I get it. And Im sure it happens. I can only use my own experience though. I owned. Business for a long time. Had many black ppl apply over the years. Those I hired, were hired because they presented themselves as a respectable person. (Dressed appropriate, spoke with confidence and looked me in the eyes when they did so. I didn't care what color they were as long as they fit the job need and sought the job properly. I had a black dude come in dressed like a thug but had a resume that rivaled my foreman....did I hire him? Fuk no. Did he pull the R card? Sure did. Then he tried to corner me one day and called me a racist for not taking him on. He now walks with a limp and I had to pay his bills. do you get my point? Your problem is that you go all black without the willingness to meet in the middle. The racism card is a crutch for many