fuck this site

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Active Member
Annother 12 year old puke, pissed off cause Mommy wouldn’t give him his allowance or no one was paying attention to him. Pissing and moaning over no one answering his DumbASS questions that could have been answered by doing a site search. Big Frickin Boo Hoo Pissy Boy!
This is one of the best sites I have found on the net! Nothing but helpful and knowledgable people, willing to share hard earned knowledge to those who are RESPECTFUL enough to follow common practices and methods and not ask questions that can be easily found by spending a little time searching.
Go ruin another site…please!



Well-Known Member
im not really a king at this(thought i was b4 i started)soon relized im a noob too and all the stupid ass questios i use to post andsometimes still do hardly ever get answerd but sooner or later you will find the answer if you look hard enough......maybe u can relate to this its like grade school you have bunch of scrambled blocks that your tryna fit together to build a solid wall, well in this case some dank weed


Well-Known Member
p.s. megashark i love this site best one i been to so far for learning and between this and the "bible" by jorge(check it out) i am starting to get the hang of things


Well-Known Member
you know what all of you can go fuck yourselves everytime i ask a question now one responds,and if they do its always someone who`s a smart ass or they answer my question with a fuckin question even though i was clear and detailed with my question i`ll get the answers from a fuckin book or dvd.FUCK YOU ALL AND THIS SITE YOU BUNCH OF STUCK UP SORRY ASS PEOPLE P.S. YOU ALL ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE THAT CAUSE OTHER GOOD PEOPLE TO GO ON SHOOTING SPREE GO TO HELL I HOPE YOU ALL GET BUSTED FUCKIN HATERS:evil:
You sir
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Active Member
I thought this was another "fuck CFL's" kind of post. LOL This was much more humorous.


Well-Known Member
I dont agree with the OP's method of telling people this. But he's right. Some of the people on this site are absolute douches that have gone arrogant with anonymity.


Active Member
Agreed. Maybe it's time for the mods to do some spring cleaning around here? Maybe put a policy in place that posts will be deleted after XXX days or something?

Not all of them....sticky the threads that people are actually learning something from...or delete the obviously retarded posts....especially the "how much will I yield" posts. Anyone that's ever asked that should be castrated and shot.


Well-Known Member
you know what all of you can go fuck yourselves everytime i ask a question now one responds,and if they do its always someone who`s a smart ass or they answer my question with a fuckin question even though i was clear and detailed with my question i`ll get the answers from a fuckin book or dvd.FUCK YOU ALL AND THIS SITE YOU BUNCH OF STUCK UP SORRY ASS PEOPLE P.S. YOU ALL ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE THAT CAUSE OTHER GOOD PEOPLE TO GO ON SHOOTING SPREE GO TO HELL I HOPE YOU ALL GET BUSTED FUCKIN HATERS:evil:
you have 14 posts, and they all have probably been questions that could've be answered if you had read a fucking gardening faq (not on this cannabis specific forum). If people dont answer your question, GO FIND IT YOURSELF. There are over 6 billion people on this planet...and you think YOU are the special one. Dont let the door hit ya...


Well-Known Member
Not all of them....sticky the threads that people are actually learning something from...or delete the obviously retarded posts....especially the "how much will I yield" posts. Anyone that's ever asked that should be castrated and shot.
I love those yield posts :roll:

A person I know asked me that question. Well I'm gonna grow 40 plant under 4 T5's , do you think I will get 2 oz a plant?

hahahaha aha :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
most questions asked on here have already been asked and answered a bunch of times. Try using search, then if you cannot find what you are looking for ask a question. It gets old seeing the same questions 50 times a week.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
most questions asked on here have already been asked and answered a bunch of times. Try using search, then if you cannot find what you are looking for ask a question. It gets old seeing the same questions 50 times a week.
Yeah man i totaly agree. Back in the begining of april there were 25 threads started every day about HOW DO I GERMINATE. LOL its all good tho i just copied and pasted my answer to a word pad so i could help the noobs out but still it gets a little crazy sometimes.


New Member
most questions asked on here have already been asked and answered a bunch of times. Try using search, then if you cannot find what you are looking for ask a question. It gets old seeing the same questions 50 times a week.

you can contribute that to the poor organization around here and lack of "stickies" base to cover redundant topics. Using the search? you are NOT serious my friend, its like finding the proper smith in the phone book.


Well-Known Member
you can contribute that to the poor organization around here and lack of "stickies" base to cover redundant topics. Using the search? you are NOT serious my friend, its like finding the proper smith in the phone book.
sounds like you need help using a phone book too huh?;-)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
you can contribute that to the poor organization around here and lack of "stickies" base to cover redundant topics. Using the search? you are NOT serious my friend, its like finding the proper smith in the phone book.

I search all the time and find what I'm looking for

Go to Google

type in rollitup.org and your question


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't be the internet without people being ignored and others being a little rude then someone going postal. And to the author of this thread, may I suggest some counselling or therapy of some description if you intend on continuing smoking cannabis into adulthood - could save you some damaging behavioural/mood issues. :peace:


Well-Known Member
This is Lame... and Remedial, might I add.

Most of you summed it up pretty well.... Unless you are a retard or are doing some sort of experimental grow, your question has already been answered some where.

When I first joined RIU, I read for a month straight before I even made a post, or thought about trying my first indoor grow.... If you had done that Shark, you wouldn't need to buy a book.... throughout RIU's threads there is more information than any one, two, or three books will give you. Good Luck.
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