Free Speech Rally

June 3rd Boulder, Colorado

Well UncleBuck, ttystikk and rkymntnman...let's see what you're about. I'll bet none of you are going to protest. It's a Proud Boys rally. You talk the talk, do you walk the walk?

Go punch Nazis, fight the racists destroy fascism!

Show us your political activism. I'd love to see some pictures of you fighting the fascists, you know, if you're not too timid and dare to leave the safety of your keyboard lol
Numbers matter.

The Portland rallies yesterday, white supremacists numbered in hundreds; anti fascist and those demonstrating against hate speech numbered in the thousands. White supremacists and neonazis were outnumbered 10:1.

Cops kept the nazis away from peaceful folk. Antifa taunted them and pelted the haters with whatever they could get hands on. We let the haters leave with the message that their hate speech is not safely repeated on our streets without cops to protect them.

I suppose at the Dew Drop Inn at Ringle in Bumfuck-Nowhere, you can proudly proclaim hate to the toothless welfare mooches who play for nickles on the torn up pool table but that shit is not tolerated here. Boulder and Denver will own your proud boys. But most likely they will be protected by police and allowed to leave with only a few broken noses.
Yeah obviously, but not nowadays.

All that imported goodness doesn't come by horse and cart or galleon anymore.
You realize that neutral means perfect balance. You say that's easier than tipped to negative? I don't think so. Walk a wire and tell me how easy that is.

Of course the solution is larger than just energy consumption.
You realize that neutral means perfect balance. You say that's easier than tipped to negative? I don't think so. Walk a wire and tell me how easy that is.

Of course the solution is larger than just energy consumption.
Well neutral implies you actively offset most of your personal carbon footprint, negative implies you're actively removing far more than you're producing.

It's not meant as literally as you're taking it because quantification is nearly impossible.
Well neutral implies you actively offset most of your personal carbon footprint, negative implies you're actively removing far more than you're producing.

It's not meant as literally as you're taking it because quantification is nearly impossible.
Engineers include safety margin in their designs. Because quantification is nearly impossible.
Numbers matter.

The Portland rallies yesterday, white supremacists numbered in hundreds; anti fascist and those demonstrating against hate speech numbered in the thousands. White supremacists and neonazis were outnumbered 10:1.

Cops kept the nazis away from peaceful folk. Antifa taunted them and pelted the haters with whatever they could get hands on. We let the haters leave with the message that their hate speech is not safely repeated on our streets without cops to protect them.

I suppose at the Dew Drop Inn at Ringle in Bumfuck-Nowhere, you can proudly proclaim hate to the toothless welfare mooches who play for nickles on the torn up pool table but that shit is not tolerated here. Boulder and Denver will own your proud boys. But most likely they will be protected by police and allowed to leave with only a few broken noses.
So how to get the Cheeto fascist out of the White House?
...or in most prosperous places in the world.
Engineers include safety margin in their designs. Because quantification is nearly impossible.
Quantification in Engineering is everything.

"To some people the glass is half full, to others half empty. To an engineer the glass is twice the size it needs to be"

(Even the safety margin is carefully quantified based on things like temperature expansion, material strength, expected encountered forces, etc)
Why choose to ridicule and belittle people who you feel are below you? Why not be a decent human being and help them? Does it make you a better person when you step on those who you feel are beneath you? Isn't this what the government does? Isn't this one of the biggest complaints people have these days? Those who are richer/more elite/higher up, don't care about those below them. Kind of hypocritical, no?

I'm not Mother Theresa and their strain of stupidity is lethal and contagious.