down for a small little plant... you'll have to kind of play a slight guessing game when it comes to water as the plant grows up... the other thing you could do is to start the seeds/clones in 4x4 rockwool blocks and hand water them until you see roots growing out of them... then move them to large pots.. this way they have established roots and it will make over watering the pots a little less of an issue... but the more you can keep from transplanting pot to pot (where you have to remove a plant from one pot and replant in another) the better...

Hey simpson, with a good yielding strain do you think I will need side lighting also to get 2 zips or more per plant. Or do you think that the 400 watter with some 42 watt cfls on top around the 400 will be enough. If I try and keep the plants less than 3 and 1/2 to 4 feet tall will that help with light penetration making it an unnecessary purchase.

alright... now to talk about light and light efficiency as far as penetration goes...

first off a 400w lamp growing 3 or 4 tall plants is going to be a waste.... 400w lamps only penetrate about 1 foot into a canopy.. so with a 3 foot plant, the lower 2 ft wont get much light at all... if you want to grow taller plants, which personally to me is a much better plant anyways, you'll want to get larger lights... i would say a 1000w lamp... if you plan on getting 2 x 400w lamps anyways, you might as well get the 1000w lamp and have AMAZING results.. and you'd only need 1 for the entire tent... have smaller plants in the middle raised up some... and larger plants towards the outside.... a 1000w lamp will give you about 3 feet of penetration.. so the 3 or 4 ft tall plants would get flowered pretty well from top to bottom.. and your fan would more than keep it cool..

if you dont want to go that big then get a 400w lamp for vegging and a 600 for flower.. that would work very well too... or start the plants under the 400w and move them under the 600w to finish.. something in that sense...

or... if you are just sticking with 400w lamps... keep to shorter plants.. 2ft and under as a final height.. and just run more... big plants only yield big if they have the proper lighting.. they require more light since they are bigger.. no use in wasting grow space or extra time vegging if the light cant get the job done...

Great thread! Thanks. Scribed

thank you

SimpsonSampson... got another one for you. i asked you recently about 2 Northern Lights plants of mine. both plants were young and growing with twisting leaves... you said it was possibly a different phenotype. well, the grow started on 1/12/10. it's now 2/28/10, and i'm WAY behind schedule. plants have been growing very slowly and continued to have some twisting leaves. i planned on vegging for a month, however, my plants are only 7 inches tall! i did top them about 3 weeks ago, and they've barely recovered from that. they had less than 5 nodes when i topped them. they were probably 6 inches when i topped them. regardless, their growth has been terribly slow. i'm debating now on cutting them and moving on to a different strain. i've got 20,000 lumens worth of light on them, fox farm soil and nutes, everything by the book. i should've had a month in veg, and at the rate they're goin, i dont know if i'll ever even get out of veg! have you ever heard of this behavior before? have any ideas or suggestions as to what i should do? would really appreciate your insight.... thanks.

hey bro... sorry to hear things are moving slow... but i have a couple ideas....

first im sticking with pheno as the answer to the twisting leaves... aside from their short stature and twisted leaves you have made me think anything else is wrong... do they look ok otherwise?? if they look healthy then they are...

here are the remaining answers i have... some strains are super slow to veg... they can take what seems like forever to make any progress.. a friend of mine that grows la confidential complains about that all the time.. it takes him 2 months of veg to get the same results from that strain as he gets in 1 month with others... the problem is there are so many northern lights strains now, without knowing which cut or whos northern lights it is, its hard to tell...

the second thing it could be is just poor genetics... even if you got these from a breeder its still possible... especially if they are f1's.. i wont go to much into breeding or anything... ill keep it simple.. but if the seeds are the first generation of spring of 2 plants they may have a SHIT load of unknown phenos... which 2 very undersireable ones would be showing.. the twisted leaves and slow growth.. even if the parents genetics were strong, if the seeds were premature seeds, it could explain things as well... do you know how healthy the seeds were when you got them or where they came from?? i can try to do some research through what you tell me and see if that doesnt lead somewhere...

also.... if you can GENTLY pull the plant from the pot and look at the root system a little they may offer some insight too.. if the root system hasnt grown.. or seems stunted.. thats another very possible cause...

Alright, I took a little pic of the warterfam I found online & tricked it out a bit to illustrate exactly what they look like (they have photo of large plant w/ roots in manual but didn;t feel like scannin, illustratin took just as long & I believe gets the point across (let's hope my girl looks like the shot I found for my ill.

