Free Speech Rally

You're literally the dumbest person posting on this site. It's not even close. It's like you don't even know how dumb you are. The astounding part is that you still push a dumb fucking opinion about crap as if you had a clue what the fuck you were talking about. You should probably stop polluting the site with your stupidity, ya dingus.

Believe it or not, there are ways to have an impact on carbon sequestration such that any carbon your existence creates is counteracted. For example, you might plant trees or build Biorock reef structures. My guess is you're too busy being an idiot.
Runner up for idiot award...

Speaking of stupidity, did you not acknowledge "flying around the world" a page ago and are now trying to convince everyone you have a negative carbon footprint?

You did. You should learn to troll more gooder.
Why choose to ridicule and belittle people who you feel are below you? Why not be a decent human being and help them? Does it make you a better person when you step on those who you feel are beneath you? Isn't this what the government does? Isn't this one of the biggest complaints people have these days? Those who are richer/more elite/higher up, don't care about those below them. Kind of hypocritical, no?

They have a kinder, gentler machine gun hand.
There are stupid people in this world. When you realize YOU DON'T HAVE TO ARGUE WITH STUPID PEOPLE it puts a big smile on your face.

The dumb people here think Yankees, out of towners, and generally educated people look down their nose at them. You know what? They're right. The stupid behavior and thought processes down here blow a thinking person's mind.

Sounds like someone moved to the South to take advantage of the economy and costs of living.
Yes, you are in fact speaking more stupidity. Even though I fly several times a year, eat food, fart, breathe compressed air, turn the fan on while I sleep, charge my laptop and call you an idiot, I still have a negative carbon footprint. It's remarkable I know, idiot.

Because of people like you, I don't feel guilty owning a 2 stroke. Thank you. :razz:
Yes, you are in fact speaking more stupidity. Even though I fly several times a year, eat food, fart, breathe compressed air, turn the fan on while I sleep, charge my laptop and call you an idiot, I still have a negative carbon footprint. It's remarkable I know, idiot.

If you could show the numbers on that, that would be great, thanks. Start with 2lbs of co2 coming out of your your pie hole per day, go from there.
No poo fetish here my dude, just the carbon math.

Pie hole is your mouth btw lolz.
depends on whether the pie is coming or going.

Seriously, you are in need of a reverse lobotomy. I'd recommend somebody but the procedure hasn't been invented yet. The wait list is still short so get your name on it.
depends on whether the pie is coming or going.

Seriously, you are in need of a reverse lobotomy. I'd recommend somebody but the procedure hasn't been invented yet. The wait list is still short so get your name on it.

Wherever your from that slangs mouth and anus as the same sounds hillbilly as fuck.

Pie outbound goes out the brown eye.
Wherever your from that slangs mouth and anus sounds hillbilly as fuck.

Pie outbound goes out the brown eye.
Of course you were only able to handle one train of thought and focused on the low one. I'll restate the intent of my post:

Seriously, you are in need of a reverse lobotomy. I'd recommend somebody but the procedure hasn't been invented yet. The wait list is still short so get your name on it.
It was a claim you made. What's this the 2nd or third deflection from that?
I mean I get that it is a strange thing for you to be so interested in my shit but are you really going to persist with this? Do you want to be made to look a complete fool constantly? I guess you can't help it.

I'm not going to list details of my life, there are rats around. I don't really care if you believe or disbelieve something. The fact is, you didn't even know how it could be possible for someone to have a negative carbon footprint, so I doubt you would be able to grasp coral reef restoration and Biorock construction. I don't even think you could understand ways to reduce one's indirect consumption of petroleum. So I have two reasons not to respond to your request. You're too dumb to understand and it's more information than I'm willing to share.
Of course you were only able to handle one train of thought and focused on the low one. I'll restate the intent of my post:

Seriously, you are in need of a reverse lobotomy. I'd recommend somebody but the procedure hasn't been invented yet. The wait list is still short so get your name on it.
"In a free society, anyone who disagrees with me needs a labotomy."

That's your high train, congrats.
I mean I get that it is a strange thing for you to be so interested in my shit but are you really going to persist with this? Do you want to be made to look a complete fool constantly? I guess you can't help it.

I'm not going to list details of my life, there are rats around. I don't really care if you believe or disbelieve something. The fact is, you didn't even know how it could be possible for someone to have a negative carbon footprint, so I doubt you would be able to grasp coral reef restoration and Biorock construction. I don't even think you could understand ways to reduce one's indirect consumption of petroleum. So I have two reasons not to respond to your request. You're too dumb to understand and it's more information than I'm willing to share.

Secrete and no driving. Was that so hard? It was.