Well-Known Member
Overseas or locally, it's still the big dogs that end up with our taxes. Maybe if we'd of kept the monarchy, (Not my choice) we'd have medicare for all, a much more inclusive medical system then the giveaway to the corporate insurance companies we have now.
It was the unions that built the middle class and the elites are hell bent on dismanteling them. That one action by itself should be a war cry to the middle class. If the middle class doesn't stand up to the right wingers on this position, they can kiss their middle class jobs goodby. What we are seeing by the right wing and tea party is an assault on workers and their way of life. It is time for this nonesense to be recognized and stopped. It took a lot of bloodshed by union organizers and workers desiring a better way of life to get the current middle class. My question is this: Will they stand by and watch it dismanteled? If Wisconson is any sign of things to come, I believe the people will survive with their unions intact. Those republicans that voted this carnage into law will be recalled or impeached, mark my words. The voters will not forget. Their unemployment will run out about election time next year, good luck repukes, good luck.
Since we belong to england our taxes would be going there. Well now you have odumbass care one that will bankrupt the country you should be happy. Just no more passing the hospitals with all those people lying around dying because they did not have medicare. And as far as the unions being middle class the bastards think they should be the upper class. That is why they can ruin a company by going on strike. Do you know any union member that are rich? NO but their bosses are. The teachers can molest a child and can not be fired because they are union. Yes I am one of those Tea Party Republicians that want the unions out of the governments pocket. If you privatise the unions they would be broke, so you think this is the best way for your tax dollars to be spent is to support unions. We will see what happens but I think the unions are going to be a thing of the past. The new republician ad out has some clown that runs the union talking about them not being insterted in children or schools they or powerful because 3.2 million union members pay them hundreds of millions of dollars in dues. Great ad. On your way out today make sure the hosipital is taking care of all those people dying out their front door. And make sure you support those unions they need the money. Thanks have a great day.