Hopefully, it shows ya what ya need to know.

And beautiful that you recommended reg. General Hydro (Flora series) nutes. As they came w/ the waterfarm & i have ready to go.

So take a look doc.

If they gotta stay in the 3" cubes til their roots are stickin out, I def. gotta start figurin out how to hand water my x2 mommies.

As my manifold will be maxxed out takin care of the proper amount (dozen) girls to fit into v-drip when autos are done. I realize it prob. wil be problematic puttin girls that are 4-5 weeks old into that small v-drip, as they are supposed to only handle plants 15-20" max. But fuk it, some of those autos are up over 2' and doin fine, and I'll just become the king od LST or learn up on some scrog. The pots are crammed close together due to system, but gotta descent amount of space around v-drip for LST.

Any resources regarding FIM, super croppin, & toppin that you wcould point me in the right direction of, I'd be most appreciative. Granted a little far off @ this point, but be good to start some readin. Just finished a kick ass book I was on, so have ample time & need some new good shit to soak in.

Finally, while on the topic of info. I need.

(Hope I don't fuck myself here, pride does come just before the fall, don't wanna say things are going well then slam fuk somethin up). But what resources could you tell me to look @, or any advice for the ultimate chop day??

I know I'm prob. getting ahead of myself. But I will need to prepare. I cannot obv. dry in closet, and I have some unique situations that will necisitate fabricating a box, or something else, as it will hav to be totally DL. (offspring)

Have a back room that is semi-climate controlled. (Some insualtion, but not a ton). Chop day should be mid-march, so natural temps back there should be right on. Just need to make sure they are dark.

So I suppose some guidlelines for both MIN. & MAX. temps, RH, lighting (do I need complete darkness). All that any any other ideas you have would be choice.

(Do also have any entire attic @ disposal. But have a bad vibe bout something that precious to me bein round rockwool in the air & shit. Fuk, now yeah, now that I'm thinkin bout it.

I really need some descent advice their. Fuk I might hav to rent a storage space or something. All depends on what I need I suppose. As I wouldnt have much control for climate in storage space either. Ah shit, need ya here goose. Let's hope I make it that far, jus didnt cover that for some reason.

Thanks for teachin me all this shit bro.

alright.... so first thing is first.. lets talk about the hydro farm....

you are more than ok to start throwing plants in that thing as soon as you want... the lower part acts somewhat like a dwc yea... but it also acts as the res that feeds the drip ring... its set up that way to promote root growth.. make the roots reach out and down for water and nutes... then when they get lower to the water line they have the dwc.. and really it looks like the roots wont grow all the way down.. more than likely they will stop at the gap between the hydroton and the water... but whenever you want to start that go for it...

the v-drip probably talks about not having large plants because of plant support.. not enough of anything for the roots to really take hold and support themselves with.. as long as you support the plants they should be fine...

as far as chopping here is a basic overview of how i do it... and a couple things that may help your situation also....

1) i start out by removing as many large fan leaves as i can.. i dont worry about the ones in the flowers.. just the ones on the stems...

2) once they are removed i cut off all the branches and side branches.. basically cut them down to easily handled sizes....

3) i then start trimming the flowers.. i save all these trimming for hash or butter or whatever in the end....

4) once they are trimmed i throw them on my drying net to dry.. takes about 4 or 5 days... then i throw them in paper bags for a day or two to allow the moisture to even out some.. then into mason jars to start curing.. which get burped a few times a day (leavin the lids off for about 20 to 30 minutes)....

the net i use is similar to this they work great and hold a good amount of harvest... plus they take up little space... leave that near the ona gel and you have no issues...

another way to do things is to get a large box.. like a fridge box or something similar... run string across the inside to make drying lines... add a hole to the bottom for air intake.. a small fan (even a couple pc fans work) to the top for exhaust.. and let them dry inside the box.. again the ona should take care of all smell concerns... no need to rent a storage unit or anything like that...

the benefit of the box is that with it being enclosed it can hold in the moisture which means a slower drying process.. the slower the better (as long as there is no mold).... if you use the rack try to put it somewhere where the humidity level is a bit higher.. and it is dark.... dark is ideal as well..
Could you please post the time frame from seed to sexing time.I grow outdoors and this is my first season starting from seed as a opposed to clones. I would like to sex the plants early ,so I may cut extras to plant outdoors.My seeds have popped ,I have two leaves on each seedling ok at this point I require advice on the sexing.
its really hard to give a time frame for outdoor growing since seasons varry depending on where you live...

