Dude are you ok ? Do you need to get back on your meds there little buddy?I would have to imagine Chris Copps is who provides my dad with a statement saying he only has 3 million in assets/worth. he’s worth Many times that just from what I know he owns. His/this house alone is worth more than that. He actually didn’t think I would remember when He accidentally told me but he has 40 million in monero alone.
That’s what I’m thinking. This dude I think is using meth more than cannabis......he’s a strange one.Dude are you ok ? Do you need to get back on your meds there little buddy?
That’s what I’m thinking. This dude I think is using meth more than cannabis......he’s a strange one.
water pump? did you call the phone number on it?This house has never been used for growing. Some weird stuff here: I’m going to find out I’m staying here. Wish me luck I figure this thing out. Another weird thing in the house:
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View attachment 4207565
Right.Stop smoking the funny stuff. Go seek mental health services.
and stop putting your family on blast. That stuff is none of our business.
This timer can still be purchased today and are still in useHey guys, I found this ticking thing in my house. Not sure what it is. Says it goes to lights, the light switch is turned off for outside the house, but this is very old technology I imagine and this is a freakin brand new upgraded house. All top of the line stuff in this house, any idea what this ticking box is????? Its pretty noisy. Picture below:
View attachment 4207277
nah looks like a steam generator for a showerwater pump? did you call the phone number on it?
just skimming i f you already said.
Its the steam unit from a dirty water dog trucknah looks like a steam generator for a shower
a dirty water dog truck? That stands on it's own.Its the steam unit from a dirty water dog truck