fuck this site

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go to a councilling chat site you depressed fkn loser!!!nobody will talk to you and you want to go on a shooting spree??
get fucked idiot,and dont smoke so much hydro!!it can cause psychosis in weak little bitches like yourself.
whaa whaa whaa.

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
I think its probably a lack of bud. I kinda feel bad for the fuker. Lack of quality chronic can really stress u out.

Stayin fresh and stress-free with best weed,


yeah,but we are not a depressed weak bitch like himself.i know what you mean though,a lack of bud can also send you over the top.but seriously,are we really gonna miss him??


Active Member
holy jebus this guy needs a chill pill. Honestly is it really that sad know one replys? i really hope you have no access to any guns, but i do hope you have access a tough rope and a chair with strong ceiling beams you silly cock nose


Well-Known Member
This threads gonna give him a stiffy lol. He hasnt posted since page one and now its seven pages long, all the attention's gonna excite him I reckon :P


Well-Known Member
holy jebus this guy needs a chill pill. Honestly is it really that sad know one replys? i really hope you have no access to any guns, but i do hope you have access a tough rope and a chair with strong ceiling beams you silly cock nose
dam, no need.....


Well-Known Member
your missing the entire point, DFT pulled up nothing, nothing, how the fuck is that even possible??

LST how to, pulled up everything but that "how to" part when I searched, just like you said a bunch of threads on LST, not one "HOW TO" in the first ten pages of shit it found.

the search feature is useless NOT this site, pay attention!!

this site sucks because its poorly organized, NOT because of shitty members. Telling people to use the search key would be a great response, on any other forum cause the fucking search feature is worth a shit.
Nobody is making you stay here...


Well-Known Member
well im sure the forum is happy now to get rid of someone like you. hey rookie i bet u asked a question that a million ppl have asked already but are too lazy to do some research on your own when no one responded...let me guess you asked something like y are my leaves yellow, how much light do i need to flower, whats an optimal ph, how big is this dick up my ass bc i feel like i could take more. Hahaha im glad the most posts u got a on thread was bc ur a sissy little pansy


Active Member
just use google to search this site works great just add rollitup to w/e your looking for


Active Member
i understand him fully because like he said some of you out there think your too good to respond actin like a bitch thats on her period for 2 months u mutha fuckers need to realize you hadf to ask someone for something before2 so spidy mites to all you fucks out there !yes you! if you got some fuck shit to say!


Well-Known Member
your missing the entire point, DFT pulled up nothing, nothing, how the fuck is that even possible??

LST how to, pulled up everything but that "how to" part when I searched, just like you said a bunch of threads on LST, not one "HOW TO" in the first ten pages of shit it found.

the search feature is useless NOT this site, pay attention!!

this site sucks because its poorly organized, NOT because of shitty members. Telling people to use the search key would be a great response, on any other forum cause the fucking search feature is worth a shit.

you have done nothing but bash the site and me since you walked in the door. get over it or just leave. :sleep:

might try searching using the proper terminology. you wouldn't look in the phone book under JJS if you were trying to find john joe smith, would you? :dunce:


Well-Known Member
it seems you lack the knack for extrapolation.
given this fact i have some sad news for you:
you are going to have to engage in a heap of trial and error
in order to find the answers to the questions you seem to have.
i read all your posts, and the answer to every one of your questions
haas been answered dozens of times. like someone already suggested:
use google to help you search the site. read and research. learn.
if you are having problems as basic as figuring out what dirt to use, you have a LOT to learn.


Well-Known Member
Nobody is making you stay here...
Booyah! That goes for all the little "kiddies" that are still living with momma and daddy... and trying to grow cannabis in the house.

If you wanna start shit with people on here... you can leave.. theres the door. We don't want people around here, that are going to come on here.. just to talk crap to other people.. or talk bad about their "current grows" (won't say any names..).

This is a Cannabis forums.. most potheads.. like myself don't look for trouble nor do we want any. We want peace!!!! Peace in the world.. and peace in the forums!! But until we get rid of the little smart ass kids that come on here thinking that they know it all.. and start crap with people for now reason... the people (including myself) that look for and pray for peace.. and like to just chill.... we won't get the peace that we're looking for.

anyhow, I'm done here. Thanks for listening!

peace everyone..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you know what all of you can go fuck yourselves everytime i ask a question now one responds,and if they do its always someone who`s a smart ass or they answer my question with a fuckin question even though i was clear and detailed with my question i`ll get the answers from a fuckin book or dvd.FUCK YOU ALL AND THIS SITE YOU BUNCH OF STUCK UP SORRY ASS PEOPLE P.S. YOU ALL ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE THAT CAUSE OTHER GOOD PEOPLE TO GO ON SHOOTING SPREE GO TO HELL I HOPE YOU ALL GET BUSTED FUCKIN HATERS:evil:
to bad you feel this way we have a lot of info and experence to share.. must not have seen your thread.
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