Fried's Jack Herer Outdoor Grow 09!

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
iight topping was not a good idea i did it last week and s still showing no signs of new growth thank god i only topped 3


Well-Known Member
how old were they? maybe was too soon, maybe its focusing on making 2 branches, it should bounce back. i mean you cut half its head off its gonna be a little stressed


Well-Known Member
by the way fried, when i got up this morning my award was gone and now gypsy bush has it and my activity never droped below 100% and i notice you dont have one either

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
by the way fried, when i got up this morning my award was gone and now gypsy bush has it and my activity never droped below 100% and i notice you dont have one either
yea i noticed that this morning 2 did gypsybush steal it?? lol
and shouldent i have one my activity is maxed:confused:


Well-Known Member
i dont know what the deal is, maybe there is only one activity award, and he has it today. i really wanted to keep that though

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
the plants are close to budding though maybe 4 more weeks and they should be flowering and at thiss time i may or maynot plant them
but the jack seedling is goin strong and so are the indicas that i have growin under 1 23watt cfl since they are just seedlings