Right, I tried a little bit of that but the company recently busted a couple guys with it in their drawers and I didn't want to look too suspicious. I spent about 20 mins sitting and drinking water with my legs pressed tightly, then when I went to piss put it in my armpit for a minute, still wasn't enough.
But yeah your right, I could've come out and said I need more time but I thought it'd be up to temp by then.
They had me do a mouth swab after the low temp test, I passed that but they said they'd need some piss up to temp before I left so I just told them I smoked over the weekend(I smoke everyday, but not before or during work) that It'd prolly be dirty.
They praised me for "telling the truth"
I knew 'it is what it is' by that point. They wanted me to go to treatment. I kindly declined.
The company has been on my shit list for a while, the place is a joke.