• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Fox News vs Rollitup.org - what's the difference?


Active Member
Lol k, I'll give you the Hannity one, but those Beck one's are pretty irrelevant. Beck has exposed more corruption in the federal govt than any other newscaster on air today. and who gives a fuck about The View? some female celebrities who's views and opinions matter why? because of America's infatuation with celebrities and what they think.

there's no denying all of the Marxist loving appointed positions by Obama himself in the White House, and Beck and Hannity expose those people and corruptions when other networks like CNN, ABC, MSNBC won't dare to touch because they're all in bed with the Obama administration
"CNN, ABC, MSNBC won't dare to touch because they're all in bed with the Obama administration"

you better check the stock holdings on fox if u are to separate them from the other ones...


Active Member
K, well he used to be an alcoholic and is fully recovered, and why would his past marriage be relevant now? He breaks stories of govt corruption that you would never hear about from the state run media(MSNBC, ABC, CNBC, CNN). why do you think the White House sees FOX as such a threat? because they know the truth and they break the truth all the time.

Lol, and there is no hard proof that the world was/is heating up due to these "devastating" green house gases that actually already exist in the atmosphere. I think it was something like 9 errors and gross exaggerations in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth- http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23416151-judge-attacks-nine-errors-in-al-gores-alarmist-climate-change-film.do
Why do you think they call it "climate change" now??

And, Beck is partially right. Obama does believe that the US was founded on the backs of the black people by the "evil white man" and now it's his chance to put things in their rightful place and redistribute wealth to the people who've been held back by the "white man" and "white man's system."

"Lol, and there is no hard proof that the world was/is heating up due to these "devastating" green house gases that actually already exist in the atmosphere. I think it was something like 9 errors and gross exaggerations in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth- http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/a...change-film.do
Why do you think they call it "climate change" now??"

You don't watch documentaries? I know i do... research teams on the antarctic continent took samples from within the ice on different levels an as anyone probably knows: in the ground dinosaurs are found way below then everything newer is found above everything older is found below.. the ground levels are like an history book with time table..This is because the layers form up time after time... This also goes for the Ice on the antarctic continent because it was formed over time layer after layer by changing climate... So they drilled those samples and analyzed the air trapped within the ice... then got to the conclusion that that CO² levels in todays air are about 200 times more than after the recovery of the last ice age... Further more they made a time table of CO² levels in air and known temperatures/Ice ages.. This was even more shocking because high CO² directly affect higher temperature which is then followed by a new ice age... history repeats itself only this time about 200 time stronger? Or can the earth balance it out like last time?
To say that men has nothing to do with changing environment would be something your children might regret.. Even if we don't change the environment and spend billions on research funds to make sure this is an fact.. (An I firmly believe we do change it) All the effort and money put in this will not be spilled because to make sure we don't FUCK UP this place for future generations, the risk of simply not looking into something as important as this, is not worth taken..
Take it serious because existence of mankind and even all life (since there is no fact that other life is found beyond earth) could be on the line...
To simply state something like the above post is an crime against mankind...


Active Member
"(since there is no fact that other life is found beyond earth)"

Or is it already a fact that they found other than earth bacterias? I cant state for sure that there's no fact of life other than that on earth, cause i dont know.. :s

Cloud City

New Member
K, well he used to be an alcoholic and is fully recovered, and why would his past marriage be relevant now? He breaks stories of govt corruption that you would never hear about from the state run media(MSNBC, ABC, CNBC, CNN). why do you think the White House sees FOX as such a threat? because they know the truth and they break the truth all the time.

Lol, and there is no hard proof that the world was/is heating up due to these "devastating" green house gases that actually already exist in the atmosphere. I think it was something like 9 errors and gross exaggerations in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth- http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23416151-judge-attacks-nine-errors-in-al-gores-alarmist-climate-change-film.do
Why do you think they call it "climate change" now??

And, Beck is partially right. Obama does believe that the US was founded on the backs of the black people by the "evil white man" and now it's his chance to put things in their rightful place and redistribute wealth to the people who've been held back by the "white man" and "white man's system."


Beck is a racist clown. I'm a Conservative who watches FOX and listens to AM talk radio and even I hope the fairness doctrine is passed. There are too many ignorant people in places like Oklahoma who only hear one sided Conservative AM radio talk shows and they are getting brainwashed. It needs to change.

The polar icecaps are melting in the summers when then never used too. That is because its warmer now than it was 50 years ago and the icepack isn't what is used to be so now in the summer instead of partially melted ice there is open water. All the shit people keep putting into the air, land, and water is not good for the planet.


Well-Known Member
~~"And, Beck is partially right. Obama does believe that the US was founded on the backs of the black people by the "evil white man" and now it's his chance to put things in their rightful place and redistribute wealth to the people who've been held back by the "white man" and "white man's system.""

