Fuck it/Enough is Enough

In every snapshot moment there are close to 8-billion versions of reality occurring in that single frame. We can't consider all of those in this one thread. Speaking of which, perhaps I misunderstood the context of this thread, but I thought it was about whether or not we should step in and police this conflict, but you seem to be taking the perspective of one who is immersed within the conflict. Either way, I don't mind playing along.

Oh yeah dude this is just a fun moral exercise. I was thinking the moral offshoot was about what the Ukrainian people are entitled to, as far as "justice" is concerned. I do know that I like how the bible talks about what's in your heart, because I think that's important and I think that aligns with your quote about everyone ending up blind. At the same time, I think these people that have suffered, are well within their moral right to seek their pound of flesh in return. I don't have it fully sorted out.

As for whether or not the US should step in, one thought is clear, which is that if you don't want ww3 right now, then you don't step in, militarily speaking, but maybe in a humanitarian manner like how the war with Georgia ended. Still, that should come from the EU, not the US, just to keep things chill. I also think that when a country has the ability to stop large scale murder from an invasion, that country has a moral obligation to do so, which means the developed world is failing to act humanely right now. I don't have this fully sorted out either.
Oh yeah dude this is just a fun moral exercise. I was thinking the moral offshoot was about what the Ukrainian people are entitled to, as far as "justice" is concerned. I do know that I like how the bible talks about what's in your heart, because I think that's important and I think that aligns with your quote about everyone ending up blind. At the same time, I think these people that have suffered, are well within their moral right to seek their pound of flesh in return. I don't have it fully sorted out.

As for whether or not the US should step in, one thought is clear, which is that if you don't want ww3 right now, then you don't step in, militarily speaking, but maybe in a humanitarian manner like how the war with Georgia ended. Still, that should come from the EU, not the US, just to keep things chill. I also think that when a country has the ability to stop large scale murder from an invasion, that country has a moral obligation to do so, which means the developed world is failing to act humanely right now. I don't have this fully sorted out either.
Talk to any person who's from immigrated from Central America in the 80's, and you will hear similar horror stories. I know people who got the fuck out of these as kids. I know a father who's son was kidnapped during the conflict. He was lucky to get his son back, and even luckier to get his family out of the country to safety. That old man passed away some years ago, but I always remember him.
Cool, that's how they got Jesse James too. Sounds like you have it all figured out.
No; I don’t. And I pray to all who watch that I don’t ever have to contemplate it. Never been in a fight and hope never to be.

This was a hypothetical based on an intolerable circumstance. My general attitude is that discretion is the greater part of valor.
No; I don’t. And I pray to all who watch that I don’t ever have to contemplate it. Never been in a fight and hope never to be.

This was a hypothetical based on an intolerable circumstance. My general attitude is that discretion is the greater part of valor.
Naw man, gunz blazing.. some times you gotta be bad.

I have a nice hand-tooled black leather gunfighter rig I bought for $20 at a yard sale in 1982

It's very quick to draw, but lacks retention- I wouldn't ride a horse with it

I'm not trying to diminish the horror going on in Ukraine but this stuff has been going on in other countries for years. Everyone in America is now all pro-Ukrainian when a year ago most didn't even know it was a country. Now people are all up in arms. It's too bad people weren't as concerned when the Russians were in Syria slaughtering civilians by the thousands to help Assad commit genocide, or appalled at what's been going on in Yemen, or many other countries around the world where there is war and war crimes have been going on for years.

There is only one difference between the people of Ukraine and other countries that have been suffering just as bad for years. Does anyone know what that difference is?