friend requests...?

Don't think I've ever checked my profile to see what folk are doing, but then again, I'm not normal. I do not keep friends in real life :-)

And lol carne, trying to callmybluff eh :D I will possibly mayve accept due to the Stella person you are, but friend request or not you'll always be a friend of mine.

LOL sorry, couldn't resist.

true true... but i mean this one particular request has absolutley no activity and just popped up when i broadly mentioned where i am..
I've had a few like that, even 1 asking if I had an email.
That one I didn't even ignore, deleted before finished reading it.
I usually add everyone but yea I have gotten "those" friends request before. I add them anyway .
I'll except and respond to any and all correspondence including friend requests. I try not to make judgement calls and if I do it's usually after obvious malice.
I am by no means a "saint" and have been known to show the Irish in me, so I extend the courtesy to all in the hope that it is returned with the same.
When I first got on here, I talked only to a couple people. So I added them, and a couple added me. I don't add random people. And I add anyone, not just people on here with a high post number. Posts don't mean shit to me. I add people because either, we have something in common that I noticed while checking out their profile, or because I find that persons conversation enjoyable. The only person I really added because of their knowledge, was FresnoFarmer and Laney. Because they both helped me a lot when I first got on here. I kind of look at them as mentors in a way. Other than that, I mean, if someone randomly adds me, I usually accept anyways, because I'm a nice person.
I get a lot of friend rquests from hawaii members when they find out I am from HI. I'll also send a friend request to any member who is from hawaii also.

I got the same reaction when people figured out I'm in Alaska. I'll add other Alaskans too, heck, even people from HI, because everyone IN AK wants to go TO HI.
Don't worry, suss is only a factor because you're up to no good. If you got nothing to worry about what's a friend request making you suss for? hmm?
Hahaha, touche! Im in australia and unfortunatley my govt doesn't allow me the luxury of having a causal/relaxed attitude about growing my meds.... I am by no means a paranoid loony but I do have to keep my wits about me...thus the weariness of a virgin profile friending me before even making a post on any thread.....
Its not like I'm anyone special..I've got like zero rep... I try to help where I can and spread the love but ,if ya wanna be my mate how about striking up a conversation first perhaps?
Its not like I'm anyone special..I've got like zero rep... I try to help where I can and spread the love but ,if ya wanna be my mate how about striking up a conversation first perhaps?
maybe your avatar impressed him?

do you got a journal or something going? lot of post virgins follow those and send out friend requests to grows journals they like following.

Was that headed my way? I did not mean to offend. cn
I'm thinking not you. sounds like he was referring to virgin posters
maybe your avatar impressed him?

do you got a journal or something going? lot of post virgins follow those and send out friend requests to grows journals they like following.

I'm thinking not you. sounds like he was referring to virgin posters


Was that headed my way? I did not mean to offend. cn
No way! definitley not directed at you mate! i love RIU, i have nothing but respect for all you veteran growers, i wouldnt know what i know about growing without you guys and your helpful ways! i am happy to be friends with all genuine growers...
maybe your avatar impressed him?

do you got a journal or something going? lot of post virgins follow those and send out friend requests to grows journals th
I'm thinking not you. sounds like he was referring to virgin posters
my journals shit lol!
My first two friend requests right off the bat, where to April and Sunni. Aprils a badass, luv that chick, and Sunni's such a sweetiepie, figured follow them and that's where all the action would be.
I also tried to be friends with the polarbear, liked his quick wit. Sadly I was turned away, kicked to the gutter with the rest of his polar bear trash. lol