fuck shrooms.


Active Member
i have been halucinating in waves perse for 17 hours an my personality changed alot after one use. shrooms are nothing to be fucking with. i officially will never touch em again
The key is to start out slow as with any mind altering substance that is until you know how it will affect you and what your tolerance is this is how I started and it helped me find the happy medium shrooms aren't bad at all I'm also wondering how much you had?
i ate 4 caps. total my buddy picked em up. but i dont know if it is possible to trip for 17 hours straight. an then still seeing halucinations i dont know. if the halucinations stop i will try em one more time after that if it goes bad im calling it quits. i use to eat em all the time when i was younger we are talking 8 years ago but i never tripped for 17 hours straight
You'll pop back as soon as your MOA levels normalise.
This normaly happens when you do shrooms too often.
an yes i am on adderal. but i took way to much we are talking i took 300mg of adderal dont ask why an no it wasnt attempted suicide.
i ate 4 caps. total my buddy picked em up. but i dont know if it is possible to trip for 17 hours straight. an then still seeing halucinations i dont know. if the halucinations stop i will try em one more time after that if it goes bad im calling it quits. i use to eat em all the time when i was younger we are talking 8 years ago but i never tripped for 17 hours straight

Well there's your fucking problem aderall is methenphetamines you don't mix that with shrooms and you don't take that much! I have seen friends trip and were in bad shape all you can do is let it wear off and don't take it with shrooms!
that was my problem i knew that was it.... an to the guy on bottom of page one i am not a kid i own a house. i have a family. an a decent job. im not even going to argue the point out with you
to thepotking... your stupidity is amazing... you blame your bad trip on shrooms??? Its called Amphetamine psychosis... you took enough adderal to induce shizophrenia! Of course your gonna stay up all night with horrible hullucinations if you take that much adderal...! Shrooms are a thing a beauty... this thread should be called fuck adderal! seriously do some research kid
to thepotking... your stupidity is amazing... you blame your bad trip on shrooms??? Its called Amphetamine psychosis... you took enough adderal to induce shizophrenia! Of course your gonna stay up all night with horrible hullucinations if you take that much adderal...! Shrooms are a thing a beauty... this thread should be called fuck adderal! seriously do some research kid

why would you ridicule someone as you try to help them?

you could be much more polite, which would be much more HELPFUL.

yes i understand it was the adderal now. i usually take 200 mg an i thought it was straight adding 100 mg more well it wasnt so i freaked the fuck out i got that already.

I would detox everything for about a week, at least. Get back to feeling "normal" before messing around with anything else. Take care of your body and it will take care of you!
ya i no so many of my close friends are pissed at me cuz i basicly said fuck the world last night an got fucked up on everything i wont be doing that again...
I see it didn't go quite as planned last night, eh potking.. Sorry to hear that. Have you slept yet? That could help wonders. If your able to, that is...