typically they will start wanting to flower around august.... by mid to end of august you should be able to tell sex.... you'll definitely know early enough to pull males without pollination.. but it could be anywhere from mid august to mid september depending on the strain and the veg time...
Today is the 5th day flowering and they have not been fed any nutes in 13days. The foxfarm soil feeding schedule says that the first week of flowering I should use 2tsp per gallon of TigerBloom and 1tablespoon of Big Bloom, and not to use any growbig again until the third week of flowering. I am going to go ahead and water with nothing added again because they need the water more than they need any nutes (no apparent nute deficiency yet). So yeah I am wondering if I should start using things other than grow big, and should I go 1/4 of that recommendation or less?* because that page says 2/3 teaspoons of growbig during veg. And while I did that we considered 1/2 strength to be 1/2 a teaspoon.

UPDATE: So I watered with about 2 gallons of kitchen sink tap that sat out in distilled water gallon jugs (and I shook a bunch of times) for 24 hours. Nothing added, pH was already 6.5 according to color drip test. I forgot to check ppm last time so I did this time, here are the notes I just took. *I use that standard spray bottle thing to water, before doing their runoff tests I gave each one 1.5 of those spray bottle containers full of water. Then gave each about another 1.5 after the test* i think

Watering Water (lol) - ppm of 029
Abby- ppm 366 greenish tint to water?
Berri- ppm 198 much less (if any) color tint to the water
Alma- ppm 144ppm *drained out slightly more than double the water the other 2 did, little if any color to the water

Abby is the smallest plant that grew like a fist full of leaves, Berri is the 2nd tallest, and Alma is the tallest* one leaning over hard, i had it pulled down further but I needed to cut the strings for all this. The tallest seems to be most sensitive to water, I think she starts running low a day earlier than the others *see how shes pretty droopy watering day? she was like that last couple times too, the others don't seem to be as thirsty after 3 days. The 2nd tallest you can tell is getting thirsty on the 3rd day but not anywhere near as bad as the tallest. And I imagine that the smallest plant would start to look thirsty the 4th day (she dosen't seem thirsty today).
The ppm tester I use is a TDS-3 from HM Digital, I bought a bottle of Genesis Instruments Calibration solution (1500ppm at .70 conversion factor) and the meter reads that solution as being in the high 900s (x 1.7 is about 1500) so I think it is accurate...
So it would seem my tallest plant has the fewest nutes in its soil because it is huge, and because the water drains a lot faster. - feed/water her more often? The 2nd tallest is about the same for ppm but holds her water a lot better, and the smallest has almost double the ppm runoff as the other 2, so does that mean she won't need to be watered/fed as often?

PS: Again day 5 of flowering, day 58 above ground for all 3, day 16 of tent/hps, took the pH tests about 20 minutes after they were done being watered and back in the tent. The Tallest was getting readings from 5.5-6.5 and the other 2 were getting between 6.2 and 6.5. I have a cheap like 6 dollar analog tempt gauge with a humidity thingy on it. I hang it from the top of the tent and it hangs down at the bottom of the upper 1/3rd of the tent, It reads between 80-85 degrees (never seen it higher) and between 30 and 40 for humidity. It dosen't feel like 80-85 up there, maybe below the light. Even at the top of the plants it dosen't feel like it would be too warm for them, so i imagine they are fine temp and humidity wise for the rest of the grow.*I always keep the window in my room open about 3-4 inches when I am gone, and often open all the way when I am here.

PSS: Holes in those containers aren't LARGE but big enough that small amounts/particles of the soil mix get out *i did realize there weren't any big particles but you of course could see bits of fine dirt particles in the water


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hi, i heard that if you grow in soil indoors with a 400w hps lamp and the humidity goes under 40% -30%, you can put some water in a big bowl and put inside the plant pots. but the pots must not touch the water. you must put them 1-2 centem=eters above the water.
is this correct???? thank you.
Today is the 5th day flowering and they have not been fed any nutes in 13days. The foxfarm soil feeding schedule says that the first week of flowering I should use 2tsp per gallon of TigerBloom and 1tablespoon of Big Bloom, and not to use any growbig again until the third week of flowering. I am going to go ahead and water with nothing added again because they need the water more than they need any nutes (no apparent nute deficiency yet). So yeah I am wondering if I should start using things other than grow big, and should I go 1/4 of that recommendation or less?* because that page says 2/3 teaspoons of growbig during veg. And while I did that we considered 1/2 strength to be 1/2 a teaspoon.

