Fuck it/Enough is Enough

oh my god, i didn't see it before, thank you for opening my eyes..... :roll:
so we should just abandon the Ukrainians and let putin do whatever he wants, it all makes so much sense now....
you fucking dumbass

The point of the quote seemed to go right over your swollen head. How surprising.

Also, when you say "we" that means you include yourself. I'm not part of that we though.
When will you be shipping out to go and kick some ass in Ukraine?
Ah jeez, my apologies. See how that works? So tell me what I made up again.

Remember that time you called PJ a retard and also complained about people being like super mean and stuff?

Those were good times.

Well for one, I did not say ""COLOR IS EVERYTHING!!!!"

Remember that time you lost your shit because I said people weren't only interested in wars with white people dying?

That was sad. Sort your life out.
Warfare is fucking warfare.
Armies wage against another Armies, not civilians.
Only the depraved attack civilians/non-combatants/children.
They broke the fucking rules, if there is such a thing, which means open fucking season to me now on Russian troops.
Treat them the same way as they have treated the Ukrainians, with NO FUCKING MERCY.
Teach the Autocrats/Dictators a lesson they will not forget.
If you abuse your citizens, this is your future, which is Ukraine right now.

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Nato/EU/USA have the capability, right fucking now!!!
What the fuck are we waiting for?
Simple solution (yea, it actually is)
Kill every Russian that steps foot out of their country in Ukraine.
Fucking do it.
There ya go JimD feint the left jab get the opponent s head moving to your right cross then left hook to the temple.
(not that there is anything wrong with that sort of thing, but) I'm not into the down low stuff myself. But how would you tell he's inside you? All the weeping? Because I'm sure he has a micro dick.
Doubt this guy is safe, saying Putin’s seafood injection is “soft” and “warm”…must be *MANLY* hard as Soviet tank - and cold as the revenge taken 60 years later on those whole shied away from the creepy little fairy on the playground….
If every tenth person was good enough for the Romans, I say it's good enough for us. I would be happy to see them decimated.
I’d like to see ”decimate” used as accurately/correctly as you have done, more often: most people have it inside out (or backward(?)), thinking the killed 90%, leaving ten….
Citation please.

The only facts that you have presented thus far, is your opinion that the Western world is comprised of white people who only care about other white people.
Straight-up lie. Nice pretzel move…too bad ya couldn’t pull it off, but that’s the problem with stupid people: they think *they’re* smart & everyone else is dumber than them…and when confronted by an actual smart person they LEAP to “expose the charlatan”, deaf to the laughter all around
Wow. No I'm not claiming it to be a fact, it's a thought exercise to let you see how burden of proof is on you.

Saying something is a fact does not make it a fact if you can't prove it.

@mooray How do you know that "When people in Europe see Kiev, the city and people look just like them and their and the subconscious empathy shoots way up." ?

Maybe people in Europe are seeing that it's a war on their doorstep and that causes them more concern than the colour of the skin of the victims?

You Americans need to get over this race thing, seriously.
…and you paid trolls ought to find yourselves a nice, rural Christian station where the audience is pre-programmed to believe what they hear. Anonymous bozo asshole eats shit & dies in the dark and the wet….
There ya go JimD feint the left jab get the opponent s head moving to your right cross then left hook to the temple.
That sounds like boxing/too complicated
I studied Fu Jow Pai (Tiger Claw) Shaolin Kung Fu for 3 years under Grand Master Wai Hong when I went on this health kick (no tobacco/alcohol)

This is one of his exhibitions

This guy is very, very good

This is Grand Master

This was my best man, who almost killed me at my bachelor party by buying an oz of blow & dumping it in front of me on a platter.

I at one point had heart palpatatins after doing around 3 grams in a 1/2 hour.
I seriously thought that my heart was going to explode & it was not fun :(

That style was a hard system vs a soft style like Tai Chi.
It's a straight forward attack/totally offensive style so you dominate the opponent rapidly'

I liked two kicks for openers, 1st to knee & a snap kick to groin with an immediate punch to the throat.
Then a sweep dropping him/her on his/her back & then it's fight over because then I just punch the shit out of the fucker :)

This is a funny story, sorta

After 2 years training I was asked by Sifu to compete in a tourney & I said no, I cannot fight for entertainment against someone that I have no argument with. I can not fight unless I am committed to destroying my enemy.
No 1/2 way/pretend fighting for me/just couldn't do it.

I was basically ostracized from then on by Grand Master (he felt I let the school down) & stopped going.

It was fun though while it lasted :)