Fuck it/Enough is Enough

Yeahhhhh but that almost gets into the "are we really here??" level of philosophy. For all intents and purposes while remaining connected to the practice of it today, self-defense must happen "in the moment".
So absent any effective law enforcement, what do you do about an unanticipated hit and run? I’d fear for my family, so I’d deal with it rather positively.
So absent any effective law enforcement, what do you do about an unanticipated hit and run? I’d fear for my family, so I’d deal with it rather positively.

In the animal kingdom, you have to fuck 'em up. Absent law enforcement, the world isn't much different from how they deal with this stuff in prison. It sucks and I absolutely hate the caveman mentality and the complete inability to reason with people, but that's what it is, if you want to survive it.
In the animal kingdom, you have to fuck 'em up. Absent law enforcement, the world isn't much different from how they deal with this stuff in prison. It sucks and I absolutely hate the caveman mentality and the complete inability to reason with people, but that's what it is, if you want to survive it.
I believe there will always be some law enforcement, even if it’s only the King’s spears. The quality of that enforcement, now …
I believe there will always be some law enforcement, even if it’s only the King’s spears. The quality of that enforcement, now …

I hear ya. Was thinking more in the context of what someone in Ukraine that's suffered great loss, is entitled to, in terms of justice(or "eye for an eye"). There is no mechanism for justice, at least not right now. If they took matters into their own hands, I'd have a hard time passing a negative moral judgement of them. It might not be positive, either. It may just be what it is.
You heard a hollow thud when tapped him with the Thesaurus-bound cudgel, right?
I think you hit him harder than he realizes....
Forgive me Lord (Master, Savior, Messiah, Deliverer, Confessor) for I live in synonym.

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Well, self-defense is extremely time sensitive. If someone punches you and runs 100ft away before you know what happened, then you chase him down and punch him back, it's not self-defense. What would you think if there were a family down the street that didn't like your family for whatever reason and one of them killed someone in your family and there are no police/whatever services available to deal with it. Would you have the moral right to take something from them? It's a genuine question, I like the point of the blind quote, which I think is more about not getting lost in rage. At the same time, people are animals too and if you do nothing, it's the same as asking for more. It's an unfortunately reality.
The first act towards self-defense would be to avoid conflict. So, no I wouldn't chase someone down the street, nor do I think that hurting them would somehow solve the core problem. If I were to hurt them in retribution, then that would only further escalate the hate they already hold.

My approach would be more along the lines of Bruce Lee's art of fighting without fighting.

Quips and whatnot work fine for small stuff of no real danger, but it's a bit different when your kids are dead in your house that was bombed.
I just don't see it solving anything. Whoever you seek your vengeance on will want return vengeance. Even if you kill them, their families will then want return vengeance. Then they will kill another of your family members, and there will be more vengeance. More and more and more. This is how wars start and why they last hundreds of years.
It doesn't actually "solve" anything, but the general rule is that if someone does something horrible to you and you do nothing, you're inviting them to do it again.
It doesn't actually "solve" anything, but the general rule is that if someone does something horrible to you and you do nothing, you're inviting them to do it again.
I'm fairly certain that there are other options which lie in between retribution and do nothing. If you want retribution and think that they will do it again, then you might as well wait for them to do so while you mount a firm defensive plan, so at least when you kill them it can be legitimately in "self-defense".
Yeah and it works maybe a little bit, but the molotov's don't seem to be a match for tanks and aircraft, too big of a mismatch in available tools of the common man versus their opponent. They're unable to put themselves in a position of legitimate self-defense without legitimate self-defense mechanisms. I'd have a hard time of objecting to forced empathy(i.e. cross into Russia and take from them in the same manner).
Their best bet is to get the fuck out. Who cares about being a "doormat" if you save your family. Like I said, the first act of self-defense is always conflict avoidance.

I have some friends who had a real nice property on a private road, which was shared by other properties. My friends are a mixed family (jewish/mexican), but apparently their neighbors were racist and were intimidating them. They ended up selling the place and moving somewhere else. They had money so it was easy for them to just pack up and buy another property, but I remember thinking how they had kinda pussed out and let themselves be run over. In time I thought about it more, and realized that their lives were likely better as a result of their choice to just avoid the conflict. They have an even nicer property now.
I'm glad you brought up the money in the example. It's the first thing that came to mind about getting the fuck out. What happens when you don't have much money? Average wage in Ukraine is five hundred bucks a month, which doesn't leave a lot to save, nor does it go very far when it comes to travel. I think of Canadians and bro's up north and if they came to the US for some type of conflict, I wouldn't feel the need to leave. We love Canadians. Until you find out the war is real and it's too late. See, we think of things in these snapshot moments, as if we're transported into some situation immediately and the answer is clear. When things happen in real life, it's never like that.
I'm fairly certain that there are other options which lie in between retribution and do t work nothing. If you want retribution and think that they will do it again, then you might as well wait for them to do so while you mount a firm defensive plan, so at least when you kill them it can be legitimately in "self-defense".
I do not know what they are, in the absence of rule of law. Using a Bruce Lee technique won’t work because only one in a million of us can do what Bruce did. Impractical.
I'm glad you brought up the money in the example. It's the first thing that came to mind about getting the fuck out. What happens when you don't have much money? Average wage in Ukraine is five hundred bucks a month, which doesn't leave a lot to save, nor does it go very far when it comes to travel. I think of Canadians and bro's up north and if they came to the US for some type of conflict, I wouldn't feel the need to leave. We love Canadians. Until you find out the war is real and it's too late. See, we think of things in these snapshot moments, as if we're transported into some situation immediately and the answer is clear. When things happen in real life, it's never like that.

In every snapshot moment there are close to 8-billion versions of reality occurring in that single frame. We can't consider all of those in this one thread. Speaking of which, perhaps I misunderstood the context of this thread, but I thought it was about whether or not we should step in and police this conflict, but you seem to be taking the perspective of one who is immersed within the conflict. Either way, I don't mind playing along.
I do not know what they are, in the absence of rule of law. Using a Bruce Lee technique won’t work because only one in a million of us can do what Bruce did. Impractical.
And in reality most people will also be smacked back down by their opponent in the process of seeking retribution. Oh well, at least they tried.