Former Nixon Aide Claims ‘War on Drugs’ Invented to Suppress Black People

Blacks have "failed" (your words) quite simply because the system is set up that way. We were never given a real opportunity to succeed. We have been legally discriminated against for all but 52 years (and 52 years is a very generous assessment considering the topic of this very thread.) of this countries history. Stupid question.

Oh I see, Not enough retribution ?

52 years pointed in the right direction and still people like you weighing it down. Nobody teaches that shit anymore and know it will correct it`self but people like you keep bringing shit that don`t matter anymore up.

Oh, that`s right, you lived it,...well I did too, and the difference between me and you is you generalize it and I hold those responsible for it accordingly.

You hate white people. Not those people, ...White people, and, why you cry Black Lives Matter. evident by your pic of the women demonstrating the high sign with a Trump shirt on and not a Who T-shirt.
Oh I see, Not enough retribution ?

52 years pointed in the right direction and still people like you weighing it down. Nobody teaches that shit anymore and know it will correct it`self but people like you keep bringing shit that don`t matter anymore up.

Oh, that`s right, you lived it,...well I did too, and the difference between me and you is you generalize it and I hold those responsible for it accordingly.

You hate white people. Not those people, ...White people, and, why you cry Black Lives Matter. evident by your pic of the women demonstrating the high sign with a Trump shirt on and not a Who T-shirt.
Given ?

In the sixties and seventies,...Hitsville and Motown were huge successes and everyone loved the music,...Today, black culture music is full of hate and violence and totally sucks. What are you doing with that success ?

That`s not fair,....

Nobody gave me an opportunity to succeed either. Then you say, "well nobody put up road blocks",...and I`d say you are full of shit. No-one would hire a convict is more like it. It wasn`t until I realized I was stopping myself with my behavior or reputation that I turned things around.

Still gotta succeed though.
The owners (white) of those labels reaped all the rewards of said music labels. Very little to the artists. So they were successful but reaped little rewards themselves
If a system is run and ruled by who you put in place to do so,...yes. If you don`t like the product of your elected, you can change it. Sounds pretty fair to me.
Even when you're only 12% of the population? Come on man. You're not even trying.
I don't know.....I can fully see Kats point but maybe it's my "white privilege" brain washing....I've got black friends on both sides of the system. Those that got their education and stayed away from the gang shit and "street turned out to be pretty successful happy people. The are respected in the community and tbh have never cried racism. The guys that did it he street thing....all about how the black man is kept down.
I won't deny that white has it way better in this country. I still feel, a lot of those cry racism just cuz they are pussies that accept that they will never be successful and respected. The govt may have done this and I feel you're right, they did, but the black leaders that the movement follows are doing the same thing the govt did to you. They don't give a fuk about your freedom or what is right. If they did, they wouldn't support these riots and all the bullshit that's going on. I don't know how this country can be fixed but it's not gonna fix itself anytime soon.
I don't know.....I can fully see Kats point but maybe it's my "white privilege" brain washing....I've got black friends on both sides of the system. Those that got their education and stayed away from the gang shit and "street turned out to be pretty successful happy people. The are respected in the community and tbh have never cried racism. The guys that did it he street thing....all about how the black man is kept down.
I won't deny that white has it way better in this country. I still feel, a lot of those cry racism just cuz they are pussies that accept that they will never be successful and respected. The govt may have done this and I feel you're right, they did, but the black leaders that the movement follows are doing the same thing the govt did to you. They don't give a fuk about your freedom or what is right. If they did, they wouldn't support these riots and all the bullshit that's going on. I don't know how this country can be fixed but it's not gonna fix itself anytime soon.
Your mistake is that you see people "crying" racism. Is it crying racism when you and I commit the exact same crime, both with no criminal record, and my sentence is considerably longer? How about the the fact that resumes with "black sounding" names get call backs at half the rate of resumes with "white sounding" names? Even though the body of the resume is the EXACT SAME? I can list these all day, but I'm sure that you get my point.
Clearly racism is involved in the war on drugs. See the Harrison narcotics.act. we had so many chiChinese rail road workers on the west coast and needed a way to suppress them so opium smoking was outlawed. Mexican migrants and those long haired trouy starting hippies needed to vve dealt with. Marijuana was all a sudden a class one controlled substance. How bout those cocaine crazed negros in the south getting coked up and raping white women. It was said the cocaine crazed negro was so powerful on the white numbing substance that the common law enforcement gun the .38 was inadequate to put down tje cocaine crazed negro :( they started packing .45s and .44$ and tbere fav .357 magnum. Heroin waa never much a big issue in past decades because it was a bla k poor dirty needle inter city thing. Now heroin is so powerful and cheap it can be snorted and easy to get its hit the white suburbs and all a sudden its an epidemic lol. Fuck these racist fucks
The owners (white) of those labels reaped all the rewards of said music labels. Very little to the artists. So they were successful but reaped little rewards themselves

Bearkat42 liked your post. Do you think he knows Berry was Black and owned Mowtown and all it`s subdivisions up til 1988 when he sold it off to Boston Ventures and MCA ? Since then artists like MJ Madonna have held controlling interests. Besides, The Black culture music of today would not be coming out of Mowtown. Not a chance. They got their own violent and vulgar syndicate now.
Your mistake is that you see people "crying" racism. Is it crying racism when you and I commit the exact same crime, both with no criminal record, and my sentence is considerably longer? How about the the fact that resumes with "black sounding" names get call backs at half the rate of resumes with "white sounding" names? Even though the body of the resume is the EXACT SAME? I can list these all day, but I'm sure that you get my point.

Don`t forget left out of the Grammy`s........
Your mistake is that you see people "crying" racism. Is it crying racism when you and I commit the exact same crime, both with no criminal record, and my sentence is considerably longer? How about the the fact that resumes with "black sounding" names get call backs at half the rate of resumes with "white sounding" names? Even though the body of the resume is the EXACT SAME? I can list these all day, but I'm sure that you get my point.

It is the black communities job to lift itself up irrelevant of race. The community keeps looking to government to do it and blame their failures on someone else.

Success is not a racial trait, you have proven that yourself.
Your mistake is that you see people "crying" racism. Is it crying racism when you and I commit the exact same crime, both with no criminal record, and my sentence is considerably longer? How about the the fact that resumes with "black sounding" names get call backs at half the rate of resumes with "white sounding" names? Even though the body of the resume is the EXACT SAME? I can list these all day, but I'm sure that you get my point.
I get it. And Im sure it happens. I can only use my own experience though. I owned. Business for a long time. Had many black ppl apply over the years. Those I hired, were hired because they presented themselves as a respectable person. (Dressed appropriate, spoke with confidence and looked me in the eyes when they did so. I didn't care what color they were as long as they fit the job need and sought the job properly. I had a black dude come in dressed like a thug but had a resume that rivaled my foreman....did I hire him? Fuk no. Did he pull the R card? Sure did. Then he tried to corner me one day and called me a racist for not taking him on. He now walks with a limp and I had to pay his bills. do you get my point? Your problem is that you go all black without the willingness to meet in the middle. The racism card is a crutch for many