Fuck it/Enough is Enough

…and you paid trolls ought to find yourselves a nice, rural Christian station where the audience is pre-programmed to believe what they hear. Anonymous bozo asshole eats shit & dies in the dark and the wet….

Oh cool, I'm getting paid to make this lot look like a bunch of fannies? I deserve no money, honestly, they do it fine enough on their own.

Fair interested in hearing all your sources and facts though. This should be good lol.

@Roger A. Shrubber No one asked you to speak with me. That's all on you.
I’m slowly changing my mind (I was hoping the sanctions would work) and now thinking “fuck this”! Times up, it’s gone on far too long (one day is too long). It’s time the collective world gave them 24 hours to get the fuck out or collectively they will be wiped out if still on Ukiraine soil. Stay the fuck in your own country and that’s it, simple. If Russia decides to escalate its on them but this can not continue. White, black, fucking green, it doesn’t matter at this point, it needs to end, but it needs to be the whole world collectively (well most of it) that joins to end this. After 24 hours if one fucking Russian crosses the border then poof. This should never have gotten to this point, but now it ends. If there are breakaway regions that vote (fair vote) to join Russia then perfect….bye! It’s time to end this now!!!
Agreed. I'm kind of ashamed of our collective countries for just standing by the sidelines and shouting abuse at the Russians while they rape Ukrainians. We've been letting Putin dictate our moves with the threat of his nukes for too long. The UN needs a massive shake up as well. As it stands currently with security council vetoes, it's just a huge waste of everyone's time. Isn't this the very reason the UN was founded? The rest of the world needs to do something because this is just fucking horrific.
Oh yeah dude this is just a fun moral exercise. I was thinking the moral offshoot was about what the Ukrainian people are entitled to, as far as "justice" is concerned. I do know that I like how the bible talks about what's in your heart, because I think that's important and I think that aligns with your quote about everyone ending up blind. At the same time, I think these people that have suffered, are well within their moral right to seek their pound of flesh in return. I don't have it fully sorted out.

As for whether or not the US should step in, one thought is clear, which is that if you don't want ww3 right now, then you don't step in, militarily speaking, but maybe in a humanitarian manner like how the war with Georgia ended. Still, that should come from the EU, not the US, just to keep things chill. I also think that when a country has the ability to stop large scale murder from an invasion, that country has a moral obligation to do so, which means the developed world is failing to act humanely right now. I don't have this fully sorted out either.

I dont think there can really be justice in the instance of war, on a few levels.

In terms of retribution for personal wrongs done unto you, unless you can find the particular soldier that bombed your kid, going out and killing a random person from the other country, in their country, is not any different than their action. Its on the individual soldiers to obey or disobey orders, you own the moral burden of your actions. As such, hunting down some particular soldier blood fued style is fine, I get it. The justice part though hinges on that personal connection to the wrong done. A Ukrainian killing some random person in a starbuckski just over the border is not justice. I don't think you really own the moral burden of the actions of your country, at least not to the extent that it would cover justice being dealt out.

You certainly have a right to self defense, or a right to gtfo and run, its war, you do what you have to in order to not die. I do think self defense includes preemptive action and counter attacks after the fact. If people want to kill you, it is foolish to wait for them to come at you if they are credible threat. It's war, it does not end with one successful defense, they come back to try and kill you again, so I think counter attacks after the fact are justified as self defense.

Mostly it boils down to not going to people's homes to kill them unless you have a direct personal connection. The way in which wrongs are committed in a war make justice hard to achieve, war isn't moral, it skews moral boundaries for individuals, and justice is an arm of morality.

