For those who support the war on terror


Well-Known Member
If GWB and his Administration had the ability and desire to pull off the 9/11 attacks and subsequently displace blame, how therefore could he be unable to……

Enforce the burgeoning police state deprivation of civil rights and squelch all of the promulgation of these conspiracy theories involving GWB?

Plant WMD in Iraq so as to avoid the ridicule and scorn heaped upon his administration for being unable to find any?

Why is he allowing the incessant perpetuation of "evidence" which points to his complicity?

He is either a diabolical Machiavellian genius or a mouth breathing dullard.
He obviously cannot be both?
Or can he?



Well-Known Member
9/11 was not caused by the Bush administration... That's absurd. Just watch Penn & Teller's Bullshit on 9/11 Conspiracies. It's on youtube but I'm to lazy to get the link... XD

Also, I'm not particularly a fan of the war but some of it was necessary. Like getting Saddam out of power. He was a genocidal, megalomaniac who would feed anyone who apposed him feet first through plastic shredders... He needed to come out of power and that was one good thing that came about from the invasion of Iraq. That's all I supported though. I think the concept of fighting terror is retarded but it sorta makes sense to 'fight the war' over there instead of on our turf. We're letting them strike essentially what is us without actually striking us. And in the process we're eliminating terrorist cell after cell. Even though they pop right back up, we're keeping 9/11 from happening again by having our troops over seas. That's just my opinion though.


New Member
"when you go to school, do you learn everything from 1 teacher and 1 book ?


Let us know when you get out of the third grade this year, that is if you pass this time.


New Member
Simple1776. I hate to interject when I don't really have anything to add, but sometimes you got to call a spade a spade, and that guys an


New Member
you idiots would make good nazi's.

you'de follow bush to hell all the while thinking you are patriotic.

I've never run across such assholes before I logged on to this thread. little piss ants, I can tell you are all under 40 and clinton pervert luver commie crap morons.

you wouldn't know the truth if I walked up and smacked you littl pussys upside the head with it.

I'm glad i'm not part of your little know it all piece of shit sissy freak moron generation.

to think all those americans fought and died for assholes like you, well i'll tell you what, I'f I'm wrong, hey no harm done, i'll admit it on my death bed, but...if you are wrong, then you're fucked.

all hell is gonna break loose and you'll be caught off guard , unprepared without a clue as what to do to save your sorry asses. you'll be the little sissy cowards going to the camps crying, feed me, i'm hungry, take my freedom, i'm a commie coward and I want food, not freedom.

I wish i could see it.

or at least be able to walk over your sorry ass corpse and spit on you myself.

there's change a comming, people like you have to go. your with us, or your against us, if your against us patriots, you will perish along with the traitors.

and you'll deserve it.

I consider you idiots worse then the terrorists, you are real morons, they dont exsist.

you're sissy ass generation has had it easy, but it's almost time to pay the piper, every generation has to fight for liberty and your turn is just about here, except the fight will be here in america.

sit back, smoke another one ,enjoy yourself, it's not gonna last much longer, then it's payback time, i pleasure the thought of the suffering you idiots will do.

then it'll be my turn to laugh, and laugh I will.

you little fucken twirps.

we'll have a maggot pile waiting for your sorry least then you'll be good for something, feeding the chickens and fish.with your rotting corpse.


Well-Known Member
Ok... so what exactly ate you referring to? And what in the fuck are you so mad about? That I support my troops or something? I'm confused because you are taking both fucking sides of the argument and calling everyone but yourself a worthless fuckmunch...


New Member
The misspelling of a few words does not effect the content of his post. His point remains valid:blsmoke:
people who live in a false reality always attack the messenger when confronted with factual truth.

they pick out a few spelling errors and run with it, but ignore the facts and use that to convince themselves that they are right and he/she is wrong.

but you cant run from the truth. sooner or later it'll catch up with you.


New Member
you idiots would make good nazi's.

you'de follow bush to hell all the while thinking you are patriotic.

I've never run across such assholes before I logged on to this thread. little piss ants, I can tell you are all under 40 and clinton pervert luver commie crap morons.

you wouldn't know the truth if I walked up and smacked you littl pussys upside the head with it.

I'm glad i'm not part of your little know it all piece of shit sissy freak moron generation.

to think all those americans fought and died for assholes like you, well i'll tell you what, I'f I'm wrong, hey no harm done, i'll admit it on my death bed, but...if you are wrong, then you're fucked.

all hell is gonna break loose and you'll be caught off guard , unprepared without a clue as what to do to save your sorry asses. you'll be the little sissy cowards going to the camps crying, feed me, i'm hungry, take my freedom, i'm a commie coward and I want food, not freedom.

