Fox News vs - what's the difference?


Well-Known Member
.... at propagandizing the world.
Right, DJboxhouse?

I say if fox is criticizing us rollituppers, then we're probably on the right track.
Fox is an arm of the the malicious bureaucratic machine that's ruining our world.
A thing which only love & understanding can destroy - with the aid of the internet.


Well-Known Member
I love how the video with Glenn Beck on the View they are arguing about whether Glenn went over to Barbara Walters and Whoopi or they came up to him on the train. Seriously? That's the best example of Beck's "lies" they could come up with? They wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise either. Glenn is a bit over the top but I don't understand why all the lefties hate him. He's about exposing corruption. Why is that a bad thing? Could it be because he is exposing and hindering the progressive, marxist agenda?

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
"According to the JCT, last year's $787 billion stimulus bill, enacted with no Republican support, reduced federal taxes by almost $100 billion in 2009 and another $222 billion this year. The Tax Policy Center, a private research group, estimates that close to 90% of all taxpayers got a tax cut last year and almost 100% of those in the $50,000 income range. For those making between $40,000 and $50,000, the average tax cut was $472; for those making between $50,000 and $75,000, the tax cut averaged $522. No taxpayer anywhere in the country had his or her taxes increased as a consequence of Obama's policies."

Uh oh.... Misinformation strikes again...

Source: Forbes - I know, liberal bias:rolleyes:


New Member
Dream on......

3.5 MILLION: Jobs Obama Promised Stimulus Would Create By End Of 2010. (President Barack Obama, Remarks At The Signing Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act, Press Release, Denver, CO, 2/17/09)
2.8 MILLION: Jobs Lost Since Obama Made That Promise. (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 2/16/10)

Want more?

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
I'm glad you edited that post or you would have lost all credibility

Since when are we talking about Jobs?

The initial joke I made was referring to the Teabaggers - you know that cult created on the basis of misplaced racial anger ("take back our nation")?

Who the majority of believe taxes have gone up under Obama?

When in reality they have gone down?

Ya, them.


New Member
Oh... I up a post gains credibility? :lol: ur lost son...

The tea Patriots aren't racist...but you keep swinging away with that... it only makes them grow in size. Not smart.... you will find out in's already a done deal.


Well-Known Member
LOL, if its on television it couldn't possibly be real. This clip says it all!!


Patrick Bateman

Active Member
No, but saying only saying "Dream on..." in the face of undisputed fact loses you credibility

lol @ Tea Patriots

The Democrats will lose a few seats come November

But keep in mind Teabaggers are a minority

Minorities in the USA usually aren't heard too loudly


Well-Known Member
Oh... I up a post gains credibility? :lol: ur lost son...

The tea Patriots aren't racist...but you keep swinging away with that... it only makes them grow in size. Not smart.... you will find out in's already a done deal.
what are you gonna eat if you're wrong.
i say you eat a bowl of dry fishbones.


New Member
Great posts guys... :roll:

6 PERCENT: Not Surprisingly, Number Of Americans That Say Obama's Stimulus Created Jobs. (Stephanie Condon, "Poll: Economy Brings Down Obama's Job Approval Rating,"CBS News' "Political Hotsheet" Blog, 2/11/10)