Well, according to historical fact, the wealth of the US, during the first third of it's existence, was actually built on the back of slave labor. Once slavery ended, the south ended up almost completely broke (and they knew they would-hence the Civil War)

Please keep in mind that the "white man's" policies during the past decade also hold the white man back

The wealth was already redistributed under the bush administration---it was spread out to the already insanely rich...

I don't know that promoting American labor and fair wages that keep up w inflation would actually be redistribution of wealth--it's called not letting our country go third world
RLY? I would think the reason the South was broke had more to do with the fact that half of it had been burned to the ground and that wealth that could be transported was taken by the victors, that capital that could not be taken was burned. The North was vicious in its triumph against the South and left it a shell and impoverished. Cotton would never again be King.

So slaves made all the wealth from 1776-1861 eh? And the fact that all the slaves were free and the south was tanking is what precipitated the civil war? Wrong history book you read there bub, the southern states secession is what Lincoln did not want, but the slavery issue is what caused the states to leave the union in the first place. No slaves were actually freed by the Emancipation Proclamation until the Civil War was well under way.

The thing about wages is that the more you have to pay people, the more you either have to charge customers or the less people you hire. Either way causes the ultimate end consumer higher prices for the goods and services they need. For every wage increase there is a likewise increase in goods and services to compensate the employers for the added expense. In the end nothing changes. If you truly had a free market everything could exist in harmony as everything would find equilibrium. We had no inflation for the first 137 years of this countries history.

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol nice thread! i came into this section and couldnt help seeing like every single thread is seething with discontent with the current situation.

I cant help but recall the days when this forum was full of people posting the exact opposite

I think regardless of fox news we can use the rollitup politics section as a good barameter of our Presidents current approval rating,:bigjoint: in greater america

in laymans terms nigga's aint happy and its illistrated in this forum which has come full circle from this time last year

this is not an illusion, and with all this, to me, its bitter sweet because now we finally have a president who handed us the biggest victory for marijuana reform in a very long time. but he cant seem to do anything else right, he coulda really made it

its like that pill they made that it grows you hair back but it also makes you ipotenet at the same time:bigjoint:

what my do

naked gardener

Active Member
RLY? I would think the reason the South was broke had more to do with the fact that half of it had been burned to the ground and that wealth that could be transported was taken by the victors, that capital that could not be taken was burned. The North was vicious in its triumph against the South and left it a shell and impoverished. Cotton would never again be King.

So slaves made all the wealth from 1776-1861 eh?And the fact that all the slaves were free and the south was And tanking is what precipitated the civil war? Wrong history book you read there bub, the southern states secession is what Lincoln did not want, but the slavery issue is what caused the states to leave the union in the first place. No slaves were actually freed by the Emancipation Proclamation until the Civil War was well under way.

The thing about wages is that the more you have to pay people, the more you either have to charge customers or the less people you hire. Either way causes the ultimate end consumer higher prices for the goods and services they need. For every wage increase there is a likewise increase in goods and services to compensate the employers for the added expense. In the end nothing changes. If you truly had a free market everything could exist in harmony as everything would find equilibrium. We had no inflation for the first 137 years of this countries history.

"So slaves made all the wealth from 1776-1861 eh?

The old south did make its wealth from slavery--and the plantation owners and politicians (many x 1 & the same) knew that w/ out free, intense labor, their fields would not produce the same obscene profits--and that is why--AS YOU STATED--They wanted to seceed from the Union--who, for the sake of the free-market, wanted to abolish slavery in preference to "free" labor--("free" meaning voluntary & paid as opposed to forced and unpaid--as the latter was not good for a capitalist economy)

"And the fact that all the slaves were free and the south was tanking is what precipitated the civil war?"

what r u talking about? I did not say that--i believe the opposite--the slaves were free and the south tanked AFTER the war--not precipitated it

True, the south was broke from the war--as is historically the case for any country/region who suffers defeat--but their economy would have tanked w/out slavery and that is why they were willing to fight and die and allow to their land to be plundered--to protect "their property"...

You called the north 'vicious'--both sides were vicious--it was a war of attrition

I did not post anything inaccurate--are you sore that the north won--or are you waiting for the south to rise again??

Big P

Well-Known Member
2010 will be a good year for politicsbongsmilie

lets watch it slowly unfold shall we? dont worry, I dont do i told you so's;-) so I promise you wont have to worry about that

Originally published 04:45 a.m., October 27, 2009, updated 10:26 a.m., October 27, 2009

PRUDEN: Something really scary for Obama's Democrats

Wesley Pruden
This is one Mr. Deeds who apparently isn't going to town. The collapse of the Democratic campaign for governor of Virginia speaks volumes - chapters, anyway - about what the body politic is trying to tell Barack Obama's Democrats.

