Free Grow Software!

Wow you just blew my mind......ummm.... i just went to and downloaded and then ran the program. as far as me being admin i assume i was because i didn't make any changes when the program first opened. Im not sure what .net4 is or what a service pack is to be honest but if could just send me the free HERB.IQ for Dummies i would appreciate it:-P
No you misunderstand .0.5.4 would download and install and i could open it... i just couldn't input any info into any fields or it would stop working
No you misunderstand .0.5.4 would download and install and i could open it... i just couldn't input any info into any fields or it would stop working

I think I might have an idea what it is, I retargeted the CPU in that release, I will fix it for ya. I'm about to release 0.6.0 and will revert the change back to see if that fixes, let me know if that gives you any problems.

Just posted 0.6.0, should fix the issues people were having with the last release. Added general notes, income tracking, expense tracking, finance graphing, stretch scaling is now able to be toggled in between modes, screen size and location is now preserved, and I was playing with WPF basic printing support, still working on full report printing and hope to get that in with the next update. Let me know if you have any problems:

Upgrade -->

New Install -->

Lx :leaf:
I was using the old program for a while and it stopped opening. I just upgraded to the new one and still no luck?? It just keeps telling me to enter my password
I was using the old program for a while and it stopped opening. I just upgraded to the new one and still no luck?? It just keeps telling me to enter my password

Im having a simliar issue, it wont accept my password, so i cant access my data now
Duuuuude, this is sweet. Nice work. I've been wanting to get more organized and start a journal and this is exactly what I needed to get going. Thanks!
Im having a simliar issue, it wont accept my password, so i cant access my data now

Have you tried just hitting enter? Sometimes upgrades wipe the password out, also you might want to consider using the recovery file option next time so that can't happen again.

Is there some secret to using the default events? It is checked in the options but the events are not visible when I try to enter.
Well bad news Luciferx I updated the software today and everything went good, I like the expanded finance and notes, But there is a glitch somewhere as now i cant open the program anymore it just keeps redirecting to password entry screen. Hopefully I can get an answer on this one havent had much luck getting feedback or an answer from ya yet. Being patient and waiting Thanks in advance the software is pretty cool cept for the small glitches.
I did this and it tells me I must back up data file first and then it says back up failed, must back up files manually to use existing data???? bummer

If it fails it means the filename in the textbox already exists so you just need to name it something unique, add a 1 to the end or something and it will work.
