bud bootlegger
dude, think with me,you get some of those(around 2)plastic trash bags,cover the plant with them,stick the plant in a card box,close it , and put more boxes around(some open , so they can see it's shit,like clothes and stuff) so it seems like you're moving or stuff.They will definetly not gonna check what you have inside those boxes.
Edit:idea nº2-When you open the door for them, act in a gay like way, put some dildos around the house,and i'm sure they won't be willing to spend much time in your house.
lmao at idea number two... how does one act in a gay way? have one of the said dildos hanging half out of your butt? lol... or maybe a string hanging out of your butt? too funny..
but seriiously... i would hate to see you get busted.. whichever route you go with, just be safe and think it all through.. i would definitely take the day offf if your trying to hide it..
not to get into your business, but you should get that warrant taken care of or you may one day have the real popo doing an inspection of the place, and then your really screwed as they don't hang notices from your door telling you when to expect them..
best of luck with this.. i know it sounds easy for everyone to say do this or do that, but i would surely be pooing my pants just like you seem to be, but i would surely do my best to pull it together and get a plan down and pull it off..
looking forward to hear the outcome of all of this.. best of luck..