Free Nutes

i just received mine as well. didnt realize biobizz's npk values were so low. but it was free i also got bumper stickers. did you get 2 of each. bio grow bloom and top max?
i just received mine as well. didnt realize biobizz's npk values were so low. but it was free i also got bumper stickers. did you get 2 of each. bio grow bloom and top max?

from what i've seen, many companies have a low ratio and a every watering feeding schedule
yea i noticed it says good for everywatering kind of a upside to them. Im using biocanna flores and its something like 2.5 2.1 5.0 or something like that and its also organic. so far no burns. Not bad stuff but way to pricey
Awesome find!! --- Free stuff rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long has it been taking ya'll to get your samples???
their have been many of posts that have shared this link, you didn't "find it" lol

Does it really matter who found the link first? Not all of us have been around long enough to see this link posted multiple times. For those of that havent, were very thankful that he made this post.
I orderer less than 1 month ago. It came faster than I thought cause it said they would ship when new suppily arrived. I figured maybe next year somtime bit I was wrong. Thanks origional poster for putting this up. I have been wanting to try diff nutes at no charge.
Yes I said free nutes, I found a website that will give you large free samples of their nutes, they have a request form to fill out and then they send them to you. I am waiting on mine right nowjust thought everyone would liek to know about this hope it works......

actually has a form to request their sample pack :leaf::-P:bigjoint::lol:
Everything free is worth exactly what you paid for it.:leaf:
check out the email i got today!
Free Samples !!!‏
From:<IMG id=P___356158135 style="DISPLAY: none" webimdisplayStyle="inline"> Jacob Walter ([email protected])
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junkSent:Mon 11/23/09 12:19 PMTo: 'Jacob Walter' ([email protected])
1 attachmentimage001.jpg (14.2 KB)

Hello Garden Ninjas;
I would like to let you know that this is the 2nd email, and your box of goodies left my warehouse last week so most of you might have already got your package if not it will be there soon. I would like to extend my thank you to all of you who have been extremely patient with receiving your free samples. I would also like to say thank you for visiting our website , we truly appreciate everyone&#8217;s support of Bio-Bizz organics and interest in becoming organic rock stars. I hope you enjoy and please email me with any feed back that you can, we always love to hear from the end users on their experience with our nutrients, well until I hear back from each and every one of you, I would like to say that I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, and eat, eat, eat&#8230; O yeah and garden organically&#8230; BLESS
just finally got my confirmation email, says they shipped it out today.... Im stoked, never really get free samples of anything anymore
ya know they still haent responded to my request yet. i just got my free hydroplex from a botanicare freebie today though so all is not lost