"Fuck You USA!

okay, but even if MindMelted's massive ego was filled with jetfuel when the impact happened, even if the jet fuel lighted and burned for a few hours, it would not cause the base of the tower that is rooted many stories down into a cement underground structure to let the whole building collapse...that is just pure B.S. and science fiction.
Thermite was found at the base of the tower still molten, weeks after the carnage. Please see Thermite on youtube. Thermite is for DEMOLITIONS, NOT PASSENGER PLANES

I want to say that I am not condoning the OP's usage of the words "fuck you, USA". That is the most childish of all of the posts here, however, bashing him and calling him a douchebag is not a humane way to soothe his subjective point of view about how the United States World Police Position makes him feel angsty
lol! Did you take physics in high school or college? Buildings won't just fall over like a stack of blocks if something like, say a plane, slams into it. Even IF the force was great enough skyscrapers don't just sit on top of the ground. They are anchored, sometimes hundreds of feet into the bedrock. Not a snowball's chance they would EVER just fall over. Now, progressive pancake collapses happen quite frequently. One just needs to understand how buildings are constructed to understand this. I was at the site of the WTC for about a month after the attacks doing search and rescue. There was no thermite or any evidence of explosives that I ever saw. Critical thinking must be in short supply these days.:roll:
I didnt say anything about stomping a mud hole in anyones ass to start off i was just pissed at the fuck the usa comment during times like these and its not that i really care that much about someones simple comment but its time to realize that the USA is being used by everyone including the US gov't. And as far as Libya goes we were trying to stay out of it until they cryed we werent getting involved. Trust me i dont support my govt other then paying taxes and obeying their laws so i dont go to jail. How is it fuck the USA anyways when do we ever ask for help or just get it for the hell of it why the fuck cant someof these rich countries step the fuk up and help the whole world get stronger or help out so its more cost effecient or something. Why do we g2 think for everyone. Also i dont think we should be up in your country pushing you around you are right thats bs, but if you ask for help you get it and guess who pays the price.
lol! I noticed somebody left me a nice rep message (calling me a tool) for my previous post in this thread. It seems they don't want to, or can't debate me on the issues so they will just anonymously throw insults. That seems like a capitulation to me.:roll:
Who cares. You can stereotype anything and anybody. I am a redneck trailer trash right wing reagan lover who eats nothing but apple pies and mcdonalds and double scans dark people at every airport while cheesily rapping vanilla Ice while I drive my truck and impregnate my wife. Because Im white of course. and I cant dance or jump
lol! I noticed somebody left me a nice rep message (calling me a tool) for my previous post in this thread. It seems they don't want to, or can't debate me on the issues so they will just anonymously throw insults. That seems like a capitulation to me.:roll:

That's what people who can't argue do doc!!!!!
Shut up, yapping world police dog

Praise America's use of *Modern World Technology*

OH this one really makes me feel warm

And Finally, the general american attitude to Mexicans, or anybody else that isn't white bread.

So In summation, the world unanimously praises
I am an American but I hate all Countries equally.Same shit different Realtors.
Lifes a bitch the Earth is a whore and Mickey Mouse is just another fuckin Rat!

Good Job to the little troll that gives +REPS and leaves comments like *I would beat your pussy ass down*... Haha, I suppose I better not point out that this sounds like a Black American sentiment. Look fool, i'm not racist. Just because one *african american* queen that is so beautiful and sexy shows up on a picture in front of some mcdonalds mcnuggets does not fucking mean I am making a stereotype. Obama President has tobacco in all of his facial orifices, does that make you think back about tobacco plantation days? Leave the ghetto at home hateful boy, this is the internet, and you can't bust a cap in me or bitch slap me if you even wanted too...motherfucker
You have been making some really good posts, this one included.

It is not the countries or the people.

Boundries and descriptions are set for one reason and one reason only, to divide people.

And how do you conquer people, by dividing them.

As do religions and politics. We find ourselves in a duality paradigm. I hope 2012 brings duality to a close
been somewhat around the world and though every place had some freaky new people, they all had some people that reminded me of someone back home or some other place.

even in the orient.

its a small world after all.