Shit like this really pisses me off. We have ALL been lied to about our penal system.
Who makes all those billions in profits from privatized prisons? The same people making allllllll those billions from every other major industry in America; the .01%. Don't believe me? Ask all your friends who've been to jail if they've ever seen jail toiletries labeled 'Bob Barker Enterprises'? See how many of them say yes!
We have an unconstitutional system of criminalization and control in this country, and have for decades. The Supreme Court has established itself as the Enemy of The Rights of the People, not its protector.
This individual helped me see the system from a bird's eye view and connected many of the dots I already knew or had experienced for myself.
I'm really beginning to hate what we the economic powers that be have done to our country.
I'M A FELON. Do I not have worth and value to my society? If it isn't recognized, appreciated and nurtured in me like it is others without a criminal record, then why shouldn't I take my skills elsewhere?
America the ultimate bully; we bully the planet with a war machine 10 times larger than anything remotely reasonable, and then we bully our own populace with THOSE SAME WEAPONS on American streets.
America, the fascist oligopoly, held to be just by our own Supreme Court!
Is anyone else sick to their stomach about this? Nevermind the lies constantly fed us on mass corporate owned media? Lies of omission- not talking about what they don't want spread, lies of commission- slanderous smears of public officials, activities and candidates, followed by a quick bottom of the screen retraction a couple of DAYS later (Faux Spews is not the only offender here)?
I could go on for days. What is needed is a call to action. She made a strong point; we need a mass movement to end mass incarceration. I fear that we as a people no longer have the collective grit to demand justice, in which case we'll deserve all the tyranny we suffer.
One piece of the mass incarceration puzzle she didn't touch on- or I just missed- is the wide open loophole in the system for those with economic power. If you have money, you can afford a lawyer to defend yourself and therefore YOU get 'justice' where others without representation do not.
Very often, just the act of hiring an attorney and having him onsite is enough to deter police from continuing an investigation; once you've established yourself as hard to convict, the low hanging fruit she spoke of become much more appealing. I've personally watched it happen with my own eyes, in my own home.
Our country isn't free. Our laws and prisons are not just. Our 'free' media lie to us and avoid accountability. Our democratically elected officials... aren't. Everything and everyone is on the take, got a subsidy, a special license, whatever. We are seeing the logical result of such a system, and it's time we fixed it, lest our children inherit nothing but debts and be slaves, themselves.