Former Nixon Aide Claims ‘War on Drugs’ Invented to Suppress Black People

Seriously, planned parenthood now kills black babies in the womb, dices them up and sells them for salvage parts and people are totally ok with it.

But a drug war against minorites run 50 years ago HAS GOT TO BE HEADLINE NEWS!!!

The difference? They think the drug war was run by Republicans.... LOL!!!
Your first mistake is believing that the drug war against minorities ended 50 years ago.
Your default position is that "proof" and "legitimacy" can't be done in another way, besides government permission. That is an error of obedient assumption on your part.

Government permission is a lot like parental permissions, different but get the same results.
Your first mistake is believing that the drug war against minorities ended 50 years ago.

Class warfare is under siege from supporters of the Bern, drugs are being legalised, racism is being exposed and discredited- albeit slowly- so what's left? Gotta sneer at your fellow man for their shortcomings at SOMETHING, right? How about religion? That always seems to be a reliable standby these days?

I fucking wish. I wish we could say substantial progress has been made on any of these fronts in the last 30 years, but honestly I'm just not seeing it.
Class warfare is under siege from supporters of the Bern, drugs are being legalised, racism is being exposed and discredited- albeit slowly- so what's left? Gotta sneer at your fellow man for their shortcomings at SOMETHING, right? How about religion? That always seems to be a reliable standby these days?

I fucking wish. I wish we could say substantial progress has been made on any of these fronts in the last 30 years, but honestly I'm just not seeing it.

Shit like this really pisses me off. We have ALL been lied to about our penal system.

Who makes all those billions in profits from privatized prisons? The same people making allllllll those billions from every other major industry in America; the .01%. Don't believe me? Ask all your friends who've been to jail if they've ever seen jail toiletries labeled 'Bob Barker Enterprises'? See how many of them say yes!

We have an unconstitutional system of criminalization and control in this country, and have for decades. The Supreme Court has established itself as the Enemy of The Rights of the People, not its protector.

This individual helped me see the system from a bird's eye view and connected many of the dots I already knew or had experienced for myself.

I'm really beginning to hate what we the economic powers that be have done to our country.

I'M A FELON. Do I not have worth and value to my society? If it isn't recognized, appreciated and nurtured in me like it is others without a criminal record, then why shouldn't I take my skills elsewhere?

America the ultimate bully; we bully the planet with a war machine 10 times larger than anything remotely reasonable, and then we bully our own populace with THOSE SAME WEAPONS on American streets.

America, the fascist oligopoly, held to be just by our own Supreme Court!

Is anyone else sick to their stomach about this? Nevermind the lies constantly fed us on mass corporate owned media? Lies of omission- not talking about what they don't want spread, lies of commission- slanderous smears of public officials, activities and candidates, followed by a quick bottom of the screen retraction a couple of DAYS later (Faux Spews is not the only offender here)?

I could go on for days. What is needed is a call to action. She made a strong point; we need a mass movement to end mass incarceration. I fear that we as a people no longer have the collective grit to demand justice, in which case we'll deserve all the tyranny we suffer.

One piece of the mass incarceration puzzle she didn't touch on- or I just missed- is the wide open loophole in the system for those with economic power. If you have money, you can afford a lawyer to defend yourself and therefore YOU get 'justice' where others without representation do not.

Very often, just the act of hiring an attorney and having him onsite is enough to deter police from continuing an investigation; once you've established yourself as hard to convict, the low hanging fruit she spoke of become much more appealing. I've personally watched it happen with my own eyes, in my own home.

Our country isn't free. Our laws and prisons are not just. Our 'free' media lie to us and avoid accountability. Our democratically elected officials... aren't. Everything and everyone is on the take, got a subsidy, a special license, whatever. We are seeing the logical result of such a system, and it's time we fixed it, lest our children inherit nothing but debts and be slaves, themselves.
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Shit like this really pisses me off. We have ALL been lied to about our penal system.

Who makes all those billions in profits from privatized prisons? The same people making allllllll those billions from every other major industry in America; the .01%. Don't believe me? Ask all your friends who've been to jail if they've ever seen jail toiletries labeled 'Bob Barker Enterprises'? See how many of them say yes!

We have an unconstitutional system of criminalization and control in this country, and have for decades. The Supreme Court has established itself as the Enemy of The Rights of the People, not its protector.

This individual helped me see the system from a bird's eye view and connected many of the dots I already knew or had experienced for myself.

I'm really beginning to hate what we the economic powers that be have done to our country.

I'M A FELON. Do I not have worth and value to my society? If it isn't recognized, appreciated and nurtured in me like it is others without a criminal record, then why shouldn't I take my skills elsewhere?

America the ultimate bully; we bully the planet with a war machine 10 times larger than anything remotely reasonable, and then we bully our own populace with THOSE SAME WEAPONS on American streets.

America, the fascist oligopoly, held to be just by our own Supreme Court!

Is anyone else sick to their stomach about this? Nevermind the lies constantly fed us on mass corporate owned media? Lies of omission- not talking about what they don't want spread, lies of commission- slanderous smears of public officials, activities and candidates, followed by a quick bottom of the screen retraction a couple of DAYS later (Faux Spews is not the only offender here)?

I could go on for days. What is needed is a call to action. She made a strong point; we need a mass movement to end mass incarceration. I fear that we as a people no longer have the collective grit to demand justice, in which case we'll deserve all the tyranny we suffer.

One piece of the mass incarceration puzzle she didn't touch on- or I just missed- is the wide open loophole in the system for those with economic power. If you have money, you can afford a lawyer to defend yourself and therefore YOU get 'justice' where others without representation do not.

Very often, just the act of hiring an attorney and having him onsite is enough to deter police from continuing an investigation; once you've established yourself as hard to convict, the low hanging fruit she spoke of become much more appealing. I'very personally watched it happen with my own eyes, in my own home.

Our country isn't free. Our laws and prisons are not just. Our free media lie to us. Our democratically elected officials... aren't. Everything and everyone is on the take, got a subsidy, a special license, whatever. We are seeing the logical result of such a system, and it's time we fixed it, lest our children inherit nothing but debts and be slaves, themselves.
She obviously goes into much greater detail in her book, "The New Jim Crow", which I just started reading over the weekend. You may want to check it out. It's proving to be a fascinating read. It's actually stuff that I've always felt, but she goes into far greater detail than I'd ever imagined and she has the numbers to back everything that she says. I'm finding it nothing short of mind blowing.
She obviously goes into much greater detail in her book, "The New Jim Crow", which I just started reading over the weekend. You may want to check it out. It's proving to be a fascinating read. It's actually stuff that I've always felt, but she goes into far greater detail than I'd ever imagined and she has the numbers to back everything that she says. I'm finding it nothing short of mind blowing.

The twenty minute verbal recap/fleshing out of what I thought I knew plus the big picture was itself enlightening. I can only imagine what the book covers that a short speech can't.

We have grown up in the successful second attempt at fascism that many business leaders tried in the thirties and failed. Control of the media, check. Control who gets nominated, check. Control the election system, check. Control the means of production, check. Control the economy, check. Remove all rights of the People to collectively bargain on their own behalf, check for most markets, most of the time. Use the justice system as a weapon of division and mass population control, check.

What did I miss? Cuz you can bet your ass THEY didn't forget.
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Why am I do passionate about this when millions of my countrymen aren't? I can imagine two scenarios very clearly;

1. what we could accomplish as a nation and as human beings if we weren't hamstrung by the greedheads. We owe it to ourselves, our children and to posterity itself to get this right, because...

2. What a corporate controlled, authoritarian America means to humanity's future is dark, indeed.
Why am I do passionate about this when millions of my countrymen aren't?

I visited my friend recently and started talking to him about the election, this was right after Scalia died and I was kind of giving him the basics of it, I could tell pretty clearly he didn't care much about it, he thought it was cool I was following along but he said he doesn't have the time to worry about political shit...

Kinda blew my mind..

I visited my friend recently and started talking to him about the election, this was right after Scalia died and I was kind of giving him the basics of it, I could tell pretty clearly he didn't care much about it, he thought it was cool I was following along but he said he doesn't have the time to worry about political shit...

Kinda blew my mind..

Yeah, I know right? The blue pill, the green pill, any pill to forget or ignore what our society is becoming.

I visited my friend recently and started talking to him about the election, this was right after Scalia died and I was kind of giving him the basics of it, I could tell pretty clearly he didn't care much about it, he thought it was cool I was following along but he said he doesn't have the time to worry about political shit...

Kinda blew my mind..
You just described a majority of the population.
Yeah, I know right? The blue pill, the green pill, any pill to forget or ignore what our society is becoming.
This is how Islanders deal with corruption


This is after their PM was alleged to be involved in the leak that just went out yesterday. People marching demanding his resignation
"An uninformed electorate is a beautiful thing" For the Banking, Oil and Ag Industries.

If 27 competing Countries can call us Dumb Asses we just might be.

(not sure why China was omitted from that list)
China doesn't participate in the testing. I did see one 2003 report that cited "Hong Kong (China)". Their students were at the very top along with Finland and South Korea. Finland, hmm, didn't I see a reference to Finland recently?

Source of data for this report:
Around 510,000 students in 65 economies took part in the PISA 2012 assessment of reading, mathematics and science representing about 28 million 15-year-olds globally. Of those economies, 44 took part in an assessment of creative problem solving and 18 in an assessment of financial literacy.
worse yet, picture what a drag the south is on our nation as a whole.

not just in terms of education, but economic mobility. the south is the worst in terms of economic mobility.

we would actually be a pretty progressive nation without the south.

I lived in Arkansas for awhile, made a point of meeting and getting to know people there from all walks of life, both sides of the color line and both sides of the painfully obvious red lines that still exist to this day.

They seemed to have made their racial struggle a point of identity- on both sides. At that point little progress can be made, until people believe that things can be better.
Lol, that you think that this matters. This is exactly what I mean when I say that your brains aren't developed enough.
By "your brains" you mean white male brains. I see through your racism bro. It's not that I hate you for being black. I hate you for seeing me as a decent of a slave owner. I don't see you as a decent of a slave. I see you as able to speak standard English and coded Ebonics.

I've seen black panthers/BLM share news stories on social media about neglected Caucasian children at daycare whom got welts from sunburn.

I can laugh at myself as good as anyone. If I can make a few friends because of it, awesome. However these are children. That's is a crazy line of hate to be crossing.