Freak Tooth! (Mutant Sweet Tooth) Keep or kill?

Hey everyone, this is my first thread and my first grow so forgive any f*ck-ups :peace:

My setup: Homebox small (80 x 80 x 160cm) Have to use 250W CFL just now because the summer is too hot for my HPS (400 or 250W with cooltube = too hot) hopefully add another 125W or 250W later on. 2 RVK in-line fans (1 intake, 1 extractor) Also have a 9" desk fan in there but that circulates the air too well, messes up extraction & makes the tent hotter... I germinated 5 Sweet Tooth seeds from Barney's Farm. All 5 germed, planted in Root Riot cubes under puny fluorescent tube for about 2.5 days & have been under cfl since 30/06/2010

Now, my "problem": Most of my babies are normal, they started with 2 cotyledon leaves, have 2 "branches" on the first internode, symmetrical growth etc.... But then there's the Freak Tooth. She started with 3 cotyledon leaves, has 3 branches on the first internode & the leaves on the aforementioned internode are.... not right :confused: 1 leaf has the expected 3 fingers, the other 2 have 4 & 5 fingers per leaf. [Hopefully pics will show]

Now i'm wondering if this is a good or bad thing? And has anyone else had this problem? (I couldn't find any similar forum posts) Since i'll probably have to kill, or give away, 1 or 2 plants because of sh*tty lighting, i wanna know if it's worth my time growing the little bugger? Perhaps the extra branches will help bud production?? Maybe not...

Any advice,help or questions are greatly appreciated whether it's regarding the Freak or anything else. Cheers!



Well-Known Member
I would never throw away a mutation. There are quite a few threads about different mutations and most end up being awesome. Think of it this way, U have extra growth that could lead to a ton of extra bud sites! Start a grow journal on her I guarantee if U put mutation in the title of it you will have tons of followers.
The great thing about a journal is U have people watching that can answer alot of ur questions quicker than just posting them....



Well-Known Member
yeah man it looks healthy. mutations aren't always bad. roll with it. happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
It's a triploid plant. They can be polyploid as well (4). Nothing wrong with growing it out.
Thanks! I hoped it wouldnt be a bad thing & as Kimi says more bud sites = more bud :D
I'll start a journal later on & post a link here in case any of you want to keep up with it.


Active Member
i know im late but here is a huge positive about certain mutant plants. usually a mutant plant is not as good. but not in every case.

heres from high times october 2010 issue. heres a question from the dear danko section.

Whorled Phyllotaxy
Some of my plants are doing something really weird: Instead of two branches coming out of the stem, I get three individual branches. Is this common?

Trilateral branching also known as whorled phyllotaxy is a genetic mutation of the chromosomes, common mostly among south american sativa dominant strains. it's a benign mutation, meaning there's nothing to worry about, and can actually result in bigger harvesets under the proper conditions. Consider yourself lucky as most other genetic mutations aren't nearly as harmless.