Well-Known Member
If it fails it means the filename in the textbox already exists so you just need to name it something unique, add a 1 to the end or something and it will work.
got it thanks!!
If it fails it means the filename in the textbox already exists so you just need to name it something unique, add a 1 to the end or something and it will work.
Have you tried just hitting enter? Sometimes upgrades wipe the password out, also you might want to consider using the recovery file option next time so that can't happen again.
Are the sensors from Vernier?
Has anyone tried this program with success?
Nice program, I devolop also in c++ but I can learn in other languages if needed. I would love to be a graphic designer, Or editor, Bugs, Anything. Looks like a great start man, Message me?
Matt Budz
Quick question, and this is probably mostly my lack of knowledge thus far. Should there be a separate option for date planted, or is that the same thing as date germed? I put my seeds directly into soil and I would assume that date germed would typically be the day that the plant first pops out of the dirt. Currently, I'm putting the date I planted the seed under date germed and the date it pops out of the soil under veg start date, but I have doubts that I'm doing it correctly.
Please please please fix the tab indexing on the forms, hitting tab to go through fields jumps you all over the place. Makes entering a large amount of information tiresome