UPDATE: So I watered with about 2 gallons of kitchen sink tap that sat out in distilled water gallon jugs (and I shook a bunch of times) for 24 hours. Nothing added, pH was already 6.5 according to color drip test. I forgot to check ppm last time so I did this time, here are the notes I just took. *I use that standard spray bottle thing to water, before doing their runoff tests I gave each one 1.5 of those spray bottle containers full of water. Then gave each about another 1.5 after the test* i think

Watering Water (lol) - ppm of 029
Abby- ppm 366 greenish tint to water?
Berri- ppm 198 much less (if any) color tint to the water
Alma- ppm 144ppm *drained out slightly more than double the water the other 2 did, little if any color to the water

Abby is the smallest plant that grew like a fist full of leaves, Berri is the 2nd tallest, and Alma is the tallest* one leaning over hard, i had it pulled down further but I needed to cut the strings for all this. The tallest seems to be most sensitive to water, I think she starts running low a day earlier than the others *see how shes pretty droopy watering day? she was like that last couple times too, the others don't seem to be as thirsty after 3 days. The 2nd tallest you can tell is getting thirsty on the 3rd day but not anywhere near as bad as the tallest. And I imagine that the smallest plant would start to look thirsty the 4th day (she dosen't seem thirsty today).
The ppm tester I use is a TDS-3 from HM Digital, I bought a bottle of Genesis Instruments Calibration solution (1500ppm at .70 conversion factor) and the meter reads that solution as being in the high 900s (x 1.7 is about 1500) so I think it is accurate...
So it would seem my tallest plant has the fewest nutes in its soil because it is huge, and because the water drains a lot faster. - feed/water her more often? The 2nd tallest is about the same for ppm but holds her water a lot better, and the smallest has almost double the ppm runoff as the other 2, so does that mean she won't need to be watered/fed as often?

PS: Again day 5 of flowering, day 58 above ground for all 3, day 16 of tent/hps, took the pH tests about 20 minutes after they were done being watered and back in the tent. The Tallest was getting readings from 5.5-6.5 and the other 2 were getting between 6.2 and 6.5. I have a cheap like 6 dollar analog tempt gauge with a humidity thingy on it. I hang it from the top of the tent and it hangs down at the bottom of the upper 1/3rd of the tent, It reads between 80-85 degrees (never seen it higher) and between 30 and 40 for humidity. It dosen't feel like 80-85 up there, maybe below the light. Even at the top of the plants it dosen't feel like it would be too warm for them, so i imagine they are fine temp and humidity wise for the rest of the grow.*I always keep the window in my room open about 3-4 inches when I am gone, and often open all the way when I am here.

PSS: Holes in those containers aren't LARGE but big enough that small amounts/particles of the soil mix get out *i did realize there weren't any big particles but you of course could see bits of fine dirt particles in the water

alright... so things are starting to sound a bit better all around.....

first lets talk about the plants... with each different plant comes different needs.. i think you are starting to see that based on the ppm runoff and such... so you can sort of start tailoring feeding/watering to each plants needs... it may mean water different days and such.. but its best for the plants..

so alma will be ready for nutes next watering... you can do 1/2 strength bloom and micro/boost (whatever its called on that line)... if there is no N present in either of those you can throw a small amount of veg/gro in it as well.. maybe 1/4 strength.. basically you want to give them just enough N to keep the leaves from prematurely yellowing..

berri sounds like she may need one to two more waterings before shes ready for nutes.. but shes close..

abby, being the smallest, is using things up a lot slower.. so she may have 3 or 4 waterings before needing anything...

now you can always flush the shit out of the mediums to get them down low enough to start feeding them all again... which may not be a bad idea to do on abby and berri.. i'd say at your next watering, water with plain water until you can check the runoff... if its still fairly high (1/2 or more of what they are at now) then i would go ahead and flush them and empty out the nutes and start feeding bloom nutes after that... they should be able to finish what they have up pretty quick... but you also dont want them going too long without the right nutes.. and since most of what would be locked up are veg nutes it would be ideal to flush...

now it is very likely the largest one runs dry quicker than the others... watering isnt an exact science.. theres a lot of room for varriances... so one week they may drink less.. one week they may drink more.. its best to just run each plant as individual ones and check them each seperately for that plants' needs.. if that makes sense...

