Free Speech Rally

I'm not the one claiming that citing an undergraduate paper in contrary to recorded history is acceptable.

Neither of you educated and yet talking about peer review and validity of sources...

Go to bed, you're all emotional.
I cited peer-reviewed research and the authors were professors at that university, claiming it is undergrad doesn't make it so. Also, I won that debate hands down. Your only citation was "everyone knows". The rest of your argument was ad hominem. Also, you're not educated for shit, otherwise you'd have a job and probably wouldn't be a tweaker.

I'm in a completely different timezone, laying in a hammock. You talk like a Trump supporter.
I cited peer-reviewed research and the authors were professors at that university, claiming it is undergrad doesn't make it so. Also, I won that debate hands down. Your only citation was "everyone knows". The rest of your argument was ad hominem. Also, you're not educated for shit, otherwise you'd have a job and probably wouldn't be a tweaker.

I'm in a completely different timezone, laying in a hammock. You talk like a Trump supporter.

Hitler was renowned for nationalizing strategic industries and his massive infrastructure projects... this is indisputable historical fact.

But you're literally too ignorant to learn anything, have a good night.

Says I don't have a job but hes unemployed and lives off his Army welfare in Mexico.
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Why does everything on RIU politics turn to Hitler? A free speech rally doesn't sound fascist to me it doesn't even look racist not like they are dressed in bed sheets. Lol

What is the big deal? Does free speech butt hurt the PC fairies? I see a ladyboy I'm going to call a spade a spade it's not a woman not a man it's a ladyboy. :) I'm not going to lie because it's not PC.
Why does everything on RIU politics turn to Hitler? A free speech rally doesn't sound fascist to me it doesn't even look racist not like they are dressed in bed sheets. Lol

What is the big deal? Does free speech butt hurt the PC fairies? I see a ladyboy I'm going to call a spade a spade it's not a woman not a man it's a ladyboy. :) I'm not going to lie because it's not PC.

It's just another distraction to keep you from seeing the growth of Communism world wide.
Why does everything on RIU politics turn to Hitler? A free speech rally doesn't sound fascist to me it doesn't even look racist not like they are dressed in bed sheets. Lol

What is the big deal? Does free speech butt hurt the PC fairies? I see a ladyboy I'm going to call a spade a spade it's not a woman not a man it's a ladyboy. :) I'm not going to lie because it's not PC.
It's a debate from another thread.

But also probably the fact the Proud Boys are essentially a neo-Nazi organisation doesn't help...
Why does everything on RIU politics turn to Hitler? A free speech rally doesn't sound fascist to me it doesn't even look racist not like they are dressed in bed sheets. Lol

What is the big deal? Does free speech butt hurt the PC fairies? I see a ladyboy I'm going to call a spade a spade it's not a woman not a man it's a ladyboy. :) I'm not going to lie because it's not PC.

You lack empathy for others. This is a common trait among pedophiles, seek professional help.
A free speech rally doesn't sound fascist to me it doesn't even look racist not like they are dressed in bed sheets.

this picture was taken at a 'free speech rally'.


the guy doing the nazi salute under the guise of 'free speech' was later arrested for murdering two people who kept him from assaulting two innocent muslim ladies.
Democracy has been tested, we have many cracks.
Yes, one of them is called complacency and another is called apathy. Much mischief can happen when these two cracks run together.

What this country needs is accountability and enforced responsibility. And we need vigilance on the part of those charged with watching and making sure everyone plays by the rules.

If this failure is allowed to continue we won't have a country left- and the first people to be targeted in the chaos will be the rich themselves.

It's time for an end to get and a new beginning to working together for the common benefit of all of our countrymen.

It's not communism; it's compassion.

It's not anarchy; it's accountability.

It's not redistribution; it's responsibility.
But won't the Corp Giant retaliate? I have a fear my gas will cost me $10 gal. driving up the cost of other Industries.
I mean, maybe it's time to switch to electric. You know, when digital cameras first came out, they were under 1 megapixel, powered by NiCad batteries which gave like 30-50 shots before dying and the images were saved on memory cards at least twice the size of modern SD cards with a capacity measured in tens of megabytes. By comparison, film was still better and cheaper even for another decade. Market demand produced better digital cameras and the price of film continued to increase. Now film is a luxury novelty that no professional photographer will bother with.

The biggest difference here is actually the fact that petroleum is a finite resource. The only thing keeping it from dying is market demand, which is fickle and propped up by the need for transportation. It is going to die. As if all this wasn't reason enough, there's also climate change.
I mean, maybe it's time to switch to electric. You know, when digital cameras first came out, they were under 1 megapixel, powered by NiCad batteries which gave like 30-50 shots before dying and the images were saved on memory cards at least twice the size of modern SD cards with a capacity measured in tens of megabytes. By comparison, film was still better and cheaper even for another decade. Market demand produced better digital cameras and the price of film continued to increase. Now film is a luxury novelty that no professional photographer will bother with.

The biggest difference here is actually the fact that petroleum is a finite resource. The only thing keeping it from dying is market demand, which is fickle and propped up by the need for transportation. It is going to die. As if all this wasn't reason enough, there's also climate change.

Oh, lets not think about chasing those MF Micro-drive Capacities. I started with a Olympus in a Light and Motion housing only to end up going thru the Nikon dsl line w/Subal housings. I stopped at the D3. lol

But yes, Electric! It's gonna happen soon with the major Oil companies selling their holdings here in the states, we wont have a choice. It's as if they are jumping ship. We have even sold our Naval Petroleum Reserves.
But won't the Corp Giant retaliate? I have a fear my gas will cost me $10 gal. driving up the cost of other Industries.
That's why we tie minimum wages to the cost of living.

That's why we tax giant corporations and stop them from spending money to corrupt our political system.

That's why we switch to electric cars and install our own solar panels.
Oh, lets not think about chasing those MF Micro-drive Capacities. I started with a Olympus in a Light and Motion housing only to end up going thru the Nikon dsl line w/Subal housings. I stopped at the D3. lol

But yes, Electric! It's gonna happen soon with the major Oil companies selling their holdings here in the states, we wont have a choice. It's as if they are jumping ship. We have even sold our Naval Petroleum Reserves.
I just picked up another Lumix GX8. It's used but was taken care of really well. I put my Oly 12-40 f2.8 on it and I'm thinking of taking it diving. I still have a Nauticam housing for it which cost me $2k+ with the lens port. Anyway I love the camera. The tilting EVF on a lumix body with sensor shift image stabilization is in my opinion one of the best rangefinders to ever bear the Leica mark.

As for jumping ship, I think in the context of the petrodollar empire. They had to control the oil supply to force the world to buy it in dollars. That's how they use the military to prop the dollar. As long as 80%+ of the world's supply is controlled and sold by Uncle Sam, demand for dollars reigned. Now they need to control the next commodity that will facilitate the storing of energy for later use. So we went to war in Afghanistan, where the lithium abounds. The opium is making a pretty penny too.
Oh, lets not think about chasing those MF Micro-drive Capacities. I started with a Olympus in a Light and Motion housing only to end up going thru the Nikon dsl line w/Subal housings. I stopped at the D3. lol

But yes, Electric! It's gonna happen soon with the major Oil companies selling their holdings here in the states, we wont have a choice. It's as if they are jumping ship. We have even sold our Naval Petroleum Reserves.
The guy who developed the lithium ion battery is back, and he's got a new battery that has 5 times the energy density and will tolerate many more discharge cycles.