Fried's Jack Herer Outdoor Grow 09!


Well-Known Member
actually it starts TODAY. im thinking around noon, need to talk to my judge jb30 first

mines functional and legendary, im gonna take some time making it epic and masterful

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i didnt practice all ive been doing is smoking mad buds i went on a lil excursion drivin around findin all the different kinds of bud around boston spent about 300 bux it was sooooo worth it


Well-Known Member
so back on the subject of awards,

gypsy bush still has the activity award and his activity has droped below 100% and i really want to know why you or i dont have it. should i ask a mod what the deal is, or post a new thread about it? i just dont want to seem like im complaining about something petty, but i really want to know WHY

and you still have 2 weeks, if you want to enter just slap a bong slide on a 2 liter and post a picture, the contest could use more activity, its kind of slow right now


Well-Known Member
the plants are close to budding though maybe 4 more weeks and they should be flowering and at thiss time i may or maynot plant them
but the jack seedling is goin strong and so are the indicas that i have growin under 1 23watt cfl since they are just seedlings

get them under at least a 65 watt CFL to make sure they don't stretch to much and have enough light.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
yea i can get more cfls for 5bux a piece ill set this up soon
cuz im flowering my plants outside
and the jack seed i need 2 take a pic of cuz its goin strong


Well-Known Member
yea i can get more cfls for 5bux a piece ill set this up soon
cuz im flowering my plants outside
and the jack seed i need 2 take a pic of cuz its goin strong

Yeah, if you can fork out an extra $10 for your babies that are under that 23 watt, they will really appreciate it. In the end you will to when they are nice and healthy.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member