temp and humidity are sounding good.. they will let you know if they are unhappy there.. as long as you arent seeing light bleaching, burnt tops, and they are drinking well then things are good!

anyways things are looking good bro.. should have a nice harvest in the end!

hi, i heard that if you grow in soil indoors with a 400w hps lamp and the humidity goes under 40% -30%, you can put some water in a big bowl and put inside the plant pots. but the pots must not touch the water. you must put them 1-2 centem=eters above the water.
is this correct???? thank you.

if your humidity drops you can just set a bowl of water in the grow room anywhere.. depending on how big the grow room is will depend on how much water/how big of a container of water you will need.. the larger the room the more water it would take... but that doesnt mean that it will raise the humidty up a lot.. maybe 5 to 10%... a humidifier is the best way to go if you need more humidity... you can also spray the walls of your grow room with water... that helps..
I just received my order from the attitude seed bank. With my order I got a free greenhouse cheese seed along with the seeds I bought. The only problem is that the cheese seed is pink. I only got one and all the other seeds are cool but this one is pink. Is that normal or did they screw me.
Hey I meant to say also simpson that I already have one 400 watter and I was about to buy another for my box but I decided to get the 600 watter based on your responses earlier. Then after I get my first harvest I can get another 600 and maybe sell the 400 off. Do you think the 4 inch rockwool cubes will hold a plant through 4 weeks veg because I actually think this is a great idea to save me space on things like pots and I can even take clones and put them straight in the bigger cube instead of what I was planning on doing was getting the 1.5 inch and put those in propagation trays and then going to a small pot and then to big pot for flowering. And with the 600 should I go with a bigger pot and can it handle a 4 week vegged plant with efficiency. What should I put the 4 inch cubes in while I wait for it to grow in the veg box.
Hey sampson,

Got another question for you.

Right now, my plants are curling ALOT and turning yellow, and dying. I am 3 weeks aways from harvest, and don't know what to do. This started to happen when I hooked up my carbon filter to my growbox, which I think is trapping more air inside my box, because my fan is not strong enough.

I was wondering what I should do.

Should I flush my plants now, do you think this will help? How do i flush? Im using foxfarm soil, and canna nutes.

any help would be great, i want to save my plants.
SimpsonSampson... thank you for the timely response. the northern lights seeds are from the attitude seed bank. the breeder of the seeds is White Label. White Label Feminized Northern lights. the first seed i used out of the batch was strong and healthy and produced nicely. these 2 seeds are doing the exact opposite. i understand what you were saying in your last post to me. i suppose that it could be the genes being the issue. i'm getting a digi thermometer and humidity gauge this weekend so i can rule that possibility out too. i will try checking the roots in a week or so if things dont pick up. the plants are a nice healthy green color. the only unhealthy thing i could say about them is that the leaves sag alot. even when watered, half of leaves will be perking up to the light like they should, and other will sag. if i'm more than a half a day late with watering, the entire plant collapses. seems to me that they're very weak and fragile... not like the first plant. thanks again.

Damn, thanks my man, 2 kind, 2 kind.

This is perfect, I will read this shiz down.

Great info. on the drying. I like those racks, look sweet, but appears that I would have to order from overseas. Bet shipping be a bitch, but they pretty cheap.

I like the box idea better. THat sounds wicked & doable w/ my "situation", and I got those x2 -4" cheapo inline fans (the ones that didn't work for shit & got my temp up to 100 that 1st night - seems like an eternity ago goose). Christ, thanks for hangin with me!

ANyway those little piss ant fans would be perfect for such. Could you break off some temps so I can plan for which area. Also, what are your thoughts on placing box in attic?

Sounds similar to what Mr. Green does in that grow-umentary "I Grow Chronic".

Been wonderin, what do you OG's think of that movie. Personally, I have to say it kinda was my inspiration & gave me that "I might actually be able to pull this shiz off". So I thank him for that. Just wanna know what folks who are in the know think of him.

Finally for tonight. Another one of Mr. Green's ideas. It's for the moms to ensure I don't get another turncoat mutha like I did with autos. Be just my luck to nurture these x2 moms & then find out ones a dude.

Could I take little cuttings (a clone or 2 of each), and put in a fukin solo cup or something & throw into tent w/ photo girls in v-drip on 12-12 to make certain there are no Y chromosones, and straight bitches? Obv. not tryin to get any yield from my "massive" solo cups. Just wanted to see if the cutting would show sex after a week or 2 in 12/12 tent, to end the androgeny w/ the moms? OK, really finally, normal reg. photo girls (my moms for instance), how long does it take a plant in a true vegetative state begin to show sex?

