FUCK.... 7 weeks flowering and got a notice from apartment saying SUITE INSPECTION!!!

Damn man, I faced this kind of situation many times, never got caught though.

I hope it will be the same for you.
After your mission, you better give us a full and nice review of your girl !
(I've been watching this thread from the beginning, I'll be on RIU tonight for sure to know what happened).

Bonne chance !
Ngikufisela iwela!
Kia waimarie !
---> Good Luck in 7 languages for you !
You do have some options and I know you have thinking to do bro. But theres one thing I think you should do if ya didn't do it already. Talk to your girl and have a serious convo about it with her (since the apartment is in her name) and go with what she thinks. Let her read this thread and everyones ideas, she might not say it or act like it but i'm damn sure she is 10x as nervous as you are. Then go with what she thinks is best. All in all at the end of the day the only thing that should really matter is both of your happiness and safety. I do hope for the best bro, and will be waiting to find out what happened.

This is good advise, from a true gentlemen. Peace Jeff.:leaf:
No, i bet you could go somewhere and find someone who looks cool and offer them 100 bucks to see if you could leave it at there house for the day.

This is shitty advise, from a true choad.

...Baby, I'll be back in awhile; I'm gonna go looking for some stranger to give our last hundred bucks to so that they can jack my only plant...
This is the worst advise on this thread... lol...


...hah.. Just put it outside... these people have never been to Edmonton in January.
I'm glad you've decided to go ahead and keep her.. Save the trees!

I know your stressed about that warrant, and rightfully so. I ran from misdemeanor warrants for six years before taking care of 50 days in county. Stupid shit, that finally resulted in me getting picked up on my birthday one year.
Take care of it on your own accord.
Let us all know how things turn out. Enjoy your eggs. Better smoke a chunk of that before they get there...

Nice job by the way, your bitch is sexy.
Its a little late but I helped a friend out in the same sit. and we rented a Uhaul truck for the day and moved everything into that and left it parked at the closest park and ride..

just a thought.

good luck
push off the inspection till its done. Tell him you will be out of town for a couple of weeks and finish the grow. or find an old fridge and shove it in there for the day, place the fridge at the neighbors house with a lock on it.
I dont know just throwing stuff out there for the sake of high times. good luck though.
wassup ya'll, guess I'll post a semi-update....

Its 10:45 now.... still nobody has come by yet... the notice said 8-4 so they will probably come later in the day when I won't be here.

She's in a box right now, but I don't think she's liking it very much. :(