Friend Stole Pipe


Well-Known Member
that things kinda cool. i had a dude jack a $200 coat off me, though i don't really know for sure it was him, just a strong suspicion, cause he's a known thief, and it went missing at a party. wasn't a kid i often hung out w/before, still isn't. you call this one dude, but a pipe's a pipe and a dude's a dude. take what you want and let it go.


Well-Known Member
you gotta think about this shit. he put this little object, a little self-lighting pipe, over your guyses friendship. this alone states something about the kind of person he is, and how he sees your friendship with him.

I mean, this demonstrates malignant narcissism to me, someone I probably wouldn't want to be friends with at all. but if he isn't this sort of person, he isn't just using you, then you should forgive and forget.

but if you have a hunch that there is nothing to this friendship other than him wanting what you have, this is not a person you want to chill with.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, glad you got it back. He must be on crack or something because he lied to you, then hit it in front of your dealer. Sounds to me like the dealer is a better friend then him.

vandal gaidan

Active Member
that is the pipe
yes it refillable and is basically indestructible
he didnt just take it cause he didn't have one. he has my gasmask (honestly borrowed)

we sat down and talked about it today over more bud he bought and he let me have what was left
he pocketed it on accident he said and when i started askin if who stole it he didnt want to give it back and have me think he stole it. so he kept it, stealing it by default. I believe him bc hes not smart enough to come up with that

i decided to keep him around and now am tryn to get the others to chill with him again. Thanks for the input everyone


Well-Known Member
Dude, he pocketed your pipe and lied about it. That's a theif. I accidentally pocket lighters all the time. I forget about it till it's mentioned. Then I hand it back.

vandal gaidan

Active Member
Damn dude, glad you got it back. He must be on crack or something because he lied to you, then hit it in front of your dealer. Sounds to me like the dealer is a better friend then him.

all my dealers are cool, trustworthy guys

he didnt know that i even knew the dealer tho. me and my friends dont share dealers, makes less fun when everyone has the same shit.


Well-Known Member
i steal lighters
not purposefully but i get home and either lost a few or ended up with extra
i steal them as well. its just a normal reaction for me when i have a lighter to start playing with it and then put it in my pocket.

its funny to see how pieces you thought were lost come back to you.

one of my friends lost his chillum back when the school year began. he was drunk and at some frat party and didnt know where he had put it the night before. a good 4 months later i was over at his dorm and his friend called him and said he had something for him. turns out he was in another town like 2 hours away and was smoking with some people. one of the dudes he was smoking with had the chillum. he asked him where he got it from and he said some dude gave it to him. the guy made him give him the chillum and brought it back to my friend.


Well-Known Member
beat him up. if he forgives you then let him hang out with you. a true friend will let you kick their ass when they fuck up.

i steal lighters on purpose. :fire:


Well-Known Member
I had a friend pocket my pipe once....he called me the next day and let me know he went through his pockets and found it. I saw him a couple days later and he gave it back. Now thats a friend, i mean my pipes wasnt a 75 dollar metal pipe. But it was a pretty snazzy $21 pipe i bought at a head shop. But dont drop him as a friend, i mean i have alot of friends who do things like that. There just assholes just dont do them favors and let them in your house. I mean friends come and go by the hundreds, But true friends are 1 in a million.


Well-Known Member
He may be a klepto and not able to help it.
Always weigh the pros and cons of any relationship and then make up your mindbongsmilie