FrigiDare 2 Indica's Infrared Spectrum Trial

whats up daniels? i picked a good time to visit your thread nice pics you got there, i hope your doing as well as they are..
whats up Daniels? i picked a good time to visit your thread nice pics you got there, i hope your doing as well as they are..
Yea, great to see you back. I do my best to keep them as green as I can. I'm getting high hopes for these SS.

now dats purty rite there

She is a sexy bitch. I scoped the trich's yesterday. Fully cloudy so waiting for the ambericity and hairs to orange up. Love that word, ambericity.:-P
Sure hope a week will do it, but maybe 10 to 14 days.
Plants look healthy. Gotta ask, what is that 1 gallon doing in the 5 gal. pot?
They are clones in a 16oz. Party cup in a 1 gal. pot. They are my Purple Rain Clones for a competition. I needed to get them higher to try for a level canopy. Also wanted them less 'tippy'. Also why I didn't top them. Their 3 sisters are in my PC and their brother is the pollen donor I asked about your way of collecting and storing. The PR is a real sativa pheno so flowering time to finish is questionable.
They are clones in a 16oz. Party cup in a 1 gal. pot. They are my Purple Rain Clones for a competition. I needed to get them higher to try for a level canopy. Also wanted them less 'tippy'. Also why I didn't top them. Their 3 sisters are in my PC and their brother is the pollen donor I asked about your way of collecting and storing. The PR is a real sativa pheno so flowering time to finish is questionable.

Got it. Curious, you didn't have an algae bloom in the clear pots?
Got it. Curious, you didn't have an algae bloom in the clear pots?
Last time I checked no. Here's one from the PC. They are always in a covered 2nd cup until I put these in another cup with tiny holes into those 1 gal. pots.
Is this too much algae? Should I water with something added in. They have gotten Fish Emulsion and Molasses in between leeching with their Jack's. I can check the ones in the Fridge next watering.
1-P.R. #5-A.jpg1-P.R. #5-A Roots.jpg
i still havnt seen any of them SS around here, but i sure would like to get a taste on of these days.. kep it up man im glat to here all is well
i still haven't seen any of them SS around here, but i sure would like to get a taste on of these days.. kep it up man im glat to here all is well
I've never had this strain either but sure is shaping up they way I expect a true Afgan. Indica.
#1 is looking more for like #2 & #3. So #4 is the oddball and tallest just a bit. They are down to 15/9 yesterday. Today 14/10 and maybe hold for a couple days there.
New Pics of Noel at 72 Days coming later.
Here's Noel at 72 days of 12/12. One more feeding then plain water. From the look of the hairs I'm thinking a week for more still.
1-10 Noel Mid Bud.jpg1-10 Noel Cola Best 2.jpg1-10 Noel Cola Best 7.jpg1-10 Noel Cola Best.jpg1-10 Noel Cola 1.jpg1-10 Noel Cola Colors.jpg1-10 Noel Close Cola 2.jpg1-10 Noel Close Cola.jpg1-10 Noel Full.jpg
These Colas are getting so heavy they are trying to lean more. I added a dowel and another wire, but starting to worry me a bit. She got 1tsp. Jack's & 1/2 tsp. Apple Juice/gal. Part of it she was thirsty.
what are they, the size of 20 oz bottles, or liter size bottles? they look huge in the last pic's.
I just went through these pics and saw this so went to get one with a Diet Coke can. When I saw this I realized no pic has shown the size of the Colas. Still not ready.:fire:
Here's a bunch of Bud Porn.
1-11 Noel with Pop can Best.jpg
Heavy one I tried to wire up.:leaf:
1-11 Noel R Heavy side.jpg1-11 Noel R Heavy.jpg1-11 Noel mid best.jpg1-11 Noel L Cola.jpg1-11 Noel R top.jpg1-11 Noel F Cola.jpg1-11 Noel top bud.jpg1-11 Noel Mid buds.jpg1-11 Noel Cola.jpg1-11 Noel L top.jpg1-11 Noel Frnt cola.jpg1-11 Noel mid bud sugary.jpg1-11 Noel L corner.jpg1-11 Noel Full  Best.jpg
yep, they're officially HUGE :hump: diet coke don't lie :lol:
Yea gonna be fun Harvest shots.

In late but subbed. Curious about the yield since I read most of the thread up to this point..

We'll see after the cure. Welcome. You're in time to see Noel harvested, & the next set into flowering. I have Well Here Goes Again that has my other plants that are in several stages. It has the Purple Rain from seed, cloned, & other stuff. These SS were started in that one.:leaf:
well get ready for a ride, and sub for all his other threads, or you may feel lost at times!!! its a great big growing fest!!! :mrgreen:
This train keeps plugging along, veering off as we go.:-P

Watching this makes me want to fast forward my harvest !!! Looking amazing Daniels!! ;)
Glad you enjoyed the Bud Porn. Always a hurry up and wait. Getting excited to flower these SS next so stick around.:-P
She's getting close now guys.
Just some water now. Most hairs are orange and some Colas are tossing out foxtails. I checked her trich's, and fully cloudy.
1-17 Noel F Cola 4.jpg1-17 Noel mid bud.jpg1-17 Noel R mid bud.jpg1-17 Noel L Cola 3.jpg1-17 Noel mid bud 2.jpg1-17 Noel R Cola 4.jpg1-17 Noel L Cola.jpg1-17 Noel Full.jpg