Alright, and also, since my seedlings (photo girls) will be fairly developed (approx. 4-5 weeks old, not sure if thats mature, but they def. older than week old clones), I really won't be SOG'n will I?

Yeah, if you could let me know what kinda a grow I'm doin, that'd be sweet.

For real, thanks as always my man.

Also, that piece of mind bout that you gave to that "seameat" cat bout household objects w/ comprable wattage was great piece of mind.

Been buggin little bit bout johnny law.

I feel ya on the lack of PC for warrants. But if you feel like it, I would love to set my mind @ eaze bout passed (if any) experience or stories you have heard bout folks runnin int static cause of posting on here, or other sites? I live in prob. one of worst states in the union (quasi south). Bunch o' hillbillys mostly, hopin to get back to OR if the west coast ever starts gettin some bloody job openings.

Thanks for everything my man. PM me back if inapprope.
Sorry dude, 4got to ask bout increasing potency on nutes for photo seedlings. basically how many days on 1/4, how many on 1/2.

Do you believe in 3/4, or straight balls in to full strength after a few days of positive growth?

BTW, those spots are clearing up nice & lookin prettty sturdy & healthy, thanks again me brova. Still hand watering bout 4oz's of nutrient on em 3-4 times a day.

Pretty much go til I have drainage in from the bottom of cube. Any sage advice on a visual indicator for hand watering cubes?

They def. be on drippers by this weekend. got all rigged up, just waitin to pick the final healthiest & a few are still batllin out for the top spot,ha
thanks for the response!

np.. hope it helped!

I just received my order from the attitude seed bank. With my order I got a free greenhouse cheese seed along with the seeds I bought. The only problem is that the cheese seed is pink. I only got one and all the other seeds are cool but this one is pink. Is that normal or did they screw me.

some say the colored seeds dont germ as well.. i dont know what they use to color them.. it seems stupid to coat them in something to me.. see if you can wash that shit off before planting it..

Hey I meant to say also simpson that I already have one 400 watter and I was about to buy another for my box but I decided to get the 600 watter based on your responses earlier. Then after I get my first harvest I can get another 600 and maybe sell the 400 off. Do you think the 4 inch rockwool cubes will hold a plant through 4 weeks veg because I actually think this is a great idea to save me space on things like pots and I can even take clones and put them straight in the bigger cube instead of what I was planning on doing was getting the 1.5 inch and put those in propagation trays and then going to a small pot and then to big pot for flowering. And with the 600 should I go with a bigger pot and can it handle a 4 week vegged plant with efficiency. What should I put the 4 inch cubes in while I wait for it to grow in the veg box.

i would suggest at least 1 inch of cube for every week you want to hold them.. it might be in your best interest to say fuck it and go with 6x6 blocks just to be safe...

you can leave the cubes in flood trays if you want.. basically it can be anything you want that will keep them from dripping on the ground..

a 600w lamp should more than cover your needs with a 4 week veg time... 2 of them will make you have perma grin...

Hey sampson,

Got another question for you.

Right now, my plants are curling ALOT and turning yellow, and dying. I am 3 weeks aways from harvest, and don't know what to do. This started to happen when I hooked up my carbon filter to my growbox, which I think is trapping more air inside my box, because my fan is not strong enough.

I was wondering what I should do.

Should I flush my plants now, do you think this will help? How do i flush? Im using foxfarm soil, and canna nutes.

any help would be great, i want to save my plants.

without seeing pictures this is my best guess... towards the end of flowering the plant will start to die off.. the leaves will yellow and start to fall... they may curl and dry out... basically the plant is getting ready to end its life cycle... usually the last few weeks of flowering is when this takes place.. so it sounds like things are happening as they should... the carbon filter shouldnt slow down air movement at all.. and even so, unless the temps are CRAZY hot from it there shouldnt be any adverse affects.. do you have the fan pushing or pulling the air?? if you can set it up to pull the air through the carbon filter that would help air movement and work your fan less..

as far as flushing i'd wait until the last week or so... start by running 3x to 5x the amount of water as the volume of the pot through it... let it dry out.. and do it again a few days later.. should be plenty of flushing to get your girls ready for chop..