They're learning, painfully, that campaigning without George W. Bush is baffling, frustrating and scary. Worse, it offers a preview of what the congressional campaigning will be like next year. One Obama doorbell ringer, working neighborhoods in Northern Virginia for Creigh Deeds, says even the promise of free pizza can't lure faithful Democrats to a rally.
For weeks, The Washington Post, the house organ of the national Democratic Party, pounded away at Bob McDonnell, the Republican nominee, for having written politically incorrect term papers in graduate school, citing his master's thesis, which decried abortion, gender-bending and radical feminism, as proof that he doesn't like women very much.
Only a month ago, Mr. Deeds, the Post's horse in the race, wouldn't talk about anything but the McDonnell graduate-school thesis - maybe a boon to master's and doctoral candidates who can't get anybody but a professor to read their wit and wisdom, but, as it turns out, a bore to voters in Virginia. The public-opinion polls continue to show Mr. McDonnell ahead, despite all the Post's ineffective deeds, and with a lengthening lead.

Now Mr. Deeds doesn't want to talk about graduate-school scribbling at all, just as leaks from the Post newsroom reveal that the newspaper has a seven-part series ready for publication to prove that Bob McDonnell has had a lifelong hostility to those of the pink persuasion. He once pulled the pigtails of a little girl in the second grade, and as a third-grader he bounced a spitball, aimed at a male pal, off the shoulder of a girl two rows over. These are no doubt serious charges, violence against (tiny) women, sexual harassment and all that, but not likely to turn the tide of a runaway that is building in Virginia.

Suddenly, the White House is treating the bereft Mr. Deeds as if he's on the fourth day of a three-day underarm deodorant pad. Bill Clinton, accustomed to speaking to cheering thousands at a hundred grand a pop, was dispatched the other night to a Deeds rally to set the throng on fire with one of his late-October stumpwallopers. The rally, such as it was, was held not at an arena or a hotel - not even a Motel 6 - but in a campaign office in the Washington suburbs. The "throng" was counted in the dozens, about the size of a PTA meeting. Not even Bubba could dispel the gloom of a wake.

"These polls are either accurate, or they're not," he said, delivering an insight worthy of a Harvard political science professor. "So are the polls right? The answer is yes, no, and maybe." But what else could he say? Dispatched for mortuary duty, Bubba could only sympathize with the preacher called on to say something nice over the grave of the town bootlegger.

Barack Obama himself is offering the mere minimum of presidential support over the past seven days of the campaign, just mailing it in (even if delivering the mail in person). He'll make one last appearance with Mr. Deeds this week in Tidewater. Meanwhile, back in Washington, the president's political aides continue to dish the obsequies over a doomed candidate while pretending to pray for a miracle. So far no one has invoked Harry Truman, patron saint of doomed candidates, but there's still a week to go.

Mr. Deeds' friends are bitter about the anonymous voices peddling the discouraging word from the White House. "These 'anonymous voices' have decided those hard-working [down-ballot candidates] are just collateral damage in their effort to tell the world that if [Mr.] Deeds doesn't win, it is because he ignored advice," Paul Goldman, a former chairman of the Virginia Democratic Party, tells Politico, the Washington politics daily. "This isn't change we can believe in, but the same old, same old we voted out of office. Do they really believe their attempts to shield the president from blame is going to distract [Mr.] Obama's critics, much less change the arc of today's politics?"

Of course it won't, and that's what makes the Virginia race so scary for
the president's men. Voters will use whatever club is available to "send a message," and sometimes, as any number of pols could tell you, the club is big, rough and means business.
• Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.


Well-Known Member
Oh man did this thread take off. Thanks guys for the opinions. As I am not able to post here without moderation I am really impressed with the dialog. I will check in as often as I can.


Well-Known Member
the neo-fascist rightwingers here smoke too much weed. at foxnews they smoke too much crack.
Bingo. + rep to you PVS. The rapid wingnuts here at RIU smoke too much weed and they play a one sided roll like they are actors getting paid to post here. They do not believe a single word they type but they get off doing it. It is a sickness and a disease worse than the internet itself. They are flame warriors and trolls who will never back down no matter how much proof you show them. Their hard headedness is the result of a complete lack of self esteem and any real friends in this world. Fox appeals to these clueless and boring people. They are the same people who masterbate to the Enquirer and get off on believing in nothing.


