For all the FOX, Beck, Limbaugh, Conservative Haters.

Whatever little shred of credibility Faux may have had, was lost when Hannity got called out on the daily show.

Only bring facts and sources please, no opinions or feelings.

This is exactly why I hate Fox. Rush, and Beck. Opinionated biased news.

Just because someone doesn't share the right wing conservative view doesn't mean they are automatically a "liberal". I prefer just the facts, I can come to my own conclusion with out a preacher.
Here are some revilant sources, if your to weak or scared, it's ok, turn on your TV and forget about it.


Here are some revilant sources, if your to weak or scared, it's ok, turn on your TV and forget about it.



those are the exact opposite of good news(revilant?) sources. The top video was images from google earth who knows what was there. There second one was some guy outside of the place............ If our government is buying coffins yes I am happy there are going to last forever so we don't have to buy them again. I am happy they bought them in bulk so they could get a better deal with tax money. So they have .5 million to 2 million caskets. Our population is 304 million people. Where is the conspiracy?
those are the exact opposite of good news(revilant?) sources. The top video was images from google earth who knows what was there. There second one was some guy outside of the place............ If our government is buying coffins yes I am happy there are going to last forever so we don't have to buy them again. I am happy they bought them in bulk so they could get a better deal with tax money. So they have .5 million to 2 million caskets. Our population is 304 million people. Where is the conspiracy?

Sir you are the one that said "conspiracy" not me.

Be a proud amerikan

Sir you are the one that said "conspiracy" not me.

Be a proud amerikan


are you tripping balls right now? cuz you make no sense. wtf was the point of the post with the youtube video's? Or are you just posting those video's for no reason?
are you tripping balls right now? cuz you make no sense. wtf was the point of the post with the youtube video's? Or are you just posting those video's for no reason?

It wouldnt make sense to some, others get it completely, just go back to growin Bud and take care.
It wouldnt make sense to some, others get it completely, just go back to growin Bud and take care.

so why do you think they have .5 million to 2 million coffins(just a little spread in the estimate)? I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why fema has the coffins.
so why do you think they have .5 million to 2 million coffins(just a little spread in the estimate)? I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why fema has the coffins.

well there is a very good reason they do, and there is a VERY BAD reason they do.

They have had them since the late 90's so I've found evidence.

The reason they would tell us and the more ok and acceptable reason is in case there was a real attack or bio threat and masses of plp died.

The reason I fear and is worst case is that they are getting ready to exterminate a good deal of us, not just americans, but plp all over the world.

What I really fear is what they arent letting us see, they have underground bunkers so who is to say they dont have a few million more stashed away.

They may only let us see that many to comfort the masses until it's time to bring them out.....

I dont know what to make of it
I can tell you that if you do a little looking on the gov site even, like HR645, there are laws ready to go to take plp like us out of our homes and well I dont know from there, but when you have no rights, what do you think? Not a pretty place to live, ANYWHERE.

Check out this guys utube, there is some good info there.

Ohh here watch this, dont believe me they cant come get your ass?


Just keep a open mind, dont by everything you hear, but def be weary of our gov you know they are fucked.