I wish i could see it.

or at least be able to walk over your sorry ass corpse and spit on you myself.

there's change a comming, people like you have to go. your with us, or your against us, if your against us patriots, you will perish along with the traitors.

and you'll deserve it.

I consider you idiots worse then the terrorists, you are real morons, they dont exsist.

you're sissy ass generation has had it easy, but it's almost time to pay the piper, every generation has to fight for liberty and your turn is just about here, except the fight will be here in america.

sit back, smoke another one ,enjoy yourself, it's not gonna last much longer, then it's payback time, i pleasure the thought of the suffering you idiots will do.

then it'll be my turn to laugh, and laugh I will.

you little fucken twirps.

we'll have a maggot pile waiting for your sorry least then you'll be good for something, feeding the chickens and fish.with your rotting corpse.
I think VI was right, you two would make good bed partners. You could whisper sweet nazi sayings into each others ears at night right after blowing each other. You are one demented asshole.


New Member
Ok... so what exactly ate you referring to? And what in the fuck are you so mad about? That I support my troops or something? I'm confused because you are taking both fucking sides of the argument and calling everyone but yourself a worthless fuckmunch...

it wasnt meant for you..
I forgot to put the weasles name.


Well-Known Member
Ok... but the fact still remains that you basically related Bush to Hitler and then called us Clinton lovers... Ummm... Doesn't that contradict itself...?


New Member
I think VI was right, you two would make good bed partners. You could whisper sweet nazi sayings into each others ears at night right after blowing each other. You are one demented asshole.
Med ...

Most of my posts relate to getting the federal government under the chains of the Constitution again, lowering taxes, eliminting unconstitutional federal agencies, liberty, freedom, and in general, raising individual productivity through hard work and maintaining a positive mental attitude. How does that make me a Nazi? Unless, of course, you are a Communist. Most Communists see anyone to the right of them as a Nazi. It this the case with you? :blsmoke:




New Member
Med ...

Most of my posts relate to getting the federal government under the chains of the Constitution again, lowering taxes, eliminting unconstitutional federal agencies, liberty, freedom, and in general, raising individual productivity through hard work and maintaining a positive mental attitude. How does that make me a Nazi? Unless, of course, you are a Communist. Most Communists see anyone to the right of them as a Nazi. It this the case with you? :blsmoke:


Most assuredly, anyone to the right of me is wrong.~LOL~. BTW it was this post that got him so riled up, I guess you as a bed partner didn't exactly fit his agenda,~LOL~.


Active Member
Wait just a sec " forget the bullshit reasons ... " iraq may have had terroist training camps in its country but guess what , so does saudi arabia , jordan , syria and many different countries in africa. the talaban has used the blood diamond trade for years to make money. But we dont invade then why .. " do you want to see us declare war on 20 countries " thought that was done when bush did his declaration on " the war on terror." the simple fact is bush invaded iraq because bush wanted to, not because there was any threat to the U.S.. " saddam thumbed his nose at the U.N." guess what bro , so did the U.S.. Do you not remember Colin powle addressing the U.N. to gain support for an invasion on Iraq ? Do you not remember the U.N. and more importantly are own allies telling us that we have shown them no reason to invade. But saddam killed all those people in the weapon strike , he used chemical weapons on his own people. So did we , dont you remember seeing pictures from the 40s and 50-s of U.S soldiers staring at a mushroom cloud going of in the nevada desert. But close to 3,000 people died on 9/11 ... but 45,000 died in japan when the first bomb went off and another 30,000 or so died with the second. hitler may have committed the biggest travesties the world has ever seen. but we follow a close second. You support your country and i'm sure you love your goverment, and in the rare moments when you actually pull your head above the sand and see what your goverment really is , i'm sure it scares the shit out of you. the U.S. goverment is a tool of big business. they make choices to aid Big Business and we the people are just cattle in their eyes. the whole systems is unjust and is in need of a total flushing. corruption is the rule of the thumb for the U.S. goverment, its the means by wich business is done in washington, with out kick backs things dont get past. Go To War, but only if theres profit in it , not for the people of this country no no , but for the investors in the defence companies. But you go ahead support your goverment , me personally .. i'm waiting for a revolution to show my support. then i'll show my support by hanging every last one of the bastards in office the same way they hung saddam. Whats the charge you may ask ? treason, against the people they where supposed to serve instead of condim to a world ravaged by their own greed.