FOX NEWS-Legalization of Marijuana Public's Number One Issue on Webiste

I did, and get their weekly newsletter. Also a member of the Drug Policy Alliance Network . If more stoners would get off their butt and make more attempts at getting it legal instead of sittin on their butts wondering when that next hit is gonna come maybe we could get it legal!:wall:

word the myan callender is in the 6th yrear now and that last time it entered the 6th years was 1960
I went to and voted it up. Did you guys hear that Missouri might become the 14th state that legalizes marijuana for medical purposes? This bill was voted down the last 2 years but somehow it has received more attention this year. They are going to put it up to a vote this 4-20 :D ... i posted a thread about it in this toke-n-talk last night
BTW ive seen all them videos already
check that out
the polls have already closed....

I heard that the pot industry might not be getting raided anymore.... that is as soon as obama puts someone new in charge of the DEA... currently the DEA is still ran by the bush administration... but obama is going to put someone else in charge (says the obama administration) ... I was reading that on website.... :bigjoint:
im so glad Obama won yo its not even funny
this wouldnt even be a question if faggot ass McCain got elected
Yeah I have visited Barack Obama's whitehouse page and I write him an e-mail about legalizing marijuana 2-3 times per week. I have heard that persistance is the only way things get done. I want him to be bombarded with e-mails about legalization of marijuana.

I would hate to see marijuana full-out legalized in one respect. If government schwag became the standard, I'd be kind of sad. And if Phillip Morris got some profits from selling marijuana, I'd be quite pissed off. What I favor is tight, strict government regulation. That means: No advertising of marijuana allowed in any form--no billboards, no television commercials, no pamphlets--nothing. Also, no corporate interest in the hemp industry. Let's keep it small-time. I don't want phillip morris to make money off marijuana, and I don't want any tobacco companies to get involved. I would hope that the government creates some government-run grow operations, kind of like how Oakland commissioned Ed Rosenthal to handle the medical marijuana growing. I would also like to see marijuana taxed to fucking hell, and I would like to see the taxes being put directly back into the system--on things like education, applying excess marijuana taxes to the national debt, etc.... you know, I would be very mad to think that 10 million dollars of marijuana taxes went to some pork barrel spending project like building a polar bear a new cage at the Oregon Zoo. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with our system...

If Barack Obama doesn't legalize marijuana on some level, I will be regretful that my wife and I wasted our votes on him. I think that I'd rather have John McCain in office if Obama doesn't do anything about marijuana.
I am too. Quite a assumption that every repubican is anti-weed or an asshole. Funny stuff. :leaf:
Well you seen in the 80s with what republicans did with their so call war on weed. And yes I did say weed and not drugs because the only people really hurt by these laws were cannabis smokers. We smoke one joint we gotta sweat it for a month.. Crack heads only gotta wait 24 hours. Check out the jails its not rapist or murder's its filled with marijuana users. Sorry if I made that statement about republicans but based on their reputation they don't seem keen on any sort of legalization of marijuana for the sick or the dying let alone the avg user.:bigjoint: but this isn't what this thread is about so i'll leave it at that.. Come on clones get here..Puff Puff Pass hands joint to Republican..let by gones be bye gones..and smoke in peace
you better be nice to the republicans---because the next civil war will be blue versus red and we have all the military bases and rednecks :) You'll all be in camps:)
If America legalized it a lot of other countries would follow. American marijuana discrimination first took place back in the slave days. White men would use alcohol as there drug of choice while the Africans preferred cannabis. After the Alcohol Prohibition ending in 1933. Earlier in 1914 the “Harrison Act" put the first laws on cocaine and opiates. In 1930 the Treasury Department was created Harry J. Anslinger was the director. In search for attention, Harry ordered marijuana to become illegal making claims such as Quote:
"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use.
This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual reel
"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men.
"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its user’s insanity, criminality, and death."
You are really close to the truth but dont forget that we used to accept cargo ships full of hemp and marijuana. The mexicans brought the marijuana in and introduced it to the jazz community. It was the mexicans and follwed by the blacks that caused the fear....:bigjoint:

If America legalized it a lot of other countries would follow. American marijuana discrimination first took place back in the slave days. White men would use alcohol as there drug of choice while the Africans preferred cannabis. After the Alcohol Prohibition ending in 1933. Earlier in 1914 the “Harrison Act" put the first laws on cocaine and opiates. In 1930 the Treasury Department was created Harry J. Anslinger was the director. In search for attention, Harry ordered marijuana to become illegal making claims such as Quote:
"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use.
This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual reel
"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men.
"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its user’s insanity, criminality, and death."
i just dont understand why they just dont legalize it and sell it in every store in America , not even for us , for themselves , u know how much money they would
make ??
Marijuana is the #1 selling cash crop in America ( #2 is grapes in case you were wondering)
led along it would give Americans millions of new jobs