Fresh Air...Is this going to work?


Well-Known Member
I am in the beginning stages of growing my first crop. I actually built an entire addition to my house just for this purpose. I don't have the luxury of having a wife that likes my smoking, so I have to be very stealthy. I built a 24"X5' "closet" type area in this addition. The wife thinks it's just a workshop. Well, it is, but I do have ulterior motives. Heres the question: I am using a fish tank air pump. I've drilled a 1/4" hole in the floor to exhaust the air pump, and have drilled a 2" hole in the other end of the "closet" in hopes that the exhaust air pump will draw enough air in the "closet" to keep my babies healthy. Does this sound like a viable option to you more experienced growers? If not, what other options would you recommend? Again, realizing that I need silence.


Well-Known Member
K , first get a digital camera and take pictures , second light types infos are needed , how many plantes etc..


Well-Known Member
I will take some pics when I get home from work. I should have done that to begin with. I am using a double "auto-pot" system and am starting 4 plants in each one. When I sex the plants I will hopefully have 4 plants total. Two in each pot. The lights are a quad bank of 24" flourescents.


Well-Known Member
That sounds good , but if u got a job u got money so i would buy a Big ass CFL light (200watts) ther about 200$ produces like 22,0000 lumens perfect for growth and can do Flower too.


Well-Known Member
yeah that sounds good... you can even find better deals. i got a 400w metal halide for vegging and a 400w hps for flowering all for 130 plus 5 dollar shipping... GOOD LUCK!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ya 400 hps is wat i got for flower too , but the price ur saying is on ebay and shit , im talkin straight to the store.( the baaler way ) :)


Well-Known Member
How about the number of plants in these "auto-pots". Is it too many? And if the air pump works as hoped, do you think bringing in air from underneath in the crawl space will keep my babies from getting too hot in warmer days? That's the main reason for the holes in the floor. And yes, I do have a fan also for stem strength.


Well-Known Member
also be sure to throw in some fans to get the air moving around in there ....also u might wanna look into a muffin fan aka for those exhaust/intake holes.............:joint:


Well-Known Member
you don't need to exhaust the air at all, it just depletes the co2. if your closet isn't too hot, humid, or smelly, you don't need any air exchange. if you go cfl or t5 you wont need to exhaust, but if you get into HID, you will want to invest to save from heat stress. but i don't know the cfm rating on an aquarium pump but im sure it is far from waht you want. the closet space is small, you could prolly just get you a small inline vent fan from lowes or home depot for about $50 and that would be sufficient, or save yourself the trouble and get a nice blower or inline vent fan meant for indoor gardening. i have a 465 cfm blower and it keeps my humidity and temps in my room in check, it was like 100 bucks at best place to do your shopping, good dudes over there


Well-Known Member
you want your exhaust hole at the top of the closet, hot air rises, therfor by positioning at the top, you exhaust the hottest air, and your intake should be on or near the floor, you also want that hole to be slightly bigger than the exhaust hole. by putting it by the floor you bring in cooler air, and if you have a dark crawl space, the air should be plenty cool enough to keep temps ok in your room.