Justice is also only as good as your ability to enforce it. Doesn't make it right, but it is reality.
I’m slowly changing my mind (I was hoping the sanctions would work) and now thinking “fuck this”! Times up, it’s gone on far too long (one day is too long). It’s time the collective world gave them 24 hours to get the fuck out or collectively they will be wiped out if still on Ukiraine soil. Stay the fuck in your own country and that’s it, simple. If Russia decides to escalate its on them but this can not continue. White, black, fucking green, it doesn’t matter at this point, it needs to end, but it needs to be the whole world collectively (well most of it) that joins to end this. After 24 hours if one fucking Russian crosses the border then poof. This should never have gotten to this point, but now it ends. If there are breakaway regions that vote (fair vote) to join Russia then perfect….bye! It’s time to end this now!!!
Unfortunately we have to deal with the situation history bestowed upon us, just as the Ukrainians had to go to war with what they had and made the best of a bad situation. We could have reacted faster with more help for sure, but the atrocities have pretty much opened the flood gates for weapons and support. Increasingly the attitude of the Ukrainian's is that they want to do it themselves, just give them the tools to get the job done, they seem to want the Russians all to themselves more and more with each military success. I think the plan is to bleed Vlad white, once it's gone, most of it can't be replaced and every tank and truck Ukraine destroys is one less for NATO to deal with, it's more of an investment than aid. I believe the Ukrainians will win and eject the Russians from their entire country, including Crimea. This is also the fastest way to get rid of Vlad, make him lose the war and have Russia humiliated by a smaller weaker country, while also losing control of the Black sea.
I’m slowly changing my mind (I was hoping the sanctions would work) and now thinking “fuck this”! Times up, it’s gone on far too long (one day is too long). It’s time the collective world gave them 24 hours to get the fuck out or collectively they will be wiped out if still on Ukiraine soil. Stay the fuck in your own country and that’s it, simple. If Russia decides to escalate its on them but this can not continue. White, black, fucking green, it doesn’t matter at this point, it needs to end, but it needs to be the whole world collectively (well most of it) that joins to end this. After 24 hours if one fucking Russian crosses the border then poof. This should never have gotten to this point, but now it ends. If there are breakaway regions that vote (fair vote) to join Russia then perfect….bye! It’s time to end this now!!!

We are awaiting NATO's command- it must be NATO collectively, not a single one of us..ALL of us but I don't know how we get there..whatever happened to those jeeps with white UN flags to monitor shit (not that we need with technology)?

I'm just waiting for them to signal and bring down Hellfire upon Putin.

I'd prefer a surgically strategic assassination; it may not have been ruled out and takes time. We should have the daughters attention by now:wink:

Joe Rob's got legacy and everything will be remembered...what will he do? I think he needs to take Putin behind the barn.
We are awaiting NATO's command- it must be NATO collectively, not a single one of us..ALL of us but I don't know how we get there..whatever happened to those jeeps with white UN flags to monitor shit (not that we need with technology)?

I'm just waiting for them to signal and bring down Hellfire upon Putin.

I'd prefer a surgically strategic assassination; it may not have been ruled out and takes time. We should have the daughters attention by now:wink:

Joe Rob's got legacy and everything will be remembered...what will he do? I think he needs to take Putin behind the barn.
the governments of the world, for the most part, do not employ assassination as a valid means of resolving a situation. not out of any moral superiority, but out of the realization that they could be next. if we start assassinating foreign government officials, then foreign governments will start assassinating our government officials, and that leads to a much tenser situation all around, which leads to war.
that being said, if his own people were to kill putin, i wouldn't have a problem with that at all. if his successor has any sense at all, they will call an immediate cease fire and start withdrawing troops the same day. allow NATO or someone they appoint to allocate the seized funds around the world for reparations and rebuilding, turn over the worst of the war criminals for trial by the ICC, and then be very quiet for a decade or two, while constantly trying to rebuild the reputation of russia, better than it was before...but that won't happen, it will be a long bloody ass kicking for the russians, and the Ukrainians will lose a lot more people, unfortunately.
You’ve got more of a flair for comedy than most of the drunken teenagers who show up with the same shit as you, so I’ll give you that

The same shit as me? Like saying the West gave a fuck about the Iraq war? I had no idea drunken teenagers were so interested in geopolitics. Gives me hope, that.
As much as I hate to say it, I think Ukrainian families that have lost children/relatives to Putin's war, should probably get together and fund an effort to kill Putin's daughters and any other family members.

We've touched his daughters; his comments were nervous and jerky. да
the governments of the world, for the most part, do not employ assassination as a valid means of resolving a situation. not out of any moral superiority, but out of the realization that they could be next. if we start assassinating foreign government officials, then foreign governments will start assassinating our government officials, and that leads to a much tenser situation all around, which leads to war.
that being said, if his own people were to kill putin, i wouldn't have a problem with that at all. if his successor has any sense at all, they will call an immediate cease fire and start withdrawing troops the same day. allow NATO or someone they appoint to allocate the seized funds around the world for reparations and rebuilding, turn over the worst of the war criminals for trial by the ICC, and then be very quiet for a decade or two, while constantly trying to rebuild the reputation of russia, better than it was before...but that won't happen, it will be a long bloody ass kicking for the russians, and the Ukrainians will lose a lot more people, unfortunately.


Sure, if you say so..
Doubt this guy is safe, saying Putin’s seafood injection is “soft” and “warm”…must be *MANLY* hard as Soviet tank - and cold as the revenge taken 60 years later on those whole shied away from the creepy little fairy on the playground….
You gave me a chance to replay the cartoon of the year!
