"Fuck You USA!

Im setting you back ha ha ha rythem rap
fundementally flap beginning and ending
said gimme I said Dead femie fat

guie mane chooped scwewed platude
god damn i'm rude
said rude sad nude dude platoodin
ru rootin for the millitary oppositions. Day of Days the way he prays.
God knows how much he weighs lord
be good i'm inthere deep baby.

lil wayne mana drains your brain except for
me I emplore Jesus your scare!

keeps you alive RICK JAMES
strange. strange...
unicorne corn juci jews toste most rost ed host.

your impendis tanking wizard gimmiks


Well-Known Member
I just saw this. Thanks for the kind word.
You have been making some really good posts, this one included.

It is not the countries or the people.

Boundries and descriptions are set for one reason and one reason only, to divide people.

And how do you conquer people, by dividing them.


Active Member



Well-Known Member
Laugh my fucking ass off........................Thanks to the OP we have seen some real stupid views in this thread. And we wonder why things are the way they are....


Active Member
I'm not afraid of you jewish infadells what so ever. I'm #1 muslum and wouldn't be without a strong bond to Ala, the mighty one. Go ahead and enjoy your free niggers like Obama. I probably should get an IP ban, I will respect your decision to do so.
This is what happens to a person's mind when they don't use toilet paper.
you cant just blame a whole country or continent of people. its not the way the world should be at all really. you hate. this country county state continent district but why do you? because of stuff you assume about them all. heard about them all. think about them all. so you must have cameras on everyone in this place you dont like. we're all human. where we are from. our personal beliefs religion. even our morals dont really matter when it comes down to it, we all want to live here on earth survive and hope to grow old.

ragging on a place because of no real basis on the people themselves is something i dont agree with i've heard many bad things about the french peoples in general from people i trust very well. do i hate them? no. do i want to go out of my way to demean make fun of or slander them. no. Do i believe that what i've heard even if i feel it may be true about some, is true for all people from or with france as their origin. No.. then why do other people.

to note before this may cause a flamewar of some sort i'm using the french as an example and mean them no disrespect. i could have easily said any other place. canada iraq panama germany europe theres so many its not funny because there are so many places.. as said it was an example.

and my use of talking as though refering to someone is just for understandings sake so as to not single out one person. i'm using the word "you" and others in a general sense not specific.
As do religions and politics. We find ourselves in a duality paradigm. I hope 2012 brings duality to a close
i agree with this and the related posts more than others. i think if everyone in the world were atleast equal in more than just we all die or pay taxes, then there can be some serious much needed changes for the better of society or even the world(earth) as a whole..

i can say more about different aspects but its late so i'll keep it short and end with a classic "lol" "hmm" and "derp" comment heard through out the ages. the few of you who may agree with it are some of the smarter ones i feel atleast more optimistic and rational atleast in some ways. though its basically imposssible i will say this to everyone in the world --("Can't We All Just Get Along??")--


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;xMOcyCLZHBQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMOcyCLZHBQ[/video]check out my the last sentence in my sig!!!!!


Active Member
RIU should ake up a collection and send him some deoderant and maybe he will chill out a little.


Well-Known Member
someone from another country who hates America and Americans, is no different then a stupid American saying "they should just nuke Iraq". We have just as many idiots as other countries do.

I read recently that more and more Americans who go over seas say they are Canadian. LOL.