fuck shrooms.

Fdd its been known to happen but really I just hate to see things like that with what I have seen I may be just an na but that's where you get the most bs and as far as an insult the guy should learn not to suggest dangerous things and knock ones profession when they know nothing of it and don't worry I'm a good na fdd I like making money not going to risk it
if i have learned anything on this forum its that no matter what you gotta keep your cool. I used to insult everyone. Just think about it, you have a carrier already who cares what some guy on the internet with no medical education thinks. Just correct him so the right information gets to the OP and move on. Not worth feeding a troll whose jealus.

just my advice tho.
Fdd its been known to happen but really I just hate to see things like that with what I have seen I may be just an na but that's where you get the most bs and as far as an insult the guy should learn not to suggest dangerous things and knock ones profession when they know nothing of it and don't worry I'm a good na fdd I like making money not going to risk it

i was just yanking your chain. ;)
Fuck shrooms? Fuck you, shrooms are sweet, how many did you have? I've never tripped over 6 hours to be honest even on a ounce or three in a brew..
Yea I suppose its not for everyone, its definitely wise to talk with a doc b4 taking any sort of medication especially if your're on other meds or have some sort of condition, anyways it was just a suggestion
Love shrooms though, I'm starting a dozen jars today. I'll make a thread when I get them going.
Happy valley huh? You live in provo?[/QUOTE]

Not quite... but I grew up really close to there... pretty wack place, everyones on meds there.
Happy valley huh? You live in provo?

Not quite... but I grew up really close to there... pretty wack place, everyones on meds there.[/QUOTE]

Oh trust me i know haha.. I grew up down in salt lake, just moved out to Colorado about a year ago.. Its funny because alot of Lds people feel like pain killers are alright because at one time in life a doctor gave them a script for it.. It really is a shame, people think utah is this hunky dory place but really the church is just good about sweeping stuff under the rug..

You by chance go to desert rocks this last year?
If you listened to the audiobook i linked you will see it can last for days if not weeks.
Oh trust me i know haha.. I grew up down in salt lake, just moved out to Colorado about a year ago.. Its funny because alot of Lds people feel like pain killers are alright because at one time in life a doctor gave them a script for it.. It really is a shame, people think utah is this hunky dory place but really the church is just good about sweeping stuff under the rug..

Ha, tell me about it... And they are so quick to give their children adderal too because they can't handle how hyper their kids are... It's pretty unreal

You by chance go to desert rocks this last year?[/QUOTE]
hell yes! I've been a d-rocker for the past 3 years!
i was just yanking your chain. ;)

Yeah I figured I lol'd when I seen that I'm sure you figured out bi was being fececious with the O2 thing as far as insults ill retract my jackass statement but that was me keeping my cool I'm just blunt with my opinions poor kid already had a bad reaction mixing pills with mushys just trying to educate some people
i ate 4 caps. total my buddy picked em up. but i dont know if it is possible to trip for 17 hours straight. an then still seeing halucinations i dont know. if the halucinations stop i will try em one more time after that if it goes bad im calling it quits. i use to eat em all the time when i was younger we are talking 8 years ago but i never tripped for 17 hours straight

ya but did you weigh them... how big were they
i have been halucinating in waves perse for 17 hours an my personality changed alot after one use. shrooms are nothing to be fucking with. i officially will never touch em again

you clearly took shrooms for the wrong reason.
but guess what?
ive done the same thing.
youve opened a door in your mind that exists.
now you have a lot of thinking to do.

maybe youll see the reason why this magic is really claimed to be magical someday?
adderall is some shit, dnt take more then ur prescribed...i used to sell my friends and one day i was jus depressed n blew rail after rail of vicodin (darvocets) and adds...was trippin my ass off i didnt think u could hallucinate off that shit , supposed to b an adhd med..im sure not sleepin for days from blowin ads and then on top of that the vics probably didnt help...4real that shit is not good for u tho, i havent touched pills since that day. If you're going to take shrooms try not to mix em w/ synthetic/ man made drugs. In the end they're all chemicals but opening your subconcious is one thing, fuckin up the chemical balance in your brain w/ some scripts is completely diff.