Fuck both Trump and Clinton.

Who for Prez?

  • Hill'ry the Traitor

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • TRUMP Trash All The Way!

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Johnson

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • OG Stein

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Vote

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Pinworm

    Votes: 14 53.8%

  • Total voters
She never had that much to lose, unless you count the foundation money she uses as a personal slush fund and never paid a dime of tax on. Trumps losses were from property values falling.
Come on man. The 90s the economy was thriving. That's just terrible business.
Taxes aren't publicly available. He has billions of property, has to be hundreds of millions in property taxes.
On a side note, the Times publishing his taxes was an illegal act. wonder what the repercussions from that will be.
She never had that much to lose, unless you count the foundation money she uses as a personal slush fund and never paid a dime of tax on. Trumps losses were from property values falling.

Trumps loses were from barrowed money...from a fucking loophole in the tax code benefiting real estate developers. It was corrected in 2002.

If you ever watched anything besides fucking Fox, you might know that.

88% of people think it's a civic duty to pay taxes, which is poll trending against the asshole right fucking now.

I guess you aren't on the patriotic bandwagon, you like things for nothing. Like Trump.
I'm not in a legal state.. I only grow for me though anymore.

Same here man, sadly. Around here they'd probably tar & feather me if shit hit the fan. You wanna talk about peckerwood bully pigs and me being from NY? Shhhiiiiiiiiittt.

I've yet to begin but trial seeds are popping and info/supplies being gathered for the big day...
Same here man, sadly. Around here they'd probably tar & feather me if shit hit the fan. You wanna talk about peckerwood bully pigs and me being from NY? Shhhiiiiiiiiittt.

I've yet to begin but trial seeds are popping and info/supplies being gathered for the big day...
Even if I could legally buy I wouldn't. Like growing it about as much as smoking it