Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

IMAGINE all of your justified arguments... if every condom you wore, was shit, and you fathered a child from every piece of ass you got in your life... give me a break! every time you had sex, new baby... imagine it for a second, if it hasn't happened to you and imagine how many fucktards you would have to take care of or go to jail simply because your following what your naturally supposed to, which is fornicating.
You can have a 1000 goals in life and never achieve not one. .
first off the spelling is because ive been working all day i dont mind misspelled words. you sound like a grammar nazi. now for the goals-100% reason why i stay away from people like you.i hear you people everywhere talk about that shit, and you give up so easy and let it all slip away. ive died to many times and given too much to give a shit. i've got goals and im getting there.
i would love to have a kid with my gf... hence.. gf... not just random slut... hence why she is called cunt. lol that kid i would love, right away, cause it was made from love, not sadness, and depression.
still theres a chance she can just bang some other guy. nothing is exclusive thats not such a good thing.
when you consent to sex, your not consenting to be a father, your just consenting to sex. otherwise all of us would have 5000 fucking kids dude...


Mother nature didn't make sex feel so good just so everyone could have a good time.

You need to stop looking at fatherhood as a bad thing. It is very rewarding. You can fight it all you want, not pay your child support, and not be in your daughters life, but it will not change the fact that you are a father. She will grow old and wonder why you where never in her life if you don't do something about it.

I got my girlfriend pregnant 3 months after we got together, we were teenagers. I am still with her to this day raising our child, because that is my responsibility.

You may not be able to stay with your daughter's mother, I understand that. Shes a psycho cunt and you have no attraction to her. But you need to handle YOUR responsibility.
jesus dude, when you consent to unprotected sex, or even protected sex, you damn well are in the knowledge that this is in fact how babies are made.. if you don't want to risk having kids, abstain, pull out, do the rhythm method, w/e, but don't just have free sex and not expect to have consequences..

For some reason I can't hit the like button so I am just going to re-post.
still theres a chance she can just bang some other guy. nothing is exclusive thats not such a good thing.
children are not exclusive either. better kill the other parent... thats it... this world is so fucked its not conceivable to me anymore. humans are a cancer. all i can do is laugh in lue of crying.
Who abstains from sex, retards, or someone with special needs incapable of a hard dick? I watch mt two male cats rape each other cause of lack of pussy, which is what prisons are like, why think you can simply abstain, we are not mother teresa or goddamn saints in here. Were animals. We need to fuck, period. Its our only conceivable purpose in life.
deadbeat women are ones who dont care if they have a father... how many of you were raised by single moms... think about it you dumb fucks.
i never said i was not going to be in my kids life anyways retards, you just assume that... hence why i have no male friends in real life. your all so fucking brainwashed... you can all hate me for what i say, im not going to loose sleep.
dad was there just didnt care , mom was drunk and didnt care. she didnt raise me. so i can say i was raise by a higher power i owe nothing to both of them. i lived around enough single mom who didnt give a rats ass. screw them they always end up in a pine box... if they can even afford it after their lives.
My personal thought and for the better of the forum, I wouldn't suggest this thread go on for much longer. It is becoming another diseased thread, among many, written by those who do not know how to properly discontinue their own problems that should be dealt with maturely and not on a forum where the subject does not belong.

Cancerous if you would, killing at it's own pace whether it be slow or quick. Just dispose of this garbage and take care of this waste.
Who abstains from sex, retards, or someone with special needs incapable of a hard dick? I watch mt two male cats rape each other cause of lack of pussy, which is what prisons are like, why think you can simply abstain, we are not mother teresa or goddamn saints in here. Were animals. We need to fuck, period. Its our only conceivable purpose in life.

Dude .... Only one hole get`s the chick pregnant.
first off the spelling is because ive been working all day i dont mind misspelled words. you sound like a grammar nazi. now for the goals-100% reason why i stay away from people like you.i hear you people everywhere talk about that shit, and you give up so easy and let it all slip away. ive died to many times and given too much to give a shit. i've got goals and im getting there.

LOL! WORKED ALL DAY! I haven't had a day off in 2 years unless I was in the hospital. I still have the strength to right click.

Grammar and spelling are two different things. There is a spell check tool and your not utilizing it. I don't give a shit about grammar, mine is probably terrible. But if you are trying to make a good argument at least look like you can spell.

I am glad you are achieving your goals. I am happy you don't have any responsibilities other than achieving your goals. This is great, you will go far. Sucks you have faced death so much. So have I.

Fathers can still go far. Fatherhood is not the end of life. Its just an extra responsibility. Notice I didn't say BURDEN.

Compared to where I was even 5 years ago, my life has improved greatly. I grew up homeless and now I have a home and a family. I pay all my bills and have never had a late notice or a shut off notice.

Men just need to be men and do what is right by their children and families.
My personal thought and for the better of the forum, I wouldn't suggest this thread go on for much longer. It is becoming another diseased thread, among many, written by those who do not know how to properly discontinue their own problems that should be dealt with maturely and not on a forum where the subject does not belong.

Cancerous if you would, killing at it's own pace whether it be slow or quick. Just dispose of this garbage and take care of this waste.
seems the most angering topic beyond politics and religion is parenting. should have known not to give a fuck.
As an animal of this planet weather you guys want to agree or not, men are not parents. we are simply here to fuck poon, and move the fuck on. pretending to be civilized is not getting you into heaven. lol
Silly me, if I had known that I could have left my daughter to be raised by my ex-wife who was a childish little bitch just like you. Instead I left the Army, took custody of her at 20 months and never looked back. Today we are best friends and would not trade the experience for the world.

So please allow me to rearrange your words to be more accurate. "Animals of this planet are simply here to fuck poon and move the fuck on. Whether or not you agree with it they are not parents, men are". Pe(s)ts like you and my ex should be spayed and neutered.