FUCK.... 7 weeks flowering and got a notice from apartment saying SUITE INSPECTION!!!

Keep them Mounties outside!!!

I can hear your plant screaming from inside its box "Where'd the light go? Why's it smell so nice out there? Hey! Why am I in this damn box?!?!"
damn g.. it looks as if half of riu is awaiting your post, lol.. i hope that your still at work or what not and not hearing from you is good news rather than something crappy has happened to you... i don't think it has with all of the good will tha people are throwing your way m8...
hope your ok and all is good..........
I've been refreshing my browser for 30 min! haha Its friday night and im delaying plans for this shit! hahah ima' go smoke one while i wait..whos with me?
I've been refreshing my browser for 30 min! haha Its friday night and im delaying plans for this shit! hahah ima' go smoke one while i wait..whos with me?

right beside you dude, i have been looking at the clock all day and sadly i was talking to my self and my girl over heard me say, fuck i hope hes ok, shes like, who the fuck are you talking to.. Anyways my fellow canuck I hope all is well and you come back to your thread with a big smile on your face.:leaf:
I feel for you man.

I had an inspection and had to let my landlord into the room which had 8 plants in week 5 of flower in it. I leaned up an inflatable bed against the tent and crammed loadsa stuff in front of it and around the back of the door to the room. I had a carbon filter etc running but turned everything off before he came. He just walked in the room turned on the light and saw loadsa stuff, I mumbled something about storage, and he just closed the door and left it at that... those were dark times. Good luck.
If I where you i'de put a black bin bag over her and go stash her somewhere outside your apartment where you know she'll never be found, after all it's only for like an hour or two ain't it?

It won't do her any good taking her out of her room but hella better than being evicted or chopping her and i'm sure an hour or two won't do much damage.
wtf it 6.35 this is bs... you dont right a post like this and not finish it.... he better be at WORK... I hope he is at work...
Jeez, everyone was going nuts huh.
Yes, the inspection was between 8-4..... and I was not around for it.
I just got home, there was a notice in the door saying that the apartment inspection was fine... BUT they complained of a "strong bad odour"... which I can only assume to be my plant hahaha.

The box I got was like an INCH too short for the plant to fit, so I had to lean her in sideways.... and let me tell you she did NOT like that.... The main cola is a little squished, some fan leaves are toast..... and some branches are bent.... but all in all... She is STILL ALIVE, and will make it through it.

She does look rough though, she is definitely angry at me for putting her in a box...... She didn't throw out any balls yet from the stress, but I will be keeping a close eye!!

Thanks everyone for the support and ideas, and I am definitely glad that I am NOT IN JAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
man o man.. sooo glad i read that before i retired to bed for the evening.. glad to hear that all went well and your not spending the night in the clink..
i am sure that your baby will bounce back fairly quickly from her lil stressful day, its amazing at what kind of abuse that they can take.. you've got the right idea though, just keep an eye out for nanners and cut them out or pull them off as soon as you see them.
congrats on making it through what i am sure was one of your more stressful days as of yet....