Fuck it/Enough is Enough


xtsho said:
I'm not trying to diminish the horror going on in Ukraine but this stuff has been going on in other countries for years. Everyone in America is now all pro-Ukrainian when a year ago most didn't even know it was a country. Now people are all up in arms. It's too bad people weren't as concerned when the Russians were in Syria slaughtering civilians by the thousands to help Assad commit genocide, or appalled at what's been going on in Yemen, or many other countries around the world where there is war and war crimes have been going on for years.

There is only one difference between the people of Ukraine and other countries that have been suffering just as bad for years. Does anyone know what that difference is?

Get lost. I gave all the cookies away to people with brains. You weren't one of them.

No more wasting time with bait like you.
Yeah, look at all these westerners not giving a fuck about the Iraq war....

When it comes to protests, the book of Guinness World Records currently lists the Feb. 15, 2003, Iraq War protest in Rome as the largest antiwar rally in history. The event drew an estimated crowd of 3 million. On that same day, protesters gathered in nearly 600 cities in a coordinated global effort to express moral outrage against the U.S. invasion of Iraq. This included a reported 1.3 million protesters in Barcelona, Spain, and between 750,000 and 2 million protesters in London [sources: Guinness Book of World Records, BBC]. All told, between 6 and 10 million people participated in the global protest

Wow, looks like our latest Titan of the rational mind does not know what a question mark denotes. Good times.


You're either being purposely obtuse or you're actually thick as fuck, bud. Either way you've done nothing but snap at my heels all the way through this thread without adding a single word of substance. Even better times.

You're either being purposely obtuse or you're actually thick as fuck, bud. Either way you've done nothing but snap at my heels all the way through this thread without adding a single word of substance. Even better times.
You seriously do not know what the question mark means! You holler like a kicked dog about perceived racism where none was offered. That is a window into your bigoted and spectacularly undisciplined mind.

You seriously do not know what the question mark means! You holler like a kicked dog about perceived racism where none was offered. That is a window into your bigoted and spectacularly undisciplined mind.

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I invite you to read between the lines, bud. What do you think the implied answer to his question was then? What's your answer to this?

"There is only one difference between the people of Ukraine and other countries that have been suffering just as bad for years. Does anyone know what that difference is? "

Also, can you explain to me why you think I'm a bigot?
I invite you to read between the lines, bud. What do you think the implied answer to his question was then? What's your answer to this?

"There is only one difference between the people of Ukraine and other countries that have been suffering just as bad for years. Does anyone know what that difference is? "

Also, can you explain to me why you think I'm a bigot?
perhaps if you weren't a rude, combative, abusive asshole, you might get clearer, more polite answers to your questions. if you posed those questions in ways designed to make people stop and consider your view point, instead of being designed to offend and irriatate, we all might not be thinking you're just another sock for the same asshole whose been doing the same shit, using the same language, in the same style, for months now...
the best advice i can give you is either change your presentation, or get used to us being combative and rude in reply. up to you, i couldn't give a fuck less

I only reciprocate what I receive, cunt lugs. Thanks for the advice though. You should try it yourself some time.
nah, i'm only rude to those that deserve that treatment, like you :lol:

We're like two peas in a pod then. So tell me, Roger, what's so "rude, combative [and] abusive" about saying shoehorning race into this conflict was shameful?

Or, like your friends here, are you only armed with ad homs and misrepresentation?
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These images are of Iryna Filkina, who had big plans for this year.

She was turning 53 in 2 weeks and planned to start focusing on herself after spending the past three decades working tirelessly and raising her two daughters in the suburbs of Ukraine's capital Kyiv.
Then Putin & Russia murdered her on her way home from work last week while riding her bicycle which you can witness in the video

Now, Russia is withdrawing from its futile attempt to capture Kyiv, resupplying material & manpower to continue its invasion of Ukraine, now focusing on the Eastern regions.

They now are in retreat to reorganize.

Kill/attack them NOW!!!!!!!

Now is the time for the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD to stop this obliteration of the Ukrainians by a murderous madman.

We're going to sit by & watch this shit happen live on CNN/FOX/MSNBC/NPR & simply threaten more sanctions?

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Putin is playing us/you.

He has NONE/ZERO nuclear options you fucking idiots.

Do the fucking math/calculous/science


If he did/his soldiers die also & the area that is destroyed is uninhabitable for 100,000 years.

Also, If he did, the USA/GB/France would fucking vaporize him/Russia.

Enough bullshit/playing nice/diplomacy.

The Russians attacked a peaceful neighbor

Now is the time, right now, while his troops are repositioning/resupplying to destroy them.

4 hours of air strikes/cruise missiles & the Russians would be finished & Putin along with them

He will never use a nuke & but if NATO/USA/WORLD sit back now & let this continue, then evil wins.

Want the war to end?

Kill every fucking Russian standing on Ukrainian soil, which we have the capability to do.

JUST FUCKING DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i beleve you can buy a plane ticket to poland and drive there and go to war for 400$