found a new way to speed flowing . amazing

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
this machine is proven to work . you put the plants into it pres a button and wait 1 minute for it to return . its fully flowered and ready to go . you can take a baby clone and place it in there and wait for the results .
this machine is proven to work . you put the plants into it pres a button and wait 1 minute for it to return . its fully flowered and ready to go . you can take a baby clone and place it in there and wait for the results .
What is the cost for something like this. Its amazing what they can do these days.
Use it a second time and you won't come back, won't be able to explain the girlfriend that you returned with that looks like she's 12. That crab meat though...
Id send my woman away in it just to get a break for a few weeks. The luck I have 10 of her would be in it, when the fucking thing returns.