friend requests...?

I have been coming here for a long time just to learn and try different things. I finally decided to join. Paranoia. Anyways, i just friend requested sunni, kronk and buck and feeling like an idiot right about now ha. Dint mean to freak anyone out. I mean its not like kronk's profile pic had anything to do with it ;-). Guess i dont see the big deal. More of a compliment. Does becoming friends with someone give me some kind of special access to there private sht? Is that why it's a big deal? I just thought they came across as cool people i could find easier when i log in. If im not interested in the topic, i just bail. But yes i can see that being weird. Friending someone before i even know them lol. I suppose i could "un-friend" them. But then there will probably be a thread on un-friending friends who you requested friendship from before you were actually friends,but after un-friending before actually establishing friendship with and making them not want to be your friend because you un-friended, but maybe would have been if you took the time to try to become friends first and request there friendship.bongsmilie I could care less how popular the computer tells me i am. Sorry if i offended anyone!

Dude, you missed what I was trying to say..not that its strange to friend someone before knowing them, which I don't feel
It is fortharecord but that the profile that is friending me has 0,i repeat zero activity, total cleanskin, no pics,no posts ,no nothin..but has sent me request straight after joining......? WhAt's with that sht? You get my flo bro?
Can anyone tell me what the benefit of being someone's friend on RIU vs not being their friend? is there access they get when you allow it?
Can anyone tell me what the benefit of being someone's friend on RIU vs not being their friend? is there access they get when you allow it?
no benefit really. you just get to see what they are up to when you visit your profile. also if you got private albums ;) only friends are allowed to view them
true, you don't have that ronnie coleman look.
My old sifu said I must have strong tendons because my strength was deceptive by looking at me. I said handstand pushups against a wall will do that for you!
ronnie coleman, lol. I could only brother in law is a gym nut so I used to read all his bodybuilding mags when I would go visit my sister.
ya know i used to be paranoid about this subject. i recently have started accepting friend requests. if u dont want something seen or known dont frakin post it and certainly dont put it on yur profile. yur profile is FOR others to see what u put there/here!!!
ronnie coleman, lol. I could only wish

Don't we all. Style and awesome sax talent.


Oh, wait... that's the wrong Coleman. I was thinking of Ornette. Not sure if I know Ronnie. Never mind.
Lynch the shims! Stop pretending to be men with vaginas...keep it real freaks!
That is all.....