FTP: It's time to reform WHAT the police do, not just how they do it

Although last second, seems to me the checks and balances are operating well. Id guess a 98.75% accuracy. Sorry bout the ones who "didnt do it" but id be willing to bet that indirectly they were involved. And if the crime was so heinous that someone had to die for it, then all well your ass shouldnt of been there.
I hope your thinking comes back to you or your family in the form of Karma.
Funny how you asked for a list that proved innocent people have been convicted and when provided with said list you go full blown stuck on fucking stupid.
I never said it was cool. British police don't face firearms like this.....it was a response to Shy's comment about british police don't carry guns.
In the UK those children would be taken into care and the parents would be looking at a min 15 year jail sentence. In the US it’s cute? It’s fucked up
I hope your thinking comes back to you or your family in the form of Karma.
Funny how you asked for a list that proved innocent people have been convicted and when provided with said list you go full blown stuck on fucking stupid.
Snowflakes hate to be confronted with the realities of their ignorance.
"Id guess a 98.75% accuracy."

Because to a right winger, "a guess" based upon belief is better than facts.
This really does go to the very core of their worldview and provides a key insight into how they're so consistently manipulated into supporting positions and candidates who act directly against their economic best interests.
In the UK those children would be taken into care and the parents would be looking at a min 15 year jail sentence. In the US it’s cute? It’s fucked up
I don't think @doublejj thinks it's cute- but that said, there are quite literally millions of 'Murricans who do. And that IS twisted.
would you enjoy be locked up for 5 years plus for a crime you did not commit ? Your trolling is not really trolling but stupidity in the highest form. Is this from lack of attention in your home ?

Well, you have to understand the dynamics of this forum. Yes, it's a weed site, and since weed has been mostly illegal, the members of this site are outlaws. As outlaws, we are mostly rebellious people whose attitudes are progressive and liberal.

That makes us targets for moronic sheeple that find the conservative rhetoric plausible. Some of these sheeple come here solely to rile up the liberals, because it makes them feel like they are smart.

Just think, if you were simple enough to buy into what fox news is spewing, you might want to post something that would raise a ruckus, and garner enough responses to make yourself feel important. It just may be the most attention they ever receive.

would you enjoy be locked up for 5 years plus for a crime you did not commit ? Your trolling is not really trolling but stupidity in the highest form. Is this from lack of attention in your home ?

Does anyone enjoy being locked up? Be in better places with better people next time and maybe you wont end up in prison.

My emotional support blowup doll is always there when I need him. Well, there was that one time...
Does anyone enjoy being locked up? Be in better places with better people next time and maybe you wont end up in prison.

My emotional support blowup doll is always there when I need him. Well, there was that one time...
You should be locked up for the illegal swine you are
There's a basic brain disorder and mental/moral deviance that allows one to say -

1. Hang out with better people next time.
2. If he didn't do it, he shouldn't have been there.
3. He was there at the time so he must be guilty.
4. He didn't die so what's the problem with being in prison for 5, 10, 25 years.
5. He served 5 years in prison but finally won his release on appeal - 'There's proof the system works'.

I used to think there were some incredibly stupid people on this planet. I've come to the realization that there are more idiots than I had ever imagined.

Look at Nazi Germany in the 1930's when that type of ignorance became the norm, after all Hitler was just a goofy little politician that few took seriously in the beginning. Dictators tell THEIR devoted followers that THEY are the chosen ones, to distrust the media, to ridicule and discredit science and academics, and pretty soon you can kill millions and conquer the world... almost.
One last thing, then down from my soapbox -

Further disturbing evidence of a brain disease -
- Decent people don't have problems with the police, therefore people who have police problems are asking for it.
- If you don't 'listen' or if you 'move' in any way, you deserve a police beat down.

Some of us have an evolved brain chemistry that DOES NOT ALLOW us to look the other way anymore. Things need to change NOW.
One last thing, then down from my soapbox -

Further disturbing evidence of a brain disease -
- Decent people don't have problems with the police, therefore people who have police problems are asking for it.
- If you don't 'listen' or if you 'move' in any way, you deserve a police beat down.

Some of us have an evolved brain chemistry that DOES NOT ALLOW us to look the other way anymore. Things need to change NOW.
I'm glad someone gets the point of this thread.