SimpsonSampson... thank you for the timely response. the northern lights seeds are from the attitude seed bank. the breeder of the seeds is White Label. White Label Feminized Northern lights. the first seed i used out of the batch was strong and healthy and produced nicely. these 2 seeds are doing the exact opposite. i understand what you were saying in your last post to me. i suppose that it could be the genes being the issue. i'm getting a digi thermometer and humidity gauge this weekend so i can rule that possibility out too. i will try checking the roots in a week or so if things dont pick up. the plants are a nice healthy green color. the only unhealthy thing i could say about them is that the leaves sag alot. even when watered, half of leaves will be perking up to the light like they should, and other will sag. if i'm more than a half a day late with watering, the entire plant collapses. seems to me that they're very weak and fragile... not like the first plant. thanks again.

there is still a possibility of it being a seed issue.. but from the sagging statements you made it sounds more like its being underwatered.... you said when you water 1/2 the plant perks up and the other 1/2 doesnt, right? is it the lower half, top half, or random, that doesnt perk up??

if you can take a pic or two to look at it would help me asses things better... but im sticking with just a poor seed for now... it happens....

Damn, thanks my man, 2 kind, 2 kind.

This is perfect, I will read this shiz down.

Great info. on the drying. I like those racks, look sweet, but appears that I would have to order from overseas. Bet shipping be a bitch, but they pretty cheap.

I like the box idea better. THat sounds wicked & doable w/ my "situation", and I got those x2 -4" cheapo inline fans (the ones that didn't work for shit & got my temp up to 100 that 1st night - seems like an eternity ago goose). Christ, thanks for hangin with me!

ANyway those little piss ant fans would be perfect for such. Could you break off some temps so I can plan for which area. Also, what are your thoughts on placing box in attic?

Sounds similar to what Mr. Green does in that grow-umentary "I Grow Chronic".

Been wonderin, what do you OG's think of that movie. Personally, I have to say it kinda was my inspiration & gave me that "I might actually be able to pull this shiz off". So I thank him for that. Just wanna know what folks who are in the know think of him.

Finally for tonight. Another one of Mr. Green's ideas. It's for the moms to ensure I don't get another turncoat mutha like I did with autos. Be just my luck to nurture these x2 moms & then find out ones a dude.

Could I take little cuttings (a clone or 2 of each), and put in a fukin solo cup or something & throw into tent w/ photo girls in v-drip on 12-12 to make certain there are no Y chromosones, and straight bitches? Obv. not tryin to get any yield from my "massive" solo cups. Just wanted to see if the cutting would show sex after a week or 2 in 12/12 tent, to end the androgeny w/ the moms? OK, really finally, normal reg. photo girls (my moms for instance), how long does it take a plant in a true vegetative state begin to show sex?

Alright, and also, since my seedlings (photo girls) will be fairly developed (approx. 4-5 weeks old, not sure if thats mature, but they def. older than week old clones), I really won't be SOG'n will I?

Yeah, if you could let me know what kinda a grow I'm doin, that'd be sweet.

For real, thanks as always my man.

Also, that piece of mind bout that you gave to that "seameat" cat bout household objects w/ comprable wattage was great piece of mind.

Been buggin little bit bout johnny law.

I feel ya on the lack of PC for warrants. But if you feel like it, I would love to set my mind @ eaze bout passed (if any) experience or stories you have heard bout folks runnin int static cause of posting on here, or other sites? I live in prob. one of worst states in the union (quasi south). Bunch o' hillbillys mostly, hopin to get back to OR if the west coast ever starts gettin some bloody job openings.

Thanks for everything my man. PM me back if inapprope.

drying you want around 70F and about 50 to 60 RH... that would be ideal for a nice slow dry.. should take a week or so in those conditions.. if you cant meet them exactly thats fine.. the main thing is to keep good air exchange and some air movement within the box (not directly on the plants or they will dry to fast).. the air movement is more about keeping mold spores from landing and growing... i would only use one of those fans as an exhaust fan and keep the other openeing a passive intake...

never seen the dr. green vid... i truly have never watched any videos.. im pretty much self taught... i didnt find this site until a year or two after i started growing... before that i just went at it and hoped for the best.. hell i hadnt ever even gardened before that.. lol i guess i kinda got lucky...

the idea for cuttings to sex moms is perfectly fine... just know it will take a few weeks to get done.. a week or so to root the clones.. and a couple more weeks to sex it... but usually after 5 weeks or so of veg they will show preflowers too.. whichever you want to do is more than fine...

