freaked out


Well-Known Member
I was just in my kitchen making a smoothie and I noticed these kids climbing up over the fence to take pictures of my plant. I am seriously shaken up lofl. So i went outside and I was like HI and they were like "Hi, is this your plant?" and I said yes and they were like "it's really nice" and I said thanks.

I am worried someone is going to steal my plant or try to harm my home. What do I do? They didn't look like bad kids but people will do things for bud. I figured they may not want to steal from a nice lady, that's why I went outside LOL. What do I do?

Should I bring the plant inside perm? It's been an outside plant for as long as I can remember and it's happier outside plus, I am usually home and the fence is prob 10 feet high and there is a alley between my place and the plant. they would probably get killed trying to get a 6 gallon plant off there.

i feel sick over this. My fiance always said it would be a problem bc it would attract unwanted attention. i hope they don't steal my medicine :(
wow ouch that sucks. If it was me I would move it inside. and if you dont have a security system which would be ideal throw a couple fake cameras and the signs that say"blah blah security company"
its been spotted and kids talk i would bring it inside and save it that way you wont be worried whats going to happen to her. unless you dont have lights to grow her indoors then your in a bit of a sticky situation. if you can, bring her in and put your mind at rest if not move it too another location in your garden. all the best
damn.. that is crazy... i would definitely bring her indoors if that is at all a possibility.. the thing i would worry about is maybe the kids not taking the pix would steal it, but kids being kids, that pic is going to make its rounds to all of the other kids that age, and maybe one or two of them aren't as kind hearted, if you know what i mean..
you said that your home a lot, but didn't you see these kids coming over your fence before they get up and close to your plants?? idk, i would bring it indoors, and like yesterday..
or you can always buy yourself a mean dog.. you could always borrow mine as he just bite my mom and she was in the hospital for four days with an infection.. he is very good at scaring young kids and old ladies, lol...
This is what I would do get one of these

I have one and love the thing, I have a patch about 300 feet away from the house and was noticing foot prints did some searching and came up with the driveway alarm it does detect people and you can put a few out and that all work together. Just replace the battery every year and it is weather proof and easy to set up. You can adjust the volume it is loud if you want it. It lets out woop woop and you know some one tripped it. I have dogs and the small one won't trip it. 45 lbs. the 100 lbs dog does trip it.
Get a nice dog house and put a blanket and a radio in their and go downtown and talk to homeless people tell them you have a brand new dog house and they can crash their and you can offer them beer and pizza to watch your crop till its done. just make sure to dig a good hole he can poop in because you don't want him crapping in your bushes or on your walkways- Goodluck
They could see it. It was very visible from the neighboring building and the alley. I moved it, hopefully they don't come looking.
sorry to hear that.... hope they dont find it!
an outside dog perhaps...?

p.s. i was wondering, what is that in ur avatar? looks yummy!
Man, i hope you are a card holder. I would be worried that these kids tell one too many and somebody tells their parents, which in turn tells LEO. GL. I would never grow outdoors because of situations like this....... OK i lied, if i had tons of land i would but not in residential neighborhood.
i'd just be careful... look out for the kids... set up some theft deterrents.... if kids find that who knows who else could