Free speech in the politics section

It’s only racist when someone that isn’t part of @UncleBucks circle jerk mentions a race that isn’t white in any slight negative connotation.
I’m not part of the circle jerk (applied but never heard back) but I did read Are whites harder working and more capable? The charts and graphs sure make it look that way.

Even in Texas that’s pretty f’ing racist. This is why we can’t let the south decide anything. Y’all already lost the war. :hump: But still shout and stomp around like winners:wall:
I’m not part of the circle jerk (applied but never heard back) but I did read Are whites harder working and more capable? The charts and graphs sure make it look that way.

Even in Texas that’s pretty f’ing racist. This is why we can’t let the south decide anything. Y’all already lost the war. :hump: But still shout and stomp around like winners:wall:

I don’t really know how to break this down in a more basic form. The articles posted said they don’t know why whites given aid climb out of poverty at a higher rate than black people. The person who posted those graphs was trying to make this point in response to the OP “no dude it’s the whites using federal aid see these charts and graphs?!”

In all of these threads, people are speaking in absolutes about “white people,” and the moment any other race gets painted with a wide brush it’s racist. Do I think any color is harder working than any other color? Absolutely not.

If you would have included the sentence I wrote before, you’d get the hint I’m a big fan of the individual and not the artificially created “group”

“I’d draw a conclusion the individual receiving the help is the vehicle to his or her own success.”
It’s only racist when someone that isn’t part of @UncleBucks circle jerk mentions a race that isn’t white in any slight negative connotation. You guys are hilarious
So you think it’s ok to be negative about someone’s race if you’re not part of said circle jerk, isn’t that circular?
I do find lots of federal aid, and you may be right about the federal aid, but aid does come in many forms and I still believe there are more unemployed dems than republicans. And I think democratic policies support more entitlements. I know people need help, I've been unemployed before. But the system rewards welfare recipients to continue to have kids and not work. I don't think that's a Trump vs Biden thing. I think its a republican vs democrat thing.
Red states tax dollars are in the red vs blue. New York literally pays more, and recieves less than any other state in the country.
Also, unemployment is within a half a percentage point of where it was before covid, when the orange guy was president.
Must be disappointing to folks that hate their country
What percentage of the population is white compared to any other group? What percentage of white people contribute and actually pay income and property taxes? What percentage of black people do? There are 41 million black people and 236 million white people in the US; Ill let you do the math.

your response to his federal aid comment immediately jumped to race, so have at it.

one line that caught my attention too in your post when talking about those that have been pulled out of poverty with government assistance:

“The researchers did not draw a conclusion from their study as to why working class whites are disproportionately helped by government poverty reduction programs. One possibility is that white Americans are better positioned to know all the government benefits that are available to them, Shapiro said. Whites also benefit more from the Social Security system than minorities, both because they may have paid more into it and they are an older population, he said.”

I’d draw a conclusion the individual receiving the help is the vehicle to his or her own success. Is that a race thing? Are whites harder working and more capable? The charts and graphs sure make it look that way.
Shapiro is a lying asshole.
I don’t really know how to break this down in a more basic form. The articles posted said they don’t know why whites given aid climb out of poverty at a higher rate than black people. The person who posted those graphs was trying to make this point in response to the OP “no dude it’s the whites using federal aid see these charts and graphs?!”

In all of these threads, people are speaking in absolutes about “white people,” and the moment any other race gets painted with a wide brush it’s racist. Do I think any color is harder working than any other color? Absolutely not.

If you would have included the sentence I wrote before, you’d get the hint I’m a big fan of the individual and not the artificially created “group”

“I’d draw a conclusion the individual receiving the help is the vehicle to his or her own success.”
I don't know how to break this to you but when you quote lying assholes, you make yourself out to be one.
I don’t really know how to break this down in a more basic form. The articles posted said they don’t know why whites given aid climb out of poverty at a higher rate than black people.
I think you are mistaken in what this chart says.

I believe that it is saying after receiving the government assistance that white people are given enough money to push them above the poverty line. As in their income plus the aid were enough to not be in poverty.

So for example some white single mom living in a rural town getting aid is given enough to lift them out of poverty, may have fewer job opportunities, but also less competition for those jobs and is able to make a lower wage and with the aid they are able to not be considered living in poverty.

The person who posted those graphs was trying to make this point in response to the OP “no dude it’s the whites using federal aid see these charts and graphs?!”
You mean white people using the federal aid more in response to their race baiting bullshit of Democrats use more.

In all of these threads, people are speaking in absolutes about “white people,” and the moment any other race gets painted with a wide brush it’s racist. Do I think any color is harder working than any other color? Absolutely not.

If you would have included the sentence I wrote before, you’d get the hint I’m a big fan of the individual and not the artificially created “group”

“I’d draw a conclusion the individual receiving the help is the vehicle to his or her own success.”
lol at your 'people say' troll.

It is nice to know you don't think the racist lies about one race vs another.

And I agree with your not being a big fan of the artificially created 'group' (although your people say in all threads thing seems like you use it when it suits your needs), that is why it pisses me off that the Republicans are using this kind of racist trolling (like they are with CRT, and their socialism lying spam) to divide our society.

“I’d draw a conclusion the individual receiving the help is the vehicle to his or her own success.”
Agreed. But it makes it a hell of a lot easier when you have not been subject to generational racism that has forced huge populations into very very small areas that are economically demolished for decades.

I think there will be difficulties for the next couple of years for those on a budget that was already stretched thin. You would be shocked how many Americans have zero dollars to their name (a lot of this is personal choice/people living way beyond their means) and are behind on rent or their mortgage. I say the next couple years because it’s only started to hurt for those people. Cheap food and cheap electricity are priority number one, and neither will remain a reality in the near future
This is why I am a big fan of the social programs that Biden and the Democrats have enacted (and are still trying to enact) to make sure that people are able to get through the next couple years without having to struggle as much as they would otherwise had to.

One thing is for sure, these shitty Republican school boards doing things like taking food programs away from kids because 'they could get used to it' needs to end.

And as for your 'zero dollars' troll. I lived paycheck to paycheck for decades. So no, it would not shock me.

You read it like I said that. I asked an OBVIOUS sarcastic question in response to the charts and graphs posted by @hanimmal. As in charts and graphs can be made to say anything
Sure, but the Washington Post has the ability to be sued, and fact checked, which is why their charts are almost always reliable (typo's and human errors do happen), and also why I posted the entire article.

Probably because he's sick of liberals blaming him for everything that's wrong in this country...
lol snow flaking racist white knighting. Classic.
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So now all white guys are racist? OK, lol. You do realize you're the racist because you're saying that, right?
Notice that the troll is just tossing 'ALL' out there like anyone is saying this in order to stir up the "I am not racist, but" crowd that is still somewhat buying into the long term Democratic race baiting trolling.

My message to the people that are still in the MAGA camp, but starting to see the bullshit that they are spewing.


Be that guy.