Sorry dude, 4got to ask bout increasing potency on nutes for photo seedlings. basically how many days on 1/4, how many on 1/2.

Do you believe in 3/4, or straight balls in to full strength after a few days of positive growth?

BTW, those spots are clearing up nice & lookin prettty sturdy & healthy, thanks again me brova. Still hand watering bout 4oz's of nutrient on em 3-4 times a day.

Pretty much go til I have drainage in from the bottom of cube. Any sage advice on a visual indicator for hand watering cubes?

They def. be on drippers by this weekend. got all rigged up, just waitin to pick the final healthiest & a few are still batllin out for the top spot,ha

when i start growing photo nutes i increase potency weekly... start at 1/4 and go up to 1/2 the second week.. then full the 3rd week... now i have been doing some experimenting with my ec and such.. and i am actually going a lot stronger in my solutions this grow than i have in the past... normally i would stick to the guidelines i told you a while back... this grow im starting out my sprouts at 1.4 ec... my flowering girls right now are up close to a 3.0ec... the best thing i can suggest (based on the results i am seeing for myself) is to stick to the labeled directions and guidelines i have told ya... then.. once at full strength, assuming they are doing good, increase even further from there.. maybe an extra 1/4 strength of JUST the main nutes, not the additives... if they stilll seem good after that, increase some more... the main thing is this.. the more they have to eat the healthier and stronger they will be.. its apparent to me that they can handle a LOT more nutes than previously thought... but it takes a little experimenting with the plants to get to their ideal level... all it really takes is watching of the plants to see how they react.. you can catch issues early and fix them easily.. so its worth trying a little.. but dont over do it to begin with...

as far as the cubes, visually its almost impossible to tell if they need watered (unless you see them start to shrink).. its basically by feel.. you have to touch them and feel for moisture...
in regards to johnny law.. forgot to mention this...

as long as i have been on this site i have only seen or heard of 1, maybe 2, people that have been busted and RIU has been brought into it... now RIU was not the cause of the bust.. it was someone who told the wrong person who snitched... the only thing RIU had to do with it was evidence.. the cops tore the computer apart... found posts and such from the person after they had got caught... and of course it was used...

there are 2 things i will comment on...

1) obviously keeping your grow secret is key.. be it from the cops of from theives.. its like fight club.. the first rule is you dont talk about it....

2) it would cost the goverment.. be it local or federal.. a LOT of money to try to track down anyone from this site... the fed gov. isnt going to waste their time and resources on 10 plants.... and as far as local gov goes it would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack... to find a person in their city that posts on here.. get enough evidence to do anything about it... and to actually carry out all of this.. would cost to much money and time and would more than likely be a waste for them all together... just keep the city you live in a mystery.. say as little as you can about things that may give away your location.. and you will be fine..
in regards to johnny law.. forgot to mention this...

as long as i have been on this site i have only seen or heard of 1, maybe 2, people that have been busted and RIU has been brought into it... now RIU was not the cause of the bust.. it was someone who told the wrong person who snitched... the only thing RIU had to do with it was evidence.. the cops tore the computer apart... found posts and such from the person after they had got caught... and of course it was used...

there are 2 things i will comment on...

1) obviously keeping your grow secret is key.. be it from the cops of from theives.. its like fight club.. the first rule is you dont talk about it....

2) it would cost the goverment.. be it local or federal.. a LOT of money to try to track down anyone from this site... the fed gov. isnt going to waste their time and resources on 10 plants.... and as far as local gov goes it would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack... to find a person in their city that posts on here.. get enough evidence to do anything about it... and to actually carry out all of this.. would cost to much money and time and would more than likely be a waste for them all together... just keep the city you live in a mystery.. say as little as you can about things that may give away your location.. and you will be fine..

Wicked points my man, especially in this particular economic climate, when their resources are stretched thin. I'll leave that one alone, and yeah the fight club rule thing, that has been my battle cry. You are my only contact for show & tell goose. And I def. plan on keepin it that way, least til I can get back to OR.

Anyway, an important question here.

On about 3 or 4 of my rockwool cubes there is a green substance starting to form on the tops. I'm assuming it's algae, but not sure? I'll get some pics of them up tonight, but wanted to drop you a line before I forgot.

Haven't had a chance to read all your responses to my various questions. But will tonight & I thank you for 'em.

I do also preesh the little extra piece of mind re: the fuzz.

thanks bro