Former Nixon Aide Claims ‘War on Drugs’ Invented to Suppress Black People

I get it. And Im sure it happens. I can only use my own experience though. I owned. Business for a long time. Had many black ppl apply over the years. Those I hired, were hired because they presented themselves as a respectable person. (Dressed appropriate, spoke with confidence and looked me in the eyes when they did so. I didn't care what color they were as long as they fit the job need and sought the job properly. I had a black dude come in dressed like a thug but had a resume that rivaled my foreman....did I hire him? Fuk no. Did he pull the R card? Sure did. Then he tried to corner me one day and called me a racist for not taking him on. He now walks with a limp and I had to pay his bills. do you get my point? Your problem is that you go all black without the willingness to meet in the middle. The racism card is a crutch for many
Most people got to prison for years for assaulting someone. Especially if they needed medical attention. Notice you didn't mention prison for your assualt. Must be white..
Most people got to prison for years for assaulting someone. Especially if they needed medical attention. Notice you didn't mention prison for your assualt. Must be white..
He came at me and did a number on me before I broke his leg.
So who should be in prison? I chose to not press charges....but yes I'm white
didn't say forced....had to. Big difference. Story is that I'm someone that isn't afraid to help out someone that has wronged me. And asshole, he's now my foreman. See how quickly you are ready to throw your little R card. It's pieces of shit like you 757, that will always keep your own ppl down
You are caught in lies. Not me. Then you hired the man! Lols. Ok
Your problem is that you go all black without the willingness to meet in the middle. The racism card is a crutch for many
With all due respect, your personal experiences are irrelevant. The fact is that for most of this country's history we weren't even considered human, and now you want to talk to me about a "willingness to meet in the middle"? You'd better watch out my man. Your privilege is showing.
Wow, you're stupid. Didn't hire him at the time. He came to work for me a year later. You are just trolling away in ignorance...aren't ya.
With all due respect, your personal experiences are irrelevant. The fact is that for most of this country's history we weren't even considered human, and now you want to talk to me about a "willingness to meet in the middle"? You'd better watch out my man. Your privilege is showing.
Funny, that was told to me by a black man.
With all due respect, your personal experiences are irrelevant. The fact is that for most of this country's history we weren't even considered human, and now you want to talk to me about a "willingness to meet in the middle"? You'd better watch out my man. Your privilege is showing.

For how much of your history were you not considered human? Again with the victimhood?
Whatever. I just didn't make it clear enough. I'll tell ya what though. If you're black, you do your ppl a great disservice. What have you done to give to your community? Don't's pretty much obvious
For how much of your history were you not considered human? Again with the victimhood?
More than you think. Not to mention the fact that I have parents, who have parents, who had parents, etc. And what's happened to them still affects us daily. Very similarly to people with great wealth. They are often rich because their parents were rich, and their parents were rich, etc. See how that works?
Fair statement. So...what does one do about it to change things? Burn down shit? Riot? The blm methods take it out in the wrong places.. You wanna change something, go riot in dc and storm the whitehouse. They just pick and choose stupid issues, much like 757 picked out mine. You guys just waste your time trying to change things theway you are.
And planned parenthood kills millions of black babies every year with their mothers help. But somehow this is a great thing!!

The past cannot be changed. Dwelling in it does not help the living.
Isn't this a thread on drug laws that were directly affecting POC, what the fuck does PP have to do with this issue?

BTW Those laws are still on the books judges just use more discretion at sentecing. So saying it was in the past is a untrue.

Fair statement. So...what does one do about it to change things? Burn down shit? Riot? The blm methods take it out in the wrong places.. You wanna change something, go riot in dc and storm the whitehouse. They just pick and choose stupid issues, much like 757 picked out mine. You guys just waste your time trying to change things theway you are.
The BLM movement is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. Shedding light on the activities of the largest and most corrupt street gangs in America.
I caught you in a big old lie
That was hilarious!

He didn't hire the guy because he looked like a thug, even though he had a decent resume. The guy calls him a racist and threatens him, so he breaks his leg, then later hires him as the foreman..

It's almost like watching a really bad episode of an early 90s teen comedy-drama where they try to write in some feel good message about "doing the right thing"
One can't have a war without some Ammo.

Great news for poppy farmers in Afghanistan: a mysterious, brand new strain of poppy seed has appeared on the scene this year promising a better crop than ever before. According to farmers in poppy-rich Helmand and Kandahar provinces, the seeds appeared out of nowhere

Five years ago Lt. Colonel Brian Christmas of the U.S. Marines went on Fox Newsto lament that it “may grind in his gut,” but the NATO troops just have to help the farmers cultivate the poppy crop otherwise the farmers would turn against them.

Maybe we should pick up Hoes and shovels.

Poor Americans are in the sights.
Their brains haven't developed enough to understand the concept of "institutionalized racism". It's like someone who struggles in math looking at a complex word problem. If they aren't seeing police dogs and fire hoses, everything must be OK. Racists haven't gone anywhere, their tactics have just become more sophisticated. I'm providing a public service here. They should look at me as a type of "racial tutor". I'm just here to educate the ignorant.

Goodness knows there are plenty of them.