Fuck both Trump and Clinton.

Who for Prez?

  • Hill'ry the Traitor

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • TRUMP Trash All The Way!

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Johnson

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • OG Stein

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Vote

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Pinworm

    Votes: 14 53.8%

  • Total voters
I should probably keep the seed talk/grow shots to PMs, though....never know if Georgie popo or another worthless scumfuck is sending my pics/whatever he can scrounge to his masters in exchange for a biscuit treat....
You only exist as a shadow of Buckhead. Shadows can't be charged
A lot of investors were abused, even more workers and contractors got fucked by that rich asshole.

Jobs, not wages. I'll create you a job...then we'll let bankruptcy court decide what you get paid.
That's not even trickle down voodoo, that's direct financial malpractice.

Make America what again? Fuck you.

Reminds me of Reagan rambling on.... "Wellllll, I don't recall....wellllllllll.....wellll.....", lol.

+3 rep for several highly agreeable posts today.
Yet you can only throw insults to counter my statements. So who would be the half wit?
Your a lying jack ass. You'll utter the lamest bullshit, sounding like a moron and imagine you think it's credible. Youre a clown
Trump Said He Bought Windows From China Because America’s Were Too Expensive
The GOP frontrunner told an Iowa crowd ‘we buy a lot of’ U.S.-made Pella windows. Apparently the audience didn’t recall the uproar he caused in 2010 when he purchased Chinese windows.
That type of denial has turned you into a wretched half wit. By "specialty" you meant it costs more? Disposable clown

Trump Said He Bought Windows From China Because America’s Were Too Expensive
The GOP frontrunner told an Iowa crowd ‘we buy a lot of’ U.S.-made Pella windows. Apparently the audience didn’t recall the uproar he caused in 2010 when he purchased Chinese windows.
Specialty as in stainless, hardening, etc.
Steel windows?
The only plus I see from Clinton is the Dems have sworn to legalize. And she doesn't have Putin's American cousin as her running mate.

Ever look at Putin or Pence and their eyes? Stone-cold, soulless animals, man.
Clinton is a big Pharma shill. She will kill legalization. Her donors are losing money where it is legal - opiate use and abuse is declining. It's amazing that people here ignore that.
Fuck both candidates.
Trumps loses were from barrowed money...from a fucking loophole in the tax code benefiting real estate developers. It was corrected in 2002.

If you ever watched anything besides fucking Fox, you might know that.

88% of people think it's a civic duty to pay taxes, which is poll trending against the asshole right fucking now.

I guess you aren't on the patriotic bandwagon, you like things for nothing. Like Trump.
I don't get Fox News. 0% think you should pay taxes on income you didn't have. 47% pay no taxes at all. Nobody I've ever met didn't use every deduction or exemption they were entitled to they knew about.
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Clinton is a big Pharma shill. She will kill legalization. Her donors are losing money where it is legal - opiate use and abuse is declining. It's amazing that people here ignore that.
Fuck both candidates.

Jesus Gawd, the state legislatures are cracking down opiate use...you have to get a piss test to keep your pain pill script and you can't test positive for weed to get them here now.
They're producing addicts left and right, it's going to be stopped, and pharm companies can always raise their epi-pen prices, unless congress plans on stepping up.

A president isn't a king...congress still has to pass a bill.
Jesus Gawd, the state legislatures are cracking down opiate use...you have to get a piss test to keep your pain pill script and you can't test positive for weed to get them here now.
They're producing addicts left and right, it's going to be stopped, and pharm companies can always raise their epi-pen prices, unless congress plans on stepping up.

A president isn't a king...congress still has to pass a bill.
You haven't been paying attention the last seven years
I don't get Fox News. 0% think you should pay taxes on income you didn't have. 47% pay no taxes at all. Nobody I've ever met didn't use every deduction or exemption they were entitled to they new about.

It's about fairness stupid.

The money he wrote off (or a percentage) was money he barrowed. When the investment went south, the bank wrote it off and the real estate developer was allowed to write off the entire amount including what the bank wrote off...that wasn't his money to begin with as it wasn't paid off.

It's about fairness stupid.

Legal yes, majority public approval no.
And he's feeling it. And it's poll trending his ass, as well it fucking should.
I don't get Fox News. 0% think you should pay taxes on income you didn't have. 47% pay no taxes at all. Nobody I've ever met didn't use every deduction or exemption they were entitled to they knew about.
he's been such a shit dropper that you've used every spare shit bag picking up after him. he not only is fucking liar hiding his taxes, he's a fucking clowns pocket full of vile fucked up idiot shit. He's losing. He's a loser on so many levels. He's a fucking embarrassment.