fuck shrooms.

yes i understand it was the adderal now. i usually take 200 mg an i thought it was straight adding 100 mg more well it wasnt so i freaked the fuck out i got that already.

If you want to enter the world of psychedelics, get off the adderal.

Psychedelics or not, id say gett off the addy. Your doctors running you on a high dose. Dont take it every day, take it for those days when you REALLY need it
to all who read this thread.SHROOMS ARE FANTASTIC. the beez kneez.maybe once a month or less is often enough.dont go pick them find a reputable grower.shroom growers arnt as secretive. Shrooms are once again being studied for there medical benefits.Mainly for "end of life" paranoia.for good reason in my opinion.its a very humbling,deep,thought filled, fuck fun of a time.only trip with people you trust the most!!!ONLY TRIP WITH PEOPLE YOU TRUST THE MOST!!!i repeat because its the most important factor in my opinion. sucks tripping while wondering if the guys your with are about to kill you.seriously. crazy shit runs through your head and it only takes one negative asshole to ruin the mood/trip for everyone.so as long as with your best pals hang out smoke some bowls,lay in the yard,watch pink floyd live in pompei,tosh.0 will have u on your ass laughing,TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONE.When your tripping,anyone who is not shall be looked at as the boogie monster.avoid anyone not tipping.you will regret what you say.
Well its good to hear you learned from your mistake and forgive my post if you found it abrasive ths just kinda who I am I don't agree with aderall I am a nursing assistant and haven't really haad any good experience with it next time man just skip the aderall if you going to trip call this a lessoned learned and as far as the stupidity comment come on who hasn't made a bad judgement call the kid didn't know (not saying your a kid potking) but don't knock people for their mistakes I'm sure you've made plenty dankiller
I admit that was a tad rude, im sorry for comming off as a dick... I was just upset by the misinformation... cant have people scared away from fungus cause they think they will loose it for 20 hours... I appoligize potking, im sure you learned a valuble lesson... Just dont ruin a beatifull thing with something gross like speed
I understand your frustration dankiller right on for admitting the irritation behind it and apologizing...a post above said only take the aderall when needed do not listen to that it is a bad idea unless you want more times like this psychosis I'd talk to doc ween off the aderall there are better less addicting rx med you can take and ones that you'll be safe to take with shrooms
And in regaurds to bad choices, im sure ive made plenty... although I live with no regrets... but as far as drug combos go I think I have made educated decisions and have never found myself in that bad of a situation... Doesnt mean im better than anyone, maybe just a tad smarter for actually researching the things i ingest:)
I admit that was a tad rude, im sorry for comming off as a dick... I was just upset by the misinformation... cant have people scared away from fungus cause they think they will loose it for 20 hours... I appoligize potking, im sure you learned a valuble lesson... Just dont ruin a beatifull thing with something gross like speed

very smooth. thank you. :cool:
And in regaurds to bad choices, im sure ive made plenty... although I live with no regrets... but as far as drug combos go I think I have made educated decisions and have never found myself in that bad of a situation... Doesnt mean im better than anyone, maybe just a tad smarter for actually researching the things i ingest:)

This needs to be done more often. RIU is not google.
This book by Terrence Mckenna cover a similar incident that happened to his brother, Dennis.
Don't suggest shit like xanax if you are prone to certain types of depression it can induce psychosis keep you med comments to yourself unless your actually in a field where you have experience to give advice not trying to be rude but I an a nursing assistant and you won't believe how manty times I see bad reactions from people saying just try this rx for whatever the case may be
Don't suggest shit like xanax if you are prone to certain types of depression it can induce psychosis keep you med comments to yourself unless your actually in a field where you have experience to give advice not trying to be rude but I an a nursing assistant and you won't believe how manty times I see bad reactions from people saying just try this rx for whatever the case may be

What are you some kind of Nursing Assistant?
i ate 4 caps. total my buddy picked em up. but i dont know if it is possible to trip for 17 hours straight. an then still seeing halucinations i dont know. if the halucinations stop i will try em one more time after that if it goes bad im calling it quits. i use to eat em all the time when i was younger we are talking 8 years ago but i never tripped for 17 hours straight

I have. It was the shit :)
I love tripping man, but shroom's never did it for me.. Always gives me a bad trip, the body high is to strong, which in turns makes me panic and i get super depressed

to thepotking... your stupidity is amazing... you blame your bad trip on shrooms??? Its called Amphetamine psychosis... you took enough adderal to induce shizophrenia! Of course your gonna stay up all night with horrible hullucinations if you take that much adderal...! Shrooms are a thing a beauty... this thread should be called fuck adderal! seriously do some research kid

Happy valley huh? You live in provo?
so nurses are doctors assistants.what are nurses assistants??????????????????????ur school ripped u off!
Here let me educate you a nursing assistant does go to school jackass we are trained in all aspects of hands on care we deal with meds evaluations we can do everything a nurse can except injections other than insulin and can't write a perscription big deal and I don't waste my time aspiring to be a nurse at all na are the backbone of health care I have more knowledge than I'm sure you can comprehend I may just be an assistant but I know meds well and have had to take care of people overdosing and mixing drugs that should not be mixed na is nothing but a title doesn't state ones knowledge and experience you want to knock me go ahead keep up that attitude and when your in need of care piss a na off and see what what happens I seen so much bs from others I can already tell your na will be pinching off the o2 tube just to do this world a service just because something works for one person doesn't mean it will benifit another and from the pm potking sent about why he's on aderall that kind of advice would fuck this kid up I don't suggest anything I have no knowledge of its ignorant plain and simple
Here let me educate you a nursing assistant does go to school jackass we are trained in all aspects of hands on care we deal with meds evaluations we can do everything a nurse can except injections other than insulin and can't write a perscription big deal and I don't waste my time aspiring to be a nurse at all na are the backbone of health care I have more knowledge than I'm sure you can comprehend I may just be an assistant but I know meds well and have had to take care of people overdosing and mixing drugs that should not be mixed na is nothing but a title doesn't state ones knowledge and experience you want to knock me go ahead keep up that attitude and when your in need of care piss a na off and see what what happens I seen so much bs from others I can already tell your na will be pinching off the o2 tube just to do this world a service just because something works for one person doesn't mean it will benifit another and from the pm potking sent about why he's on aderall that kind of advice would fuck this kid up I don't suggest anything I have no knowledge of its ignorant plain and simple

so if i piss off an NA they will kill me?

you guys are assholes. :cuss: