Fuck it/Enough is Enough

No, just the ones dumb enough to keep coming back for it over and over and over and over...

Yeah I suppose I am dumb for trying to get a conversation out of you clique-y pricks. I should have noticed with you all wearing crash helmets that I should have just brought candy instead.
Given the effort you've put into, or rather haven't put into, bring conversations back on track and can't stop replying to snarky posts, I'd say you're here finding exactly what you're seeking. Again....ironically.....while complaining about it at the same time.

.... You really need to stop using words you don't understand the meaning of.

Any chance we can get this back on topic or is piling on the new guy what you lot log in for?

I mean I only said that colour of skin wasn't the reason people were interested in the Ukraine war and you lot all lost your shit.
And all the others said was that it played a role, but all you could see was, "COLOR IS EVERYTHING!!!!".


No, *you* said it played a role with some and *I* agreed with you. But sure, make up all the shit you like just to score your internet points, son.
It also turned into your retard pal PJ saying that it was a FACT that no one cared about the Iraq war, despite me proving otherwise. I then get called a bigot.

Some of you are going to run into a lot of difficulties when you enter the adult world. Just sayin.
I agreed with someone else that said it on page two.

Maybe learn to read before making stupid comments where you end up putting your cock in your mouth.

When did I say otherwise? Learn to read, fool.

I could not give one flapping fuck what you and PJ argue about in your bed, that has nothing to do with what I posted.

Again, Lrn2read.