Well-Known Member
Fox Noise is in the business of lying...and business is good! bongsmilie
If you keep saying it, the rubes will come...Right CJ? :blsmoke:


Active Member
the real difference is that in here any moron can say what they want, at fox news they have to be on the payroll
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Well-Known Member
if any one of us actually thinks we know what the government is doing we're crazy. they let us know what they want us to know. all news channels have an agenda, none of them are good. we all know in the bottom of our stomach something is not right. so when shit really hits the fan don't be surprised.

naked gardener

Active Member
if any one of us actually thinks we know what the government is doing we're crazy. they let us know what they want us to know. all news channels have an agenda, none of them are good. we all know in the bottom of our stomach something is not right. so when shit really hits the fan don't be surprised.

I'll smoke to that :joint:


Active Member
Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity speak with cold hard facts. They show video and/or record quotes giving proof of what this current administration's real agenda is.

Their quotes and hard facts are as strong as the guy who edits the clips.

There's no arguing with facts and quotes
Are these the type quotes your refering to?

"So slaves made all the wealth from 1776-1861 eh?

The old south did make its wealth from slavery--and the plantation owners and politicians (many x 1 & the same) knew that w/ out free, intense labor, their fields would not produce the same obscene profits--and that is why--AS YOU STATED--They wanted to seceed from the Union--who, for the sake of the free-market, wanted to abolish slavery in preference to "free" labor--("free" meaning voluntary & paid as opposed to forced and unpaid--as the latter was not good for a capitalist economy)

"And the fact that all the slaves were free and the south was tanking is what precipitated the civil war?"

what r u talking about? I did not say that--i believe the opposite--the slaves were free and the south tanked AFTER the war--not precipitated it

True, the south was broke from the war--as is historically the case for any country/region who suffers defeat--but their economy would have tanked w/out slavery and that is why they were willing to fight and die and allow to their land to be plundered--to protect "their property"...

You called the north 'vicious'--both sides were vicious--it was a war of attrition

I did not post anything inaccurate--are you sore that the north won--or are you waiting for the south to rise again??
Companies are always looking for a way to increase profit. Pre civil war it was Free labor= large profit.

Today it's more like find the cheapest labor/country for production of product = larger profit.

In larger companies that sell services rather than product. Lets bring in newer help=smaller salaries, cut out jobs of middle management/offer retirement packages to older employees in upper management= free up more capital, give ourselves "corporate execs" raises and increase profit, or not doesn't really matter we will be rich!

if any one of us actually thinks we know what the government is doing we're crazy. they let us know what they want us to know. all news channels have an agenda, none of them are good. we all know in the bottom of our stomach something is not right. so when shit really hits the fan don't be surprised.
Awesome! Doesn't really matter if your left or right. The government has you on a side, i.e. devided! Who can rise up to correct what is wrong if they are too confused at what is going on?

Last, "There is nothing wrong with America, that can't be fixed by what is right with America. -Abraham Lincoln



naked gardener

Active Member
"Companies are always looking for a way to increase profit. Pre civil war it was Free labor= large profit.

Today it's more like find the cheapest labor/country for production of product = larger profit.

In larger companies that sell services rather than product. Lets bring in newer help=smaller salaries, cut out jobs of middle management/offer retirement packages to older employees in upper management= free up more capital, give ourselves "corporate execs" raises and increase profit, or not doesn't really matter we will be rich! "
With all due respect--what exactly is your point? Am I misunderstanding, or are you championing corporate notions of "profit by any means"?

The argument originated w a comment about Obama supposedly wanting to "redistribute the wealth" in response to slavery...when actually what Obama wants to do is generate jobs and income back into the labor force & the U.S. economy--a little wealth and power back into the middle class instead of concentrated in the top 1%

if obama made a reference to slavery, I find it a fairly reasonable comparison to the corporate model today, except now, it's cheap, off-shore low quality labor, not actual slavery, that competes with the US labor force. So fucking what if a multi million/billion dollar corp makes a lil less $$ bc they are paying fair wages to american workers

I'm just not real clear on what you are saying, what your point is exactly--but i do agree w your comment about keeping us divided and confused--that tactic is as old as hierarchy itself...

naked gardener

Active Member
oh, hey Uriah---

sorry--I had you confused w someone else for a moment (No Drama, who originally tried to discount my perspective)--so while i'm still not totally clear on your point--I didn't mean to come at you so strong~~~:peace:


Well-Known Member
fuck foxxx.
they spent the last two weeks covering the heene family and their balloon exploits.
it happened an hour north of where i am, so that is alllllll i am still hearing about..
looks like the dad got more media coverage than he was setting out to get..
yet still quite an interesting story. there hasn't been much news in the last few weeks period, regardless of where you get ur news.

altho if you don't get it from fox, i doubt the news ur getting is important news period.

its not. left media puts out bullshit stories (not saying they are lies, just